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Libra New Moon 2022 : How are your relating skills?

Libra New Moon– 2022

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   How are you relating to others?  What are you being told about your relating skills?   Do they work?  Or not work?     



Libra New Moon

2 Libra 49

September 25, 2022

2:54pm PDT 


Welcome to Libra.  We are halfway through the zodiac lunar year.   Six months ago, we focused on our personal goals for the lunar year when we made our treasure maps.   Take a moment to look at your map and assess where there has been progress.  Note the areas that have some small green shoots and remember there are six more months for manifestations to emerge.   


When we cross into the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra, we are in new territory.  Libra and the signs that follow, connect to broadening the world beyond the more self-interest first six signs.   Libra looks at our partnerships.  Scorpio looks at our shared assets.  Sagittarius expands viewpoints, Capricorn is our business and government, Aquarius is our circles of community and Pisces is our humanitarian.   For the next six months, themes that put us out in the world will be amplified in the new moons cycles.  


In the Libra 29-day lunar cycle, our focus is on how we relate to others.  Obviously, if we have partnerships, we will probably see and asses our relating abilities right away.  Some of our skills are good, some not so good.  Nothing like a partner to point out those differences.    But if we don’t have a spouse or significant other, we are still relating with humans, and we will note what is working and not working when we connect with others during this cycle.  Do we stand up for self or give in?   Are we too strident?  Or are we too much into peace at any cost?   Lots will come up for us to consider that speak to how we relate to others.   


Libra is the sign of the scales, and it weighs everything.    I mean everything.   I have had many a long conversation with people who have strong Libra in their chart where the simplest thing had to be pondered from every which way possible.  If I had to add it up now, I believe I spent close to 100 hours over several years with one Libra friend who had to talk down many purchases, the regret, the return to the store, then wondering later if she should have kept it.    As I said, Libra likes to weigh everything out.  


Libra is also keen on matters of fairness and will ask, “What is fair?”   This speaks to Libra’s power.   Looking for that line of equity.  Libra can look at how we got to where we got in a situation and if it caused problems then what to do to make it fairer.  This is using their powerful skills and insights which can strengthen negotiation skills. Libra may note that while the answer may not be perfect, it could still get us to a new point that is better than the old point.    For 29 days do not be surprised how often you wonder if something is fair and how you can make it more equitable. 


Venus the planet of love and beauty, rules Libra.   Libra has skills that lean into art and design and pleasing aesthetics, it also can lean into any situation and ask, “Where is love?”   Venus of course likes parties and gatherings, and the Libra 29-day cycle can be extra social.       


Of course, like all signs, there are less evolved behaviors and with Libra, if they are not ready to commit to something and someone needs an answer now, they can fade, they probably were the first to ghost someone before ghosting entered the zeitgeist.  Like all air signs they must avoid any tendency towards the shallow and Libra can get messed up when they Tit for Tat.   “You did that, so I am going to do this.”   Luckily because Libra tends to have a circle of people whom they can get counsel, some of these behaviors can be pointed out by friends and Libra can be responsive when they see they are straying from their best selves. 



In this Libra New moon chart, the most pronounced aspect is Sun/Moon opposition Jupiter in Aries.    This aspect is exact the day after the new moon and is an influence for the 29-day cycle.   Jupiter in Aries is calling out to all of us to seek newness and some level of fresh independence.   We may feel restless this lunar month as if we want to just drop everything and go a new way.  But Libra reminds us that we have relationships.  It also reminds us that seeking balance is good but going too far one way is not balance, it is a reaction.  


Had the new moon landed later in the month at a later degree, we would only process Jupiter Aries versus Libra Sun/Moon in a small 24-hour window.   Instead, the new moon was born right at the time when it was opposite Jupiter.   Obviously, this is a lesson for us to process Jupiter in Aries’ need for more independence but at the same time Jupiter is retrograde, so it is best to remember balance. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater would not be advisable this month.   Not to put a too fine point on it, Jupiter appears to be using the new moons a lot this year.  Jupiter stationed retrograde on the Cancer New Moon on June 28.  Now Jupiter is opposite the Libra new moon, and it will station direct on, hold for it --- Sag New Moon (11/23).    No one can accuse Jupiter of being subtle this year.  Obviously these 29-day cycles ask us to lean deep into learning, expanding, processing new philosophies and tapping fresh opportunities that come with Jupiter in Aries.  Leaders can be forged during Jupiter in Aries along with a new enthusiasm for personal power to take control of one’s future by a new perspective.   However, with this opposition to Libra new moon and the fact that Jupiter is retrograde, we will be well served to consider negotiating any goals either with ourselves and/or within relationships.  


Also in the new moon chart, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and in conjunction to the sun and moon (out of sign).   


Mercury Retrograde 

Important Dates:

8/20:         Mercury enters shadow 

8/25:         Mercury enters Libra 

9/ 9:          Mercury station retrograde 8 Libra 55

9/23:        Mercury re-enters Virgo

10/2:        Mercury stations direct 

10/10:      Mercury re-enters Libra 

10/16:       Mercury exits shadow 


Personally, this has been one bitch of a Mercury retrograde.   I am really not certain any item has arrived where or when it was supposed to have landed without a jillion phone calls by me.   As always, I am sure many of us will kiss anything that is holy when Mercury stations direct.  


These are the two weeks of the retrograde where Mercury has returned to Virgo.   We will think about our daily life and our schedule and how much of it is in sync with our values and where we are out of balance.  Is there too much time going to _____?   While we are exploring our role in relationships, some of our thinking may need fine tuning.   We will be thinking and rethinking a lot about what we ask of others.   We also will consider what others ask of us.  

Virgo knows the power of doing something every day.  Is there something that should be on our daily schedule that is missing?  It might pop up between September 23 and October 2nd.  


On October 10, Mercury returns to Libra.  We have already discussed Jupiter’s opposition to the Sun/Moon in Libra.    On October 12, now it is Mercury that will oppose Jupiter.   Jupiter is speaking to the planet of our thoughts and communication.   This is the third time this aspect has hit (Sept 2 & Sept 18).  How have we been partnering with others that broadens our world?  What are we saying?  What are we thinking?  How are we shifting our philosophy?  How have others from outside of our usual circles, been an important influence in our own thinking?   Maybe they have shared an experience or asked for help.  Perhaps by showing up for others, we realize that we need to prepare for something in our own future.   See what comes up between Sept 2 and October 12 that brings you with new people and new thinking, new opinions and philosophies and how it strengthens your independence or puts a new path in front of you.    Perhaps you are sharing your own knowledge as well.   



Pluto Station Direct 

October 8, 2022

26 Capricorn 07 

2:56pm PDT 


Pluto important dates 

1/6:  Pluto enters shadow 

4/29:  Pluto station retrograde 28 Cap 36 

10/8:  Pluto station direct 26 Cap 07

1/29:  Pluto exits shadow 


3/23/23 Pluto enters Aquarius 


Pluto is wrapping up a six month retrograde that started on April 29.  Like all Pluto retrogrades it only went back a couple degrees.  For people who have planets between 25-29 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer & Libra you have no doubt felt Pluto.  When Pluto rocks a personal planet, it can bring a crisis.  It can be hard to not go to the depths of despair or feel like flotsam and jetsam at the whim of a capricious universe.   For those peeps it can be a feeling, “Oh, no, now I am dealing with this?”   Pluto takes us down to our core.  Perhaps we suffered a real loss, and we are now rebuilding our life.  Or maybe we were trying to control too many things or people and we collapsed in exhaustion.   Once Pluto has completed its time with a planet, we often jettison issues that have less meaning and instead use our energy and focus on matters that are important to us.    


Globally, Pluto continue to put pressure on big government, big business, and big resources.   We are in the final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn so there is a lot of work Pluto must accomplish before it leaves the sign in 2024.   Remember we have been dealing with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008.   When Pluto changes signs it gets our attention.  In the case of 2008 it was the stock market crash and Great Recession.  When it goes into Aquarius –that will be a different animal.  The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the USA was working on a constitution and France was having a revolution.   It is interesting that the next Treasure Map new moon in 2023 will have two Aries new moons.  One at zero degrees Aries and the other at 29 degrees of Aries.    The first Aries new moon will have Pluto at the last seconds of Capricorn. Then the next new moon 29 days later will have Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius.   I have not had a chance to really absorb it, but I do feel like energy is speeding up these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.   Now that the retrograde is wrapping on October 8 we will no doubt see themes from last winter and early spring repeat but perhaps look quite different.  


Obviously for those of us living in America, the retrograde of Pluto will bring more information and themes as we process the USA’s Pluto return this year and next year.    This is a remarkable time to be an American and living through USA’s Pluto return.  




Saturn station direct 

October 22, 9:07pm 

18 Aquarius 35 


Saturn important dates 

2/26          Saturn enters shadow  

6/4:           Saturn station retrograde 25 Aquarius 25 

10/22       Saturn station direct 18 Aquarius 35 

1/26/23    Saturn exits shadow 

3/7/ 23      Saturn enters Pisces 



Saturn entered Aquarius in March of 2020.  That should be a date firm in your memory since it was when the world went into lockdown.   Every astrologer knew that was Saturn hitting the nail on the head. Saturn contracts and restricts, and Aquarius is how we connect with others through our circles and community.    While Saturn can be hard and a lonely journey, Aquarius is also the sign of technology.    Isolation and loneliness enveloped the world and Zoom and cyber connections became vital.     


In June, Saturn stationed retrograde for the final time in Aquarius.  We are now moving about the country and the world with more freedom which is helpful but probably more saliant to Aquarius is we are figuring out who are our ‘peeps’.   Which circles and groups inspire us to be our better selves?    How are we bringing our knowledge to serve others?   What have we learned about ourselves since March of 2020?   What would our circles of friends or groups say about us?   How do we bring our best game and champion others best game?   Now that Saturn is stationing direct, we begin the final days of Saturn in Aquarius which will end March 7, 2023, when Saturn enters Pisces.   The next time Saturn is in Aquarius will be 2051, so let’s try to get as much insight as we can on using Saturn in our life to its fullest success with our friends and community.   


One additional note, after October 22 when Saturn stations direct it will be pulling away from the square (although not exact) with Uranus.  Some of the echoes of tension from 2021 where status quo was pitted against revolution, especially noted by January 6 attack on the capitol in the United States, will start to soften as Saturn moves on its merry way to Pisces where it will start to get on Neptune’s ass.   We’ll save that discussion for next year.      



All eyes on Mars 

Important Dates: 

Aug 20 Mars enters Gemini 

Sept 3:  Mars enters shadow (8 Gemini 8)

Sept 27: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 6)

Oct 12: Mars square Neptune (1 out of 3) 23 Gem/Pisces

October 30 Mars stations retrograde (25 Gemini 37)

Nov 19: Mars square Neptune (2 out of 3) 22 Gem/Pisces

Nov 28: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 43) 

Jan 12: Mars station direct (8 Gemini 8) 

Mar 14: Mars square Neptune (3 out of 3) 25 Gem/Pisces 

Mar 15 Mars exits shadow 

Mar 25: Mars enters Cancer 


Mars in Gemini is one mind melting jedi.   It will retrograde next month in the Scorpio lunar cycle and will be very complicated.   We are currently in the shadow of the Mars retrograde so themes that started after 9/3 will continue until 3/15/23.    


In this lunar 29-day cycle, Mars trines Saturn (9/27). It will do it again at the end of November.   


We should watch what comes up around the trines with Saturn.    Gemini is thinking.  It is also the ability to pivot.  And it is facts on the ground.   Around the dates of the trine, we may get news ruled by Gemini that suggests we pivot a plan.   Circles of friends and groups of people (Aquarius), may inform us that it is time (Saturn) to hit on something important.  It is the Do-it-now energy.       


Then there is Mars square Neptune on October 12 and on November 19 (the final Mars Square Neptune will be on March 14). This is very tricky.  On one hand Mars wants to act on something that is inspirational (Neptune).  It feels compelled to push but neither Neptune or Pisces are long on facts.  Low functioning Gemini can be shallow and get caught up in gossip.   This square also brings out gaslighters.  Avoid them.  What to do with this square?  Research before acting.  Sort through the data. Reach out to those who know the facts.  If the aspect brings up anxiety, then meditation and prayer may be helpful for the psyche.   Mars in Gemini, an air sign benefits when we slow down and BREATHE.   


In conclusion, 

The fall was always going to be complicated.   The key is not to collapse but find our resolve no matter the challenge and to lean into any successes.   Libra teaches us balance and equity and beauty and reminds us of love.   Let’s use all of Libra’s gifts every day this cycle.  Also, we are never alone.    Libra can help find that person we need, she always does.  



The 8 phases



Libra New Moon

2 Libra 49

September 25, 2022

2:54pm PDT



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     Our relationships are in our sights.  How are we doing?  How are our relating skills?  What are we learning from our partnerships?  Are we bringing our best game?  How are we finding balance in our life and our schedule?   How do we negotiate?   



Special note:

9/25: Venus trine Pluto.  Love and money get practical refreshed boost.

9/26: Venus conjunct Mercury.  Communication is strong themed on values.  Love, money, beauty, art amplified.  

9/26: Sun oppose Jupiter.   Big ideas need to be balanced.  Self-goals versus partnership goals.  

9/27: Mercury trine Pluto.  Stuff comes up that can create an evolution on thinking and communication.   

9/27: Mars trine Saturn.   Building up on new structures.   Thoughtful actions that are based on timely information.  

9/29: Venus enter Libra.   Matters of love, creativity, joy, pleasure take emphasis for the next few weeks. 


Crescent Moon Phase

September 29, 2022

6:00am  DT 



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your power?  What are you learning about the power of release?   What are you learning about taking a deep dive?  What are you learning that needs to be cut out and transmuted?   What are you learning about the power of shedding?  What are you learning about death, taxes and sex? How does all of this impact your relationships?  



Special Focus

10/2: Mercury stations direct 2:07am (PDT) 24 Virgo 12 (see above) 





First Quarter Moon 

October 2, 2022

5:14pm PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that access your executive abilities?   How are you relying on your inner CEO?   How are you acting on or accessing leadership?   How are you looking at or accessing large systems or bureaucracy?  How does all of this impact your relationships? 



Special Note

No outer planet aspects  



Gibbous Moon

October 6,  2022 

2:36am  PDT   




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your friendships?  How are you are refining your community?   How are your refining your relationship with those you share common goals and interests?   How are you refining your place within groups?  How does all of this impact your relationships?  


Special focus

10/6: Mercury trine Pluto.   Another round (9/27) where we revise and have evolution with our thinking and communication.   

10/8: Pluto station direct 2:56pm PDT (see above) 


Full Moon Phase 

16 Aries 33  

October 9, 2022 

1:54pm PDT  




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

How do you tap your independence?    How do you tap your leadership for own self-purpose?   How are you forging new ground?   How are you doing all of this within your relationships?  


Special focus 

10/10: Mercury enters Libra.  Thinking about love and money and art and creativity and values for several weeks. 

10/10: Venus opposition Chiron.  Love hits a healing wall.   Self versus partnership is a challenge.   Breathe. 

10/11: Sun trine Saturn.   Community efforts are supported.  Love is supported. 

10/11: Mars square Neptune.   Dig deep in faith and spirit and if actions are called upon, double check the facts before acting.  

10/12: Mercury oppose Jupiter.  Thinking and communicating about independence.  New fresh philosophy can be accessed but should be balanced by acknowledging important relationships.  



October 13, 2022    

8:18am PDT  


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your ability to communicate?  How are you sharing your ability to pivot?  How are you sharing your knowledge of facts on the ground?   How are you sharing your ability to update?  How are you sharing your ability to avoid gossip?  How does all of this impact your relationships? 




Special focus:

10/13: Venus trine Saturn.   Love and community are highlighted.  Structures that support both love matters and community get a boost. 



Last Quarter Moon Phase

October 17, 2022

10:15am PDT   





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How are you acting on your emotions?  How are your feelings guiding important actions?   How do your feelings speak to something going on that needs balance?  How do your feelings speak to something that needs the act of negotiating?   How does all of this impact your relationships? 


Special focus 

10/18: Sun trine Mars.   Great time to do actions that connect with partnerships and relationships. 

10/19: Sun square Pluto.  Twice a year we get this aspect.   Blocks and crisis in relationships and partnerships are tested.  What needs to be jettisoned in order for new experience?  

10/19: Mercury oppose Chiron.  Thoughts about independence and going it alone versus remaining in the easy path of least resistance. 

10/19: Venus square Pluto.  Love and values feel tested.   Is there enough?  Where is love and money being wasted?   What needs to be jettisoned so a fresh experience can be tapped? 




Balsamic Moon Phase


October 21, 2022 

11:06am  PDT  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing criticism?  How are you releasing your critical nature?  How are you releasing the micro focus?  How are you releasing anxiety?  How does all this impact your relationships?  




Special focus:

10/22: Venus conjunction Sun.  Joy and fun, love is easy to access.  Money gets a boost.  

10/22: Mercury trine Saturn.  Thoughts and communication are boosted by practicality.  Goals for community get a boost of love and Money. 

10/22: Saturn station direct 9:07pm 18 Aquarius 35 (see above) 

10/23: Venus enters Scorpio.  Focus on sex, death, rebirth, shared finances, legal matters, values that need a rebirth for the next few weeks. 

10/23: Sun enters Scorpio 




New Moon Eclipse October 25, 2022  3 Scorpio 48 



Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW