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Taurus New Moon 2022: Our Resources, our Love our Values!

Taurus New Moon & Eclipse– 2022

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   What needs concrete action from the ground up?  How are we supporting our values?  How does our love and money and resources need our attention? 



Taurus New Moon 

Solar Eclipse (Partial)

April 30, 2022

1:28pm PDT 

10 Taurus 28 



Welcome to Taurus New moon & Eclipse    



This Taurus New Moon is the first of 2022’s four eclipses (two partial solar, two total lunar).    The overriding theme of all these eclipses is resources.  One personal (Taurus) one shared (Scorpio).    Themes around money, values and assets will be pronounced during the 2022 eclipses.  The last cycle of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses took place in spring and fall of 2002-2005.   There may be some repeat of themes that pop up during this 2022 eclipse cycle.    


An eclipse is a juiced up new moon where the whole world takes a moment to reflect the energy of that Sun sign.   It is a gift from the universe to remind us of the potency of the sign, in this case Taurus. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and after the hard work of telling the world, “Here I am” during Aries, now we are focused on, “What’s my stuff?”   We build and construct during Taurus.   The importance of our resources, our land, our properties, our jewels, our investments.  Our money gets our attention.  Taurus is values and on this eclipse our values get their bells rung.  


The chart for the new moon has Sun/Moon conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars which are both very dynamic energies.  Uranus brings things in fast like a lightning strike.  During this 29-day lunar month we should anticipate things are one way and then they are another in a nano second.   As we have been discussing since Uranus moved into Taurus in 2018, Uranus is not its most comfortable in the sign Taurus since Uranus likes changes and mixing things up while Taurus likes holding on.  But Uranus is brilliant, and Taurus likes to construct so there is opportunity to rethink and invent something real and practical that makes sense, this is a gift.   Watch what comes up out of the blue.   Instead of being shocked and frozen how can you move to find an innovative solution?   


Mars is our warrior planet and in the sign Pisces he is not exactly sure where he is going.  Our actions may be prompted by faith and intuition.  However, one should not lose faith, even if we get shook up.  There will be practical applications that could bring out a solution that has a new level of sustainability.     


With this eclipse there could be many people who get an idea that they need a new job.   A job that better suits their values.   There may also be people who understand it is time for a raise.  Money wonkiness can come up and bring stress.   Love also can feel a bit twisted up.   That is not to say the whole cycle is problematic.  There could be lovely realities but what is really getting our attention under the money and love is our value.  Are we being valued?   Or are we valuing what is being given to us?   To be clear the results may not manifest in this 29-day cycle but the call to arms could come up in the eclipse with more actions around the next three eclipses.    


In the chart, Venus the ruling planet of Taurus, is sandwiched between Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces.   This is a little piece of heaven.   Arguably, it is hard being a human in the 21st century.   No one is suggesting life has ever been easy on planet earth but for us living now we have all the grunts, challenges, and foibles of humanity in the palm of our hand.   There are no escaping harsh facts from around the world.    Emotions rise and fall depending on screens we watch.    Venus in Pisces reminds us ‘they’ are ‘us’ and we share so much in common.  It takes a lot of energy being focused on anger with others.   Is it time for a respite?   Taurus lunar cycle is where we focus on practicality and the power of simple.    Jupiter and Neptune remind Venus the importance of replenishing our souls.  Perhaps we are better served to go into meditation or listen to something uplifting rather than doom scroll.    With Mars, Neptune, Venus, and Jupiter in Pisces on the new moon chart this suggests our intuition could be high all 29-day cycle.  Our humanitarianism will come up in small and big ways.   People may ask something of us or maybe our psyche is pricked in a way that we volunteer to help.  The arts soothe us as well.   Getting lost in a movie or music can help heal.     


Jupiter Sextile Pluto 

May 3 

The last time Jupiter formed a sextile with Pluto was in 2018 (three times).   Jupiter is optimistic.  Pluto is depth.     Jupiter in Pisces can find hope in some of the darkest of situations, Pluto in Capricorn may be more discerning and not see as many opportunities for hope, but it can work with Jupiter in a focused area and bring depth, discipline and practical change.    Transformation of something dark into something light is possible.    This influence is only a two-week period either side of May 3 however, the inspiration could activate an effort that has longer lasting effects.    We will not have our next Jupiter sextile Pluto until 2030.    Make the most of this one.  


Mercury Retrograde 

April 26:   Mercury shadow begins

May 10 4:37am PDT:  Mercury station retrograde 4 Gemini 52

May 22:  Mercury re-enters Taurus 

June 3 1:00am PDT Mercury station direct 26 Taurus 5 

June 13 Mercury enters Gemini 

June 18:  Mercury shadow ends 


·      Mercury sextile Jupiter May 19

·      Mercury trine Pluto May 25 

·      Mercury trine Pluto May 28 


Our second Mercury retrograde for 2022 begins May 10th.  This retrograde will start in Gemini which is ruled by Mercury and go back into Taurus.    We had Mercury retrograde in Gemini in 2021 and 2015.    Mercury retrogrades in Gemini can be potent and are very similar to the experience of having too many windows open on your computer or too many applications running on your phone.   The data volume is so huge that things can lock up.   The best move with technology is of course re-booting.   The same could be said for our brains during a Mercury retrograde.    We could be told too much stuff, from which we try too hard to synthesize things that maybe should not be joined.  The power of Gemini is getting the real info on the ground.   During the retrograde we may learn that we were missing something key or perhaps we had thought something was one way and yes it was but now it is no longer true.   We can also receive info that does not make sense.  Mercury retrogrades can be bumpy in general but in Gemini they have an additional level of fatigue because confusion is rooted in either rushing too fast (Gemini is an air sign) or is shallow.   The key during this cycle is to refrain from immediate responses, take a beat.   Research like crazy.   Share information that you are certain is accurate.   Be comfortable saying, “I am not sure.”   This is not a time for knee jerk reactions.    But by far, unplug your brain wherever you can.   Consider that you may not know what you do not know.     Be dexterous with your thoughts and your communication.     We will talk more about the power of adaptability next month in the Gemini lunar cycle, but we are getting a taste of it now with the retrograde.   Stretch our adaptability skills in our thoughts and communication for these three weeks and see how it serves us later when the shadow has completed on June 18. 



Jupiter in Aries 

May 10 – October 28, 2022 

Dec 20, 2022 – May 2023 


As we know Jupiter is in a sign for about a year.  The pattern for Jupiter is it will spend about six months in a sign then it will move into the next sign for about four months, retrograde back to the other sign for a couple of months then turn direct and continue its work in the new sign.     It is always interesting when Jupiter is in one sign and the other because there is usually a marked difference, but one could argue that the difference between Pisces and Aries is the most extreme.   Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac.  Pisces knows there are bigger forces in play than what we see.    We can watch apples fall from a tree, it looks like a simple task when the fruit hits the ground.   But when you start talking about gravity that is when you realize something bigger is going on.  That is Pisces, something else is going on.   When Jupiter moves out of Pisces and goes into Aries there is a desire to turn on every booster rocket and get out there in the world.   Go, go, go.   Break through barriers and be first doing something, the bigger the better.      Opinions get big.  We value being our own leader.  We value being first.    We get all worked up with enthusiasm.  Our reach feels limitless.      Those people who have a personal planet in Aries in particular Suns and Moons will really welcome the lift in energy.    Watch some big moves out there in the world that might be ego driven.    It is interesting that at the time of this writing Elon Musk is attempting to make a move to buy Twitter.  He certainly has sucked up the world’s attention in a huge way but at this writing Jupiter is still in Pisces.  If this becomes a reality is yet to be seen and if it does happen while Jupiter is in Aries, we can anticipate even more loudness from that transaction and should expect more Big Players doing Big Plays.    


At the end of October Jupiter will return to Pisces and by that time we might welcome a break from Aries.    The gift of the largest planet in the zodiac returning to the sign of compassion and humanitarian causes and the ‘unknown’ may remind us there is value in humbleness.   Perhaps we don’t know it all?   Let’s see what Jupiter finds when he goes back to Pisces in the fall.  In the meantime, let’s light our rockets and get our Jupiter in Aries ON!   


Scorpio Full Moon

Total lunar Eclipse 

May 15, 2022 

9:14pm PDT 


The Scorpio Full moon total lunar eclipse two weeks into the cycle will be the first echo off the Taurus solar eclipse.   Scorpio knows the power of reducing and ditching.    Do we have too many things?  Or do our things have too much control over us?  Or are we too reliant on other(s) and have lost our way to our own power?   How is money and sex being bartered for security?   Would we be better served building up our own reserves in some area that give us our own security?   Is there a price paid by co-mingling with people we have outgrown?   Or is it time to reinvigorate our co-mingling?  Perhaps, step up our own creativity and bring it to the game?    If stuck of course, the answer with Scorpio is to let go.   Death and rebirth are the calling card of Scorpio.   


Saturn in Aquarius squares Sun and Moon on the full moon suggests tension from groups, friends, associates in our circles.   Perhaps there are responsibilities to a group thrust upon us when all we want to do is take care of our needs.   Values may be tested.   Taurus knows how to simplify; Scorpio knows how to fly low and avoid the radar.  While Saturn may suggest a voice touting “You are not enough or not doing enough,” Pluto Trine Sun and sextile Moon, supports boundaries and the ability to do a little and have maximum input.   And of course, Pluto also reinforces the theme of release.    We will all need to  release on this full moon and then breathe.  




In conclusion:   Taurus speaks to our values and our resources.   Use this cycle to take stock of both.   What good can you build upon?     How do you value your time?  Your relationships?  Your quiet energy?  Your dynamic energy?  Your accomplishments?  Your fights?   Your health?  Your exercise?  Your routines?   Everything in our lives has some value, during this lunar month we can put it on a scale and work to build up the good and disconnect from the stuff that is no longer of value.   





The 8 phases


Taurus New Moon

Solar Eclipse  

10 Taurus 28 

April 30, 2022 

1:28 pm PDT 





New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     What do you value?  How are you spending your time?  How are you spending your money?  How are your resources?  What do you need to build from the ground up?   Where are your assets?  Do they need retooling?   Are you and your efforts being valued?  Are you valuing others efforts?   



Special note:

4/30: Venus conjunct Jupiter.  Joy is big. Love is big.  The arts are big.  The soul feels appreciation.  

5/2: Venus enters Aries.   Love of energy and dynamic action.  Actions about self-serve a purpose that impacts self-love.  


Crescent Moon Phase

May 4, 2022

2:53pm PDT  



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your communication?  What is your thinking telling you about YOU?   What are you learning about getting the facts on the ground?   How does your ability to make connections speak to your goals?   How are you communicating with siblings and neighbors?  




Special Focus

5/5: Sun conjunct Uranus.  Once a year aspect, unique out of the blue actions, strange things are accented.  Ingenuity can be hightlighted and helpful. 



First Quarter Moon 

May 8, 2022

5:21 pm PDT   



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that speak to your heart?  What actions need your strength?  What actions need honesty?  What actions need creativity?   What actions benefit from theatrics and drama? 



Special Note

5/10:  Mercury station retrograde 4 Gemini 52 (see above)

5/10: Jupiter enters Aries  (see above) 



Gibbous Moon

May 12, 2022 

12:04pm PDT   




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  What is going on with your relationships?  How are you refining your partnership?  How are you refining your skills at negotiating?   How are you refining your ability to find balance?  



Special focus

5/13 Sun conjunct North Node.   Resources and values are in our face.  How do we improve the areas that need help and protect the assets?  



Full Moon Phase Partial Eclipse  

25 Scorpio 18  

May 15, 2022 





Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

What is going on with your sex life?  How are you tapping your shared resources?  How are you finding your power?  What are you shedding so that you can find renewal or rebirth? 




Special focus 


5/15:  Venus conjunct Chiron.   What are we doing to improve and strengthen independence?   Love of being independent is hightlighted. 

5/15:   Sun square Saturn.   Conflicts between personal resources and community assets.   How are we disciplined in both?  

5/17: Mars conjunction Neptune.  Actions seem unworldly.   What is guiding our actions?  Are we confused?  Are we using intuition?  Where is our faith? 




May 19, 2022   

2:41am  PDT


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your business acumen?  How are you sharing power structure?  How are you sharing real leadership skills?  




Special focus:

 5/19:  Sun trine Pluto.   Actions that are concrete liberate a new level of power.  There is a willingness to release debris that no longer serves.  

5/21: Sun conjunct Mercury.  Thoughtful communication that maybe needed to have been said earlier now can find a way out. 




Last Quarter Moon Phase

May 22, 2022

11:43am PDT 





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to your faith?  What actions are you taking that tap your humanitarianism?  How are you connecting to something that is bigger to you? 



Special focus 


5/22: Mercury re-enters Taurus.  The brain slows down.   Measured thinking and communication are important 

5/24: Mars enters Aries.   We get speedy.  Actions that are fast.  Arguments get our action going.  

5/25: Mercury trine Pluto.  Solid thoughts that are baked in reality.  Could feel like a new thought that should have been figured out earlier. 



Balsamic Moon Phase


May 26, 2022 

4:35 PDT  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing self-determination?   How are you releasing ego?  How are you releasing  aggression?  






Special focus:

5/26: Venus square Pluto.   Love of power or powerful love.   

5/28: Venus enters Taurus.  Love slows down.  Appreciation of values and money get amped up.    

5/29: Mars conjunction Jupiter.  Big actions.  Big speeds.  Big noise.  Big independence.   



Gemini New Moon May 30, 4:30am 9 Gemini 03  




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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW