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Virgo New Moon: 2024 - Control Your Future By Your Schedule

Virgo New Moon– 2024

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   Our daily schedule predicts our future.  What is your calendar saying about your future?   


Virgo New Moon


September 2, 2024

11 Virgo 04 

6:55pm PDT 



Welcome to Virgo New Moon.  


As the season starts to bend and we begin our exit from summer and head for fall (Northern Hemisphere), we take the warmth we gathered in our heart during Leo and now put it to work in practical Virgo.   


Virgo, the Maiden, is one of the largest constellations in the sky.   She is associated with the Roman goddess Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, goddess of grain.   Virgo has in her left hand, a bundle of wheat (highlighted by the bright star Spica) representing Virgo’s skill of separating the wheat from the chaff.  A perfect talent for the daughter of the grain goddess since the world can’t eat chaff.     


Virgo’s ability to dig into facts; add and subtract numbers, edit out nonsense, demand that every ‘i’ have the proper dot and every t a perfect cross is legendary.   Like the dutiful daughter she represents, Virgo understands the power of clear facts and service.   For all the theatrics of Leo, which we should have appreciated last month, what we do love is when trains are on schedule, appointments are on time, salaries are paid, bills are taken care of, and plans are executed to the last detail and to that we must thank Virgo.    


Our daily schedule is treated like gold in Virgo.  We understand that there are only a finite number of hours any of us have on the planet.  Who and what we schedule in our calendars is assessed during Virgo.  


Also, Virgo is our pets and domesticated animals.   We care for them, we nurture them, we make sure they are healthy—all of that is the skills of Virgo.   Purr.  


Tapping the Virgo Power 


Virgo is a glorious worker; good with detail and research and can handle a lot of tasks.  When you have a Virgo in your life, they will do much to help you.   They will search, they will find the answer, they will pull out something from their kit that is just perfect.   They have an innate ability to be of service.  Their ruling planet is Mercury, so their brain is always on, and they are looking every day for the smartest solution.  Their thinking is sharp.  


This can be a very productive 29-day lunar month.   By tapping into the Virgo energy, we can change our routines so that they build more productive results.  Diet, hygiene, daily exercises, and good health routines are secret powers of Virgo.   We can improve our diets and focus on better health practices during this cycle.  We also can take care of a behemoth to-do list.  And most significantly we sort out the important from the meaningless.   This can be ditching a habit that is not productive, to getting rid of a sweater that is outdated, our eyes are focused on editing out that which no longer serves us.   We categorize it all –into Wheat YES.  Chaff NO.


The Virgo Watch Out Area 


We should take care during this 29-day cycle that we don’t get caught up in Virgo’s undesirable behaviors.   If insecurity goes to the red zone, we are likely getting too caught up in our head.   If our anxiety is brimming over, then we are probably going way too far in the future.    Both anxiety and insecurity play into Virgo’s blind side which is not being able to see the forest for the trees.  If any of this comes up during the Virgo 29-day cycle, take a pause, go for a walk, or give yourself a big stretch and calm the brain down.  For as much as one may be convinced that the end is nigh, let’s face it, it probably is not.   Breathe. 



The Chart Landscape 


As always, we look to the chart of the new moon and planetary aspects to get a landscape for the 29-day cycle.   In the chart, the Sun and Moon oppose Saturn in Pisces.   Saturn loves hard tasks and Virgo loves working.   So, what’s the problem?   For sure, Saturn in Pisces appreciates the Sun and Moon in Virgo, but it can bring to the landscape a pallor of ‘What’s all of this about?’   “Is this all there is?”  

Saturn pokes at us to raise our head and look up from our work and wonder if this is the most we want out of life?   


On this new moon we may have a bit of depression, sadness, ennui or feel adrift on some level.   Of course, the gift of Virgo is we can consider what is bumming us out and start to look for new solutions.  We consider  daily changes to build the life we want.   Virgo is by all measures the best scout in the pack, ‘always prepared’.   Watch what comes up in the next 29 days that makes you think, “hmmm if X happens my Y is weak.  How can I strengthen Y?  


Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo is square Uranus and trines Chiron in Aries.   Mercury squaring Uranus suggests that a hurdle may get our attention.   Perhaps someone is mouthy at us, and we feel our values are under attack.  Or maybe something we have honored or cherished now feels obsolete.   Whatever the hurdle or big reaction that we experience, we will benefit no doubt by some revolution in either our thinking or the way we communicate.   The Mercury trine Chiron gives us the intellectual capacity to go it alone in some manner or to be more authentic and to lean into independence.  There is a shaking off anything that bugs.  We consider better self-agency tasks during these 29 days and putting them in the calendar. 


Venus Oppose North Node 


For most of the month Venus will be in its home sign of Libra.  Halleluiah.   Venus is about love and Libra is about balance.   Venus will be offering up various gifts through aspects as it travels through Libra all month. Great.   What is interesting is that the day after the new moon Venus opposes North Node- (Conjuncts South Node).   This aspect happens every year and is an influence for about a week but in the case of this opposition it is happening on the new moon so it will be a longer linger.   It may color the whole cycle.     


The South Node in Libra reminds us that there is a price to be paid for peace at any cost.  North Node in Aries shows us that there is power in self-agency.  Getting out front on something, taking leadership, finding our own independence WITHIN relationships is a theme that could pop up.  Venus opposing North Node in Aries and conjunction south node may present in full color the pitfalls of ‘getting along by just going along.   It could be an event we see in the news, or we see in our personal life.  For those people with planets around 6 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you may feel it in real time.   How would you benefit by being more honest?  Or more straightforward?   How will that kind of honesty bring more rewarding authenticity to relationships?    In about six months the nodes will move from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo, so we benefit by any input we can get now from north node aspects since it will be 20+ years before we get it again.   




Additional Landscape 


A couple hours after the new moon, Mars forms a square with Neptune.   The emphasis between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces suggests communication and facts that are fuzzy.  If we sense something does not quite seem correct, we may be called to keep our mouths shut and use our intuition.  Or we may feel the impulse to speak up and ask questions.   We should tread carefully because the questions could bring out a fight that is or is not necessary.  Actions that are fast and sharp could be misinterpreted.    Take a beat before bringing out the sharp tongue.   Actions based on real facts on the ground level can make sense but how do you know the facts are the facts?    This aspect so close to new moon will color the 29-day cycle on some level. 


Going back to Mercury square Uranus (Sept 6), this aspect happens a couple times every year however, this summer’s Mercury retrograde means we have a bonus conjunction.   Through the mundane astrology (world view) there were events around the first two dates that were big.  We will probably see the theme continue at the third hit.  

July 21, 2024 – first square – Joe Biden steps down from the presidential ticket.  
August 19, 2024 – second square – Harris & Walz now on the ticket hit battleground states.  
September 7, 2024 – third square – precipitating the scheduled first presidential debate.   


On September 14, Venus trine Jupiter, love and money feel in sync.  This aspect happens twice a year but this is the first one since Jupiter moved into Gemini.   Venus in Libra loves to be light; Jupiter loves to be big.   Both are in air signs so being lighter than air has big appeal.   Great day for a party and socializing.   Beautiful time to be creative.  Artistry goes far for the psyche.   Stimulating conversation or a quick trip out of town provide memories that will last a long time.  


Eclipse Season 


On September 17 the Pisces Lunar Eclipse (25 degrees 40) launches us into eclipse season.   The lunar eclipse is potent with the Moon conjunct Neptune (Oppose Sun) and wide square with Jupiter in Gemini.  There is a double downing yet again on confusion and trying to figure out facts from fiction.  Like the old nursery tale of the princess and the pea, something may feel ‘off’’ but we cannot exactly figure out the source.   It could be a small thing with big repercussions.    Watch the rhetoric in the world and what comes out of our own mouths.   In the meantime, the Sun is in trine to Pluto which continues the theme of cutting through nonsense and double downing in research.    That’s the savior.   


The companion annular solar eclipse is two weeks later October 2 at the Libra New Moon (10 Libra 04).   That eclipse has squares with Mars that could be long on sparks and angst.   We will discuss next month. 



More On Mars 


Every couple of years Mars retrogrades.   When this occurs Mars who is typically in a sign for five weeks will be in a sign for seven months.   This year Mars will station retrograde at the end of 2024 in the sign Leo and then go all the way back to mid Cancer.   Even though, the retrograde is not until December, the journey of Mars begins the first week of September when Mars rolls into Cancer telling everyone, “You better get used to me, I’ll be here for a while”.      


In simple terms, Mars in Cancer leans into actions based around home, family and childhood.  Memories are pronounced, emotions are peak, and sensitivity is great.   Our actions feel like the giant crab, our pinchers are out, and we protect our soft belly sometimes double downing in a hard shell.   While we can desire to be reclusive, we can also crack our shell knowing it is time to change.  This can be an emotional period since the warrior planet Mars in Cancer is ready to duke it out at the slightest notion and can see threats in even the most innocent actions.  Especially anything around family or home.


In truth, Mars in Cancer is not an ideal placement and is in its fall.  Mars is a great warrior, but soldiers need generals.   In the sign Cancer, the moon is the ‘general’ but the moon changes sign every couple days and is very moody.  Not a great general considering they need to have a cool head as they plan battles.   Even though Mars in Cancer is not ideal, we usually ride through, picking our fights around family and home (most likely)but then it is over in five weeks and we don’t experience it again for about 22 months.   That’s the normal scenario.   However, with the retrograde Mars it will be back and forth between Leo and Cancer until it finally clears Cancer in April then clears Leo next June (see dates below).    


Mars is a odd planet in terms of retrogrades.   There are three signs that it regularly retrogrades in about every 15 years (or so).   These are Cancer, Leo and Virgo.     However, Mars retrogrades in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces between 30- and 50-year intervals.    The other signs are in between 15 – 30-year cycles. 


The last time Mars retrograde in Leo was Dec 2009 (19 to 0 Leo) for two months.  And the last time it retrograded in Cancer was Nov 2007 (12 Cancer -24 Gemini) for two months.   


This Mars retrograde launches in December (6 Leo -17 Cancer) for two months.    But of course, Mars will start informing us when he enters Cancer.   There may be some stuff that comes up after September 4 that feels like a skirmish but is possibly averted.  Great.   But we should note any themes with any friction as they could be revisited during the retrograde.   During the Mars retrograde there will be aspects with inner planets including the moon.   We’ll talk more about those aspects next month.     


For more information, Chris Brennan at The Astrology Podcast did a deep dive on Mars retrogrades with Nick Dagen Best and Austin Coppock.  Well worth reading.  


Sept 4:       Mars enter Cancer 

Oct 4:         Mars enters shadow (17 Cancer 01)

Nov 3:        Mars enters Leo  

Dec 6:        Mars station retrograde (6 Leo 10)

Jan 6 :       Mars re-enters Cancer  

Feb 23 :     Mars station direct (17 Cancer 01) 

April 18 : Mars re-enters Leo

May 2:       Mars exits shadow (6 Leo 10) 

June 7:      Mars enters Virgo 


Hanging Out There 


Jupiter Square Saturn 


Last month, on August 19th Jupiter at 17 Gemini formed a square with Saturn at 17 Pisces.  This was an echo off their conjunction on December 21, 2020.   That conjunction took place between the ballots from the USA general election being finalized and then being accepted at the capitol on January 6.  We know how that all that transpired.  Sigh.   This year, the first round of squares was on August 19th which was the Democratic convention.  There are two more hits of Jupiter square Saturn.  One on December 24 at 14 Gemini and then a final round on June 15 at 1 degree Cancer and Aries.   This fall Jupiter and Saturn will get between 6 and 8 degrees apart from one another.  Not exact but for mundane astrology they are still close.  Of course this all during  the time that Democracy is on the ballot in the most important election in the USA since 1860.   I have discussed this many times over the last few years but my goodness living through a country’s Pluto return is not for the meek.   Just sayin’ 


A Nod to Uranus & Pluto 


The day before the new moon, during the Leo Balsamic lunar month, Uranus station retrograde, and Pluto returned to Capricorn.   Both were covered in the Leo New Moon last month. As we launch this Virgo new moon it is important to note, that they are both big planetary influences so close to a New Moon.    How will Virgo’s passion for details process Uranus retrograde?  Uranus still has work to do in terms of new technology.  Taurus is agriculture.  Food.   Construction.   Buildings.   Uranus wants to make it all ‘new’.    Taurus is also banking, money and investment.  There could be disruption on those issues.   During this cycle we should ask, what kind of exactitude can Virgo bring to our finances?   How will Virgo attention to details be impacted by Pluto?  Pluto is our government, it is our big business, it is our big banks, our big Wall Street and our big infrastructure.   Pluto continues to point out the weaknesses and flaws in these matters.   What exactitude should we bring to late Capricorn Pluto?   Are we supporting the system or tearing it down?   Are there things that are working but need improvement?   How are our elected assessing the problems?   What does our exacting eye know is possible, what is impossible and how do we  find the place in between?   




In addition to the above, we watch what comes up around any aspects with Pluto the final six weeks of Pluto in Capricorn.   It can be stressful, but it also can be transformative.  




Pluto Hot Zone 


9/6: Moon in Libra square Pluto

9/14: Moon in Capricorn conjunction Pluto 

9/20: Moon in Aries  square Pluto 

9/26: Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto 




In Conclusion


There are opportunities this 29-day cycle to clear out debris, get focused and build better routines that will improve our personal lives.  We may get confused along the way (thanks Neptune and Pisces) but if we wake up every day and recognize that each day is a new possibility to get something right even if it is one small thing, let’s consider it a win.  That’s the forest and the trees.  


Try to make the most of your schedule and I’ll see you in October when we are halfway through the zodiacal year at Libra Solar Eclipse! 




The 8 phases


Sept 2, 2024, 6:55pm PDT 

Virgo New Moon

11 Virgo 04 





New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more results.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:    What do our calendars and schedules tell us about our future.   What we do now and do every day shapes our future.   Are we ready to tackle the dailyness of our life with a sharp eye?  



Special note:

9/2: Mars square Neptune (see above) 

9/3: Venus oppose North Node (see above) 

9/4: Mars enters Cancer  (see above) 

9/6: Mercury square Uranus ---third round (see above) 


Crescent Moon Phase

September 6, 2024

10:29pm PDT



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  No matter how mundane it arrives, consider it as message.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your shared resources?  What are you learning about the debris that is backing you up?   What are you learning about depth?   What are you learning about strength through will power?   What are you learning about sex, taxes and death?  


Special Focus

9/7: Sun oppose Saturn:  Details versus fuzzy.  Is there a lie swimming around you?  How do you get quiet and find an answer?   

9/8: Mercury re-enters Virgo.  Now that the retrograde is over Mercury returns to Virgo and we double down in cutting out the debris including our misguided thoughts.  


First Quarter Moon 

September 10,  2024 

11:05pm PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received.  Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again. What hurdles have popped up involving the seeds you planted on new moon?    We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted.   



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that broaden your perspective?   What actions are you taking that match your philosophies?   What actions are you taking that are born out of education or getting educated?    What actions are  you taking that lean into thoughtful judgements?  




Special Note


9/11:  Mercury exits shadow (4 Virgo 06) We have cleared the retrograde that started July 16.   New opportunities and new themes are ready to emerge. 

9/11 : Mercury sextile Mars.  Thoughts and actions are in sync.  Walking our talk is a priority.   



Gibbous Moon

September 14, 2024  

1:38pm PDT    




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Focus on:  


9/14: Venus trine Jupiter  (see above) 

9/15: Mars square North Node.  Actions around family challenge the ability to be independent.   Where is the middle ground? 

9/16: Venus oppose Chiron.  Striving for independence within relationships helps for better authenticity. 


Special focus How are you refining your friendships?  How are you refining your groups?  What refinement are you bringing to community?   How do the facts match up with your group inititatives?  




September 17, 2024

Full Moon – Pisces Lunar Eclipse 


7:34pm PDT

25 Pisces 41 



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on  How do we find faith in the middle of reality?  How is our reality and our facts not lining up with our faithful practices?  Has one been forsaken for the other?




Special focus 

9/18: Mercury oppose Saturn.  Thinking feels stressed and limited.  Options feel unworldly but are practical in a strange manner.  

9/19: Sun trine Uranus.  Details around our schedules gets an injunction of novelty and freshness.   

9/20: Sun oppose Neptune.   Vague feelings.  Not sure the real facts are being delivered.   At the same time if caught up too much in the weeds a break from reality may be needed. 




September 21, 2024 

12:26 am PDT        



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your knowledge on money?  How are you sharing wealth?   How are you sharing the ability to build something from the ground up?   How are you sharing values? 


Special focus:

9/21: Mercury square Jupiter.   Finding the truth in the middle of big rhetoric.   Do big opinions match the truth of the situation?   Are the trees so vast you can’t see the forest?  What is the communication, and does it feel ‘off’? 

9/21:  Sun trine Pluto.  It is time for the schedule to be transformative.  Every choice we make determines our future down the road 

9/22: Sun enters Libra.   

9/22:  Venus square Pluto (29 Cap 44) the first bump with Pluto now that it has re-entered Capricorn.   Is our inner landscape in sync with our outer?   How is our love transforming our life?

9/22:  Venus enters Scorpio. 

9/24: Mercury trine Uranus.  Our thoughts and communication are spirited and fresh.  Novelty thoughts go far.  



Last Quarter Moon Phase

September 24, 2024 

11:49am PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that lean into family?   How seeds did you plant on new moon (9/2) that benefit by actions that remind you of childhood?   What actions are you impelled to do because of big emotions?  


Special focus 

9/25: Mercury oppose Neptune.  Thoughts and communication feel vague or hard to follow.  Intuition may be high while facts may be fuzzy.  

9/25: Mercury trine Pluto.   Transformative thoughts benefit our daily schedule.   Communication that is deep and profound.  

9/26:  Mercury enters Libra 





Balsamic Moon Phase


September 28, 2024 

8:47am PDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing ego?  How are you releasing arrogance?   How are you releasing stubbornness?   How are you releasing controlling tendency?  How are you releasing exaggeration?   



Special focus:


9/29: Sun oppose North Node.    Where do we need to present independence?  How will it make our relationships more authentic? 

9/29: Mercury oppose North Node.   What communication demands more independent thinking?  

9/29:  Mars trine Saturn.  Structures in faith support actions at home.   Any No’s that come up are helpful in the long run. 

9/30: Mercury conjunct Sun.   Love and values seek balance and sharing.  Equity feels in sync with thoughts and communication.  



Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse Oct 2, 11:49am (10 Libra 04)  

Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW