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Taurus New Moon 2020: The rest of the year and being practical

Taurus NEW MOON 2020 

By Tracy Cook


Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?    Are you ready to get practical as we head into this period of transformations?   It’s time.  



Sabian symbol from Straight Woo website 


KEYNOTE: Riches that come from linking the celestial and the earthly nature.

In Genesis, the rainbow is the symbol of the Covenant of God with Noah. In all mythologies it expresses, in one way or another, a linking process — or the bridge used by divine beings to communicate with mortals. What the linking process brings to the individual consciousness is elusive, as the rainbow never ends where you are, yet it is the source of symbolic, universally valid wealth. All wealth, in a very real sense, comes from “commerce”; i.e. from the commingling of minds and from contracts, and thus is based on faith in the validity of a promise.

At this fourth stage of the five-fold process we are given a mode of operation, which reminds us of the symbol for the second stage, “an electrical storm.” Man need not be overawed by the celestial display of power, for it leads to a fruitful contact with beings of light. This is a natural kind of COMMUNION, involving a transubstantiation of matter.




Please note all times in Pacific.   


Taurus New Moon 

3 Taurus 24 

April 22, 2020 

7:25pm PDT 



Welcome to Taurus lunar month.   Since Taurus is practical, let’s get super practical about this report and in order to get practical about this lunar month we need to get sober about the astrology for the rest of 2020.   It is tumultuous, at best.  I have been writing about it in various lunar reports but it is clear to me that I need to lay out a big picture.  

Do I think the astrology will knock us down such that we can’t get up?  No.  Of course not.  

Do I think there is a lot of stuff going on that is huge?  Yes.  

Do I think it is going to get scary at times?  Yes.    

Do I think we can use this 29 day Taurus cycle to our advantage as we find our practicality?---‘Heck, Yes.’    

So, in that spirit let’s talk about the astrology in front of us for the rest of the year.   


I am not going to mince words.   I’m laying it out in detail because it is time. 



There will of course be two more Mercury retrogrades which are annoying and force us to slow down, research and consider our thinking and communication but we are so used to them that they now qualify as not a huge deal.  Pain in the ass but we know how they work.   We have our next one starting June 18 and the one after that will be October 14.   Mercury will get into it with other planets during both retrogrades which will bring tensions and can feel overwhelming but again, we know how they work.   Color Mercury: Fine.   



Venus normally retrogrades every 18 months.  The last time Venus retrograded was 2018.   It will retrograde in May until the end of June.    This too, is a retrograde that we sort of get used to but a lot of it depends on any planetary aspects it makes to determine the bumps and hurdles or benefits.  In this case Venus is in a challenging aspect with Neptune.  We’ll talk about it later.  Color Venus: wonky



Mars retrogrades every twenty-five months.   The last time it was retrograde was the summer of 2018.   Because it is infrequent, when Mars retrogrades it can be a bumpy experience. It speaks to actions and power feeling thwarted which incites anger and conflicts.    Mars will be retrograde between September 9 until November 13.   It is taking place in its home sign of Aries which it has not experienced since 1988.   Once Mars goes into Aries on June 27 it will stay there until January 6.  As the summer rolls out, we will feel the heat of Mars in his home sign.  The desire to go go go will no doubt be impacted by the status of any sheltering at home that may still be in effect.  Even if everyone is out Mars will be challenged and thwarted as it heads towards squares with Saturn Aug 5, Oct 16 and Dec 12.   Mars will also challenge Pluto on Aug 12, Oct 7 and Dec 20.   Mars will also square Jupiter on Aug 4.   Normally Mars tangles up with these planets a couple times a year but not always from his home sign and not during and around a retrograde.   Color Mars:   Intense.   



Jupiter spends about four months out of every year retrograde, this year he turns retrograde on May 14 at 27 Cap until September 12 at 17 Capricorn.     On April 4 Jupiter got on top of Pluto forming a conjunction.   This aspect will repeat two more times on June 30 and November 12.   Let’s stop down to make two points.   The last time Jupiter was in Capricorn was 2008 at that same time Pluto had just moved into Capricorn.   They did not form a conjunction because they were too far apart.  But they were close enough to impact the world and when both planets turned direct in September of 2008, within days of each other the stock market crashed activating The Recession.   Last December Jupiter entered Capricorn for the first time in 12 years and headed for Pluto.  As in 2008 we saw the volatility of the stock market again.   There have been major drops and some rallies tied to big bail outs.   The last time we had those bail outs was again in 2008-2009 when both were in Capricorn.   As the biggest planet of the zodiac tangles with arguably the most powerful planet in the zodiac (Pluto rules power) we should anticipate major economic swings.  Major.  Not itty bitty, big as in BIG.    As to the other point and I have said both of these points before, but they bear repeating.  Historians of astrology will write that the Covid-19 virus is tied to January 10 Solar Eclipse, January 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto and April 4 Jupiter conjunct Pluto.  So here we sit with Jupiter not done with Pluto.   We should anticipate a call back to April as we head towards June 30 and again on November 12.  While we should note the dates the truth is that they the two planets never get that far apart so this Jupiter Pluto mash up is an influence all summer and fall.    And not to put too fine a point on this conjunction the last time Jupiter and Pluto were in conjunction in Capricorn was 1771.   For those of us familiar with American history we will note that was the time of the run up to the Independence War.   Something was happening that would set up the future for USA.     Now the USA future is being formed again in 2020.   ‘What works?’ asks Capricorn.  ‘Who in power and is  effective?’  Asks Pluto.   ‘How are people’s beliefs being transformed?’ asks Jupiter conjunct Pluto.   ‘What are the big ideas?’  Asks Jupiter.   Then at the end of the year, Jupiter will finally move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on Dec 19 and on Dec 21 it will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius setting off a new cycle in air signs for the next 200 years.  In Aquarius we will consider humanity and what serves the majority.  What is humane?  Color Jupiter:  Very intense



After two and half years in Capricorn, Saturn moved into Aquarius on March 23.  It will retrograde on May 11, cross back into Aquarius in July, turn direct on Sept 29 and return to Aquarius on Dec 18.  It is important to note that on Sept 8 Saturn will go back to the point where it formed its conjunction with Pluto.  On some level in September we will all going back to the Jan 12 time period that launched Covid19.  This is also around the time of the Mars retrograde which will bring a slow down with tension and anger.        


Saturn will get into it with Uranus where it will form three exact squares in 2021.   As I have written many times this impacts our economy.  It will speak to our values. There will be a conflict between traditional (Saturn) and innovative (Uranus).  One will make more sense than the other and then they will reverse roles and the other will make more sense.  Saturn is a reality check and if there have been cracks and breaks and mismanagement of our resources we will be put on notice –something has to change.  Uranus can be a rebel and a genius.  Aquarius has visions for humanity but then can shun the ‘human’ in humanity and want to focus on rigid theory.  Sometime the theory of a steak dinner is not as important as a concrete peanut butter sandwich.   We will have to take care and patience (Saturn) to ask if the greater good is being taken care of or is it a select few in position of importance (Saturn).    Saturn has already begun this conversation with Uranus expect more when it returns to Aquarius in December.    Color Saturn:  Tough.



Uranus is the planet of abrupt change.  It connects to lightening and electricity.  It moves fast, it zaps.  Uranus in Taurus will bring changes to our Earth and our environment.  The Internet is filled with images of animals returning to places they didn’t dare visit when all of us humans were in our cars and crowding the space.  Coyotes in Chicago and goats in Scotish towns and jelly fish in Venice canals are awe inspiring.   Shocking on one hand and yet make sense on the other.  How Uranus in Taurus.  This Taurus new moon is on Earth Day which is always at the beginning of Taurus, someone knew something when that date was chosen.   Question about land use will be pronounced during Uranus’ trek in Taurus.  What is the status of our lands both private and public?     Saturn is the big player in 2020 as indicated above.   But there is still the general trek we are all on as Uranus progresses through Taurus.   On August 15 Uranus will station retrograde at 11 degrees of Taurus and will turn direct at 6 degrees on January 14. We should anticipate a lot of technological discussion.  Where is technology failing us?  Where is it helping?  Everyone will be assessing.  Money, properties and real estate will have challenges.  Borders and boundaries will be in the news.    The last time Uranus retrograded covering these degrees was 1936 & 1937.   Some people who know world history will understand the power of that time and how it impacted our future.  Those who don’t might want to google a world timeline for ’36 & ‘37.  Color Uranus:  Bumpy



Neptune continues its trek in its home sign of Pisces.   It will retrograde on June 23 at 21 Pisces until November 28 at 18 Pisces.  It forms no aspects with the outer planets however as indicated above Venus will square Neptune in and round Venus’ retrograde causing vagueness and low energy and a sense of things disappearing.  There is a sadness.   It also speaks to finding faith when it seems there is no other option.   Color Neptune:  Vague and disconnected



The final planet is Pluto and it will station retrograde on April 25 at 25 degrees of Capricorn and then on October 4 it will station direct at 22 degrees.     During this entire process it will be in conversation with Jupiter as we discussed above.   No astrologer will undersell the Saturn conjunct Pluto we experienced on January 12.  We are still feeling its impact and will for a few more months but second to that aspect the biggest aspect for 2020 is Jupiter on Pluto which as noted we have two more rounds.  Color Pluto:   Very intense


Lunar Node

The lunar nodes will move out of Cancer and Capricorn into Gemini and Sag on May 13.   This is the same time Venus begins its retrograde.    Then on June 5 there is a lunar eclipse at 15 Sag  and then the final Cancer solar eclipse June 21 at Zero Cancer  and final lunar eclipse in 13 Capricorn on July 5.   There will be a lunar eclipse on November 30 at 8 Gemini and total solar eclipse on Dec 14 at 23 Sagittarius.   Color the nodes & eclipses: Prounced Endings & Beginnings



That is a lot to process but let’s take a breath and proceed. 


As you know I do not usually lay out the whole year in this manner in my reports.  I usually lay out the broad strokes and focus on the new moons and how they fit into the bigger picture.  I don’t usually go this deep but I think it is important for you to know the bigger circles we are in and how they impact each other and what is in front of us for this year so that you can access your god given skills and talents and apply your practical common sense to your life as things proceed.  Plus only you know what serves you the best and in some cases some of you will know, “I’m cool” others will say, “hmm I am sensing I need to _____”.   Find your practicality that will guide you.    


We are in a very dynamic time.  It can be argued that there is life PreCovid and life Post Covid.  It does not mean that the virus is the only thing going on but the fact that the world’s production engine has shut down for the first time since the launch of the Industrial Revolution in 1760 is going to have a ripples upon ripples upon ripples.  No person will be immune to the effects of a world’s economy in massive transition.    


Back to the Taurus New Moon 


The Taurus New Moon chart has the Sun & Moon conjunct Uranus.  As we discussed above, Uranus brings change.   Taurus, when it is misbehaving will be very stubborn and resistant to change.  The fact that Uranus is right on top of the Sun and Moon indicates an opening for all us to make practical necessary changes.   There are concrete areas of our life that need quick (Uranus) changes.   Things we thought were monumental and hard to do may be much easier than we realized.   Uranus is one of the mental planets (Mercury is the other).   Whether something is easy or hard is often decided how we mentally frame it.  With Uranus, new technology or websites or APPs could be very helpful.    Watch and see what comes your way out of the blue for the next 29 days. It could start as a thought or something on your social media page.  Or maybe something you watch on TV or hear on radio or in a podcast—all of this is Uranus.   Being open to practical change could serve you in ways you don’t know but will make sense as the year progresses. 



The Sun and Moon in the new moon chart are in a harsh square with Saturn.   Saturn is a taskmaster.  Saturn will delay but it won’t deny.  There is no rushing anything for the 29- day Taurus lunar cycle.   With Saturn we will be asking, “Is it prudent?”   “Is it sensible?”  There is still practical work in front of us.   Saturn in Aquarius speaks to humanity and Taurus says, “What about my stuff?”  The challenge will be to find the spot in between.   Money issues will be up for processing.   Values will be up for evaluation.  The hard reality of some of our situations may need concrete actions.   Again, we may need Uranus to provide changes that Saturn tells us are in need of immediate help.  


It is vital that we all find ways to ground ourselves during these 29 days.  Is it yoga? Is it walking? Is it going barefoot?  Is it finding nature even if it is our own backyard or perhaps a potted plant that needs tending.  If your finger nails get dirty with dirt—you are probably doing some good Taurus work.  If you find yourself lying on the ground you are also probably connected to Taurus.   Whenever you get too far into your brain or fears ---Get real. Get practical. Get grounded.    



Pluto Retrograde 

April 25 

11:54 am PDT 

24 Cap 59 


Pluto begins its annual retrograde and it will continue back until October 4 when it turns direct at 22 degrees Cap.   As explained above, Pluto is in dialogue with Jupiter all year and will be heading back to connect for a second round with Jupiter on June 30.   Things will be revealed that have been unseen since its first round on April 4.    Missteps in power will be revealed.  Personally, we all have the 22 – 25 degrees of Capricorn somewhere in our chart.  This area will be up for us again to take a look at our own power issues.  Are we afraid of power?  How do we feel abused?  Or how do we abuse?   Consider what was going on for you between January and April 25th ?  Find the power of themes in your life.  What was going on?  What transformations do you need to make to access new power?  How are these transformations speaking to bridges you want to make in your life?  Bridging new employment?  New circles?  New health?  New practicalities?  By the time we get to the final Jupiter Pluto conjunction on November 13 we should have made some big changes.  After November Jupiter will not be on Pluto until 2033.   Make the most of these transformations this year. 


Saturn Retrograde 

May 11 

1 Aquarius 57

9:09pm PDT 


Saturn begins its annual retrograde and again as mentioned above it will retrograde from 1 degree of Aquarius to 25 degrees of Capricorn when it stations direct on September 9.  Saturn will speak a lot to us for the next five months.   It will coax us to strengthen the things that are strong and it will point out the things that just have outlived their usefulness.   For more added information go to your natal chart and see the house that has 25 Capricorn through 2 degrees Aquarius.  This part of your chart will need more focus and fine tuning.  If you do not know your chart look at what was getting your focus between January and now.   You may also want to look at the moon, when the moon is in late Aries early Taurus, late Cancer early Leo, late Libra and Early Scorpio and late Capricorn early Aquarius it will shine a light on everything that needs fine tuning.   It won’t be hard to notice it will feel a lot like a dental drill.   You can follow the daily movement of the moon  here:


Venus Retrograde 

May 12 

21 Gemini 50

11:44pm PDT  


Venus is retrograde from May 12 until June 25. 

Venus will go from 22 degrees until 5 degrees of Gemini.   Venus in Gemini retrograde will ask our thoughts and communication to consider “Are these responses out of love?”     Venus likes to take the easy way and likes others to come around and offer her stuff.   Gee, who wouldn’t want to live the life of Venus?  But when Venus is retrograde we have to work a bit more.  We have to find our values.  What have we neglected with others and with self?  Who needs to hear from you now?    We have an opportunity to reassess during the retrograde.   The last time Venus retrograde in Gemini was May 2012.   What were your values at that time?  What was front and center?  How have you evolved out of those values and into something else?  What was your thinking and communication then?    Venus is in and out of square with Neptune for most of the retrograde.  What losses are you experiencing that shift your values?   Money and love losses could on your radar.  Perhaps it is a friendship that has drifted or an arts program that has shuttered. How will you adapt?  Gemini is the most adaptable sign, be light and breathe, Gemini is an air sign and sometimes we just need to put air in a situation. 


Jupiter Retrograde 

May 14 

27 Capricorn 14

7:31am PDT 


Once a year Jupiter retrogrades.   When the biggest planet goes backwards it is usually to find some lost knowledge it missed on his first trip.    Jupiter will go from 28 Capricorn to 17 degrees on Oct 4 when it turns direct.   A few weeks before Jupiter turns retrograde, Pluto turned retrograde and like two jerks in a dark alley they will be looking for each other all retrograde.    Jupiter the biggest know it all is at odds with Pluto the power monger.  Good luck.   We will see a lot of this energy play out in the news.     Jupiter will want to rescue the world and Pluto will want to transform the world.   You can’t have birth without death.  Will there be big deaths both in volume and notable personalities?  Yes.   Will there be big ideas?  Yes.  Will there be big scandals?  Sure.  But more to the point there will be shimmers of optimism even in the biggest hell hole moment.   The challenge will be to find the light that makes sense in your world and transform through it and share your transformation with others.   Expect stories of people doing huge things out of a simple need.    Look back to January through now to see how Jupiter played out in your life and plan to revisit some of those same situations again although with new wisdom.  Wisdom is a Jupiter word. 



Node Change 

Gemini Sagittarius 

May 4 

10:48pm PDT  


Until Jan 18, 2022 


We begin the wrap up of the Cancer Capricorn node cycle that started on Nov 7 2018.    The last time the North Node was in Gemini and south node was in Sag was Oct 14 2001 until April 14, 2003.   Look back to that period and consider how you learned to be adaptable but not fall victim to zealotry.    Gemini is smart and can see the weaknesses in any grand idea.   While we should not let the perfect get in the way of the good, we do need to remember the perils of over- indulgent thinking and opinions.    Watch and see how your ability to be nimble and a nimble thinker starts to present itself after May 4 


In conclusion: 

We are in a huge period of transformation.   It is part and parcel of major astrological cycles that started in 2000 and 2001 and accelerated in 2008.  We are not anywhere near the end of this cycle.  I wish I could say it wraps in December, it does not.  But what is key is to face these challenges through our instincts.  By using each of these lunar months to ground ourselves in the wisdom of the astrology of the cycle we will all find our path.    I will be looking for my own practical wisdom this Taurus cycle I wish the most for you as well. 







During the month check out my blog


Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Taurus New Moon 

3 Taurus 24   

April 22, 2020 

7:25pm PDT 




New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:  How are you finding your practical nature?  Where is the practical solution to every issue?  What are you doing to ground yourself?  How are you finding your place in the environment?  What 


Special focus:


4/25 Mercury square Pluto.   Harsh thinking and communication.   Everything feels black and white. Perhaps thoughts would benefit by a death and rebirth.  

4/25 Pluto retrograde 24 Cap 59 (see above)

4/25 Mercury square Jupiter.  Note where you are extreme in your thinking.  Watch any righteousness.  Is it covering for something you really don’t know?   

4/26 Sun conjunction Uranus.  Dynamic, creativity, out of the blue.  Practical and weird can be a solution. 



Crescent Moon Phase

April 26, 2020

7:25pm PDT 


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket?  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your communication?  What are you learning about where you get your news?  What are you learning about your siblings and neighbors?   What is the practical response?   



Special Focus


4/27: Mercury enter Taurus.  

4/28: Mercury square Saturn  Cold thinking.  Cold communication.  Stingy.   Money and values need scrutiny.  Where is humanity? 




First Quarter Moon 

April 30, 2020

1:38pm PDT 


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that speak to your strength?  What actions are you taking that speak to your heart?  What actions are you taking that speak to your sentient being?   Where is self esteem important to act upon?  What actions need to be taken but ego needs to be left at the door?  


Special Focus:

4/30 Mercury conjunct Uranus. Dynamic thinking.  Out of the blue new thoughts provide creativity and solutions.  Take care when driving.  

5/3 Venus square Neptune.  Values like love and money feel tweaked.  How are you dealing with the appearance of loss?  Where is faith?  



Gibbous Moon

May 3, 2020

10:55pm PDT




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining you’re your schedule?  How are you refining your health?  How are you refining your cleanliness?  How are you refining your vitamins?  How are you refining cleanliness. 



Special focus

5/4: Sun conjunct Mercury.  Practical thinking excels.   

5/4: North node enters Gemini  (see above)




Full Moon Phase

May 3, 2020   

10:55pm PDT 

17 Scorpio 20 



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 


What is going on with you’re your money? What is going on with your resources?  Where do you need to let things die so that something new can be born?  Where is holding on to something keeping you from an important transformation?   What does money, sex, loans, property, legal need your attention. 



Go to blog for full moon report.



Special focus 


5/9: Mercury trine Pluto.  Transformation in thoughts and communication.   Death of one thought embrace a new thought.   

5/10: Mercury trine Jupiter.  Big thinking brings new ideas and fun.  Bridges to new thinking.  






May 10, 2020 

12:23pm PDT 


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your ability to be a leader?  How are you able to put a large game plan together and take care of others in a responsible manner?  


Special focus:


5/10: Saturn retrograde 01 Aquarius 57 (see above) 

5/11: Mercury square Mars.  Fighting words.  Frustrated thoughts.  Cooling the jets begins with the brain.  

5/11: Mercury enters Gemini 

5/12: Mars enter Pisces

5/12: Venus retrograde 21 Gemini 50  (see above) 





Last Quarter Moon Phase

May 14, 2020

 7:02am PDT   




Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to groups and friends and social circles?  What actions are you taking that speak to new technology?  



Special Focus:


5/14: Jupiter retrograde 27 Capricorn 14 (see above)

5/14: Sun trine Pluto.  Practical transformations.  Death & rebirth.  We get ‘there’ by going through ‘here’.  We welcome it.  

5/17: Sun trine Jupiter.  Abundances abound everywhere.   We see new philosophies and their practical application. 



Balsamic Moon Phase


May 18, 2020 

9:15 am    


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing your anger?  How are you releasing your forcefulness?  How are you releasing your sharpness?   How are you releasing your independence?  



Special Focus:


5/20: Sun enters Gemini 

5/20: Venus square Neptune. Values like love and money feel tweaked.  How are you dealing with the appearance of loss?  Where is faith?   This is our second round of this aspect. What have learned since May 3?

5/22: Mercury conjunction Venus. Gentle thoughts. Kind communication.  Speaking our value soothes our brain. 

5/22: Sun trine Saturn.   Nimble changes have practical solutions. 

5/22: Mercury square Neptune. Vague language.  Perhaps deceit.  Fuzzy communication and thinking.  




New Moon  2 Gem 04 May 22, 2020  10:38am PDT   


Astro Answers by Tracy

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW