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Aries New Moon 2022: Finding Self Now!

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   Finding self has never been more important.   Do you know the person in the mirror?  


Aries New Moon 

March 31, 2022

11:24 pm PDT 

11 Aries 30 


(Early morning April 1st for other time zones) 



Welcome to Aries new moon.   


Before we get into the chart for this year’s Aries New Moon which launches March 31/April 1 let’s remember this is the moon where we build our Treasure Maps.   Here’s our primer. 


Treasure Maps


Each new moon, in the twelve signs, is full of knowledge and power that is different from one another.   By getting in sync with these new moons we get in sync with the unique energy associated with the sign.   As the first sign, Aries sets the tone for what we want for the new year.   Once the Aries new moon launches, we make a Treasure Map which is very much like a vision board.   We do it now and not in January which is the beginning of the calendar year but is three-quarters through the lunar year.  Instead, we make our maps during Aries New Moon.  Aries taps into our need for new growth.  Aries is survival.  It is the warrior.   Give a seed dirt and water and its DNA will activate cracking the shell and the hard- winterized dirt where it pushes its leaves through the ground.  Once in the air it can face the sunshine and grow.  This is Aries.   It is Spring.   It is renewal.    


The ability to reflect on your needs and wishes and hopes at the Aries New Moon is a vital connection between you and yes, your survival.   It may not be actual shelter and food but it is about that deep need/want inside you.  That want/need may be important and could take you to a place or situation or experience that will later serve you.   Your ability to connect to that voice deep inside you is no different than the seed in the dirt who is directed by its own voice/dna to grow roots and stretch upward.   This is Aries, connecting to that voice is critical.   Therefore we give ourselves the gift of ‘selfishness’ and focus on our wants and desires on Aries New Moon.  These wants are put on your Treasure Map.   Aries rules sight.  Seeing what you want, even if it is affirmations is important to your map.   Images that speak to you, even if you do not know why may serve you on some level.   Tap this energy and make your map, ideally, during the first three days of the new moon.  If you need more time, you can take it during the waxing moon.   I would recommend, if you can to get that full jolt, make it the first 3 days.  Look at your calendar, carve the time, you deserve it.   For more information on how to make a Treasure Map you can go here:


For those of you reading this report before the new moon launches on March 31/April 1, you can take this important time to get rid of clutter.   Clear your home of clutter, take away the broken stuff, fix what you want, get rid of the junk in the corner of your house that you have been telling yourself, “God I gotta clean that mess.”  Do all that before the New Moon.   We clear our junk so we can clear the space and have the space for the “new” to arrive.   Einstein said no two things can occupy the same space.  Where there is stuff in your home, car & mind that is unfulfilling and clogging up space  it is blocking a landing spot for the good.  This is why we de-clutter before Aries New Moon.  More on clutter clearing is here:


If you are reading this report after March31/April 1, you can certainly tidy up and get rid of stuff that you no longer want in your space but do not let that process delay your Treasure Mapping.    We don’t want you to get so wrapped up with cleaning you lose the map window.  


This Treasure Map should be extra potent this year due to Chiron and Mercury.   We are being called to pivot and go deep on finding self.  There is healing in stepping away from others, finding self and announcing our needs via our Treasure Map.  Enjoy the process of making your Treasure Map!    


Aries New Moon Chart 2022 



As stated above, each month launches a unique cycle connected to the sign and the chart of the new moon.   When we look at the aspects between the planets in the chart, we get an idea of what to expect for the 29-day lunar month cycle.   In addition to the chart aspects, we also look at planet directional changes and movements into different signs during this cycle.   They are all part of the story and speak to hurdles and opportunities that will unfold this month.   


This year’s Aries New Moon chart has a sun/moon conjunction with Mercury and a conjunction with Chiron.   Mercury and Chiron sharpen the focus of the chart and will be an overriding influence the whole cycle.   


Mercury in Aries puts the brain on alert and can be a sharp tongue.   Mercury conjunction the Sun and the Moon provides a quickness to the 29-day cycle.   Quick thoughts, quick actions are pronounced which can be a gift.   We could wake up completely convinced by one thought and by the end of the day have an entirely new thought.  Even if it is focused on one issue, there could be new information that comes forward that shifts the energy and the thinking.   Being light on our feet is a Mercury trademark but it is also being light on our mental feet.  For people who have trouble changing their mind there is a creativity that comes with the ability to be moveable in thought and speech.  Learning to pivot is the Mercury gift.  Learning to pivot fast is the Mercury in Aries gift.     On April 10th, Mercury will move into earthbound Taurus and will want to slow down our thoughts and our communication and focus on practicality.   We may be a little less adhd-ish.   However, given the chart has the conjunction with sun and moon, there is still a patina of speediness during the whole 29-day cycle.    Make the most of the pivot energy.  Feel the lightness in your brain, enjoy the speed and be ready to apologize fast if your mouth is a bit too sharp.   You can speak truth but no need to get ugly, right?  


I will argue that the sun/moon conjunction with Chiron is the greatest influence in this chart and will be a palpable infleuence during this 29-day cycle.   Chiron is weird.  It is not a planet but a planetoid.  It is in the asteroid belt between Saturn and Uranus and was discovered in 1977.    Obviously, less than 50 years of being tracked, puts Chiron as a new player in the astrology world.   We continue to learn more of its influence in personal charts and in mundane (worldly) matters.  The myth of Chiron is he is a centaur (half man half horse) who was abandoned by his mother because she thought he was ugly (nice parenting btw).    Chiron had to find his way through the world alone.  He made mistakes and caused his own problems (a bit too much boozing) but he became a master healer.    Chiron is connected to healing through self-wounding.   Where we make our biggest mistakes is where we can teach others, and this is how we self-heal.   Everyone has Chiron somewhere in their chart and I would encourage you to read about its placement in your own chart.   Here is an excellent link for Chiron information and your chart.


In terms of the world and this new moon chart, Chiron in Aries speaks to independence and self-reliance through personal identity and agency.   People will be asked on some level to find their identity.    It is not enough to have a job, be a part of a family, be a part of group, the question we will see asked and answered both globally and in our personal lives is, “Who am I?”  “What makes me tick?”  And of course “Where do I need to be a warrior?”   Given it is Chiron, this question will probably be asked under some pressure, perhaps quite intense circumstances.    Chiron spends eight years in a sign and the last time it was in Aries was between 1968-1976.   It arrived one month after MLK died and activated a new intensity to the Black Movement, it was part of the process of Women's Movement, Aries is the first fire sign and burning bras seems on point.   Stonewall (69) energized the Gay Movement and even the walk on the moon showed an energy of Chiron in Aries.  None of it easy but all of it profound.   In the case of this era of Chiron in Aries began Feb 2019 and will last until April 2027.     Ask yourself where was the world in Feb 2019 and where is it now?    It is hard not to gulp.   In many ways all those movements from the 1970s during that Chiron in Aries are getting our attention again.     In the eight Aries new moons there are four which will get the powerful lesson of Chiron.  The 1st one was in 2020, which was one month after the world went into Covid lock down.   Warriors were showing up everywhere.  People were having to tap their own self-identity and sense of urgency and survival and others bristled at any kind of measure and saw it as infringement on their rights.    Both pitch perfect Chiron in Aries.    The loss of life since then has put a sobriety to this New Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries.   How it plays out, is yet to be seen.   Evidently, the universe senses we need to find self and our own warrior a few more rounds since we will have two more Aries New Moons conjunct Chiron in 2024 & 2026.   One can see why this year’s Treasure Map could be powerful with Chiron influencing the chart.   Finding self and being authentic but not using it as a weapon will be well received.    Many people will let down their hair and get real inspiring others to do the same.    


The ruling planet of Aries is Mars and on April 4, Mars will form a conjunction with Saturn.    The tension of this conjunction will be felt on the new moon and leaves a patina to the 29-day lunar month.    Mars is a warrior, he is aggressive.   Saturn is responsibility, a stern task master and can be a cold water to any enthusiasm.     When these two come together it can be very frustrating since on one note they can seem at cross purposes.   However, they both have an appreciation of hard work.   Mars loves to move, and Saturn likes accomplishment.    The energy can be used to take care of business.  To-do lists can get to-done.    Aquarius is the sign of community and group thought.  Warriors in the community may be loud.  Are they bringing people together or pushing them apart?   Aquarius is also the cyber world and new technology.   Probably a good time to change a few passwords as cyber warriors might flex their muscles.   On April 5, Mars will square the nodes.   This is the first square from Mars since the lunar nodes moved into Taurus and Scorpio.  There could be tension around money and resources.  Banking, loans, stocks and workers, unions, we could see these themes energized.   As well as farming and land uses.   On April 14, Mars moves into Pisces, ushering in  gentler themes like humanitarian causes and compassion, faith and the arts.   


The Side business of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune 


Venus the planet of love, money and values has been between a rock and hard place for months.   After Venus squared Mars on March 27 and conjunct Saturn on March 28, she gets to put both of them in her rear view mirror and start to play, breathe joy and find fun.  This has not been the case since mid-December.   This is the first new moon in several months where Venus feels freedom.    Our money, creativity, artistic talent and beauty, while it may not be perfect for 29 days, it will feel lighter.   Perhaps optimistic.  That energy will be felt and appreciated by us personally and in worldly matters. 


Jupiter is heading towards Neptune for the big conjunction on April 12 at 7:42am PDT.    This is by far one of the biggest aspects and energies for 2022.   The last time these two came together was in 2009 and that was in the sign of Aquarius.   This time the conjunction is in Pisces which will expand our humanitarian and compassionate natures.   We will say, “There by the grace of god”.  Given this aspect is occurring in the Aries lunar cycle suggests to me that Jupiter/Neptune is more about action in the face of humanitarian emotions.   Empathy rather than just pity.    There is also emphasis on spirituality, trust. Faith and metaphysics.   There is also a cultural component as well to the aspect with emphasis on music and arts.  The last time Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces was 1856.   The birth of the blues and birth of photography connect to the last round in Pisces.  There will be something beautiful to emerge out of this aspect, even if we do not see the value at first.    For more on Jupiter/Neptune this is a good read.





Pluto station retrograde 

April 29, 2022 

28 Cap 36 


Pluto spends six months retrograde every year and on April 29 it will begin its journey moving from 28 to 26 degrees of Capricorn.    Pluto will continue to put pressure on big government, big business, and big resources.   Flaws will be exposed including corruption.   Where systems are disconnected, they will get our attention.   We are in the final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn so there is a lot of work Pluto must accomplish before it leaves the sign in 2024.   Remember we have been dealing with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008.   Whenever Pluto changes signs it gets our attention in a big way.  In the case of 2008 it was the stock market crash and Great Recession.  When it goes into Aquarius –that will be a different animal. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the USA was working on a constitution and France was having a revolution.  Aquarius does rule new technology.  Not sure it was something the world really needed but let’s not repeat the new technology of the guillotine from that era of Pluto in Aquarius.   It is interesting that the next Treasure Map new moon in 2023 will have two Aries new moons.  One at zero degrees and the other at 29 degrees of Aries.    The first Aries new moon will have Pluto at the last seconds of Capricorn. But the next map 29 days later will have Pluto in Aquarius.   I have not had a chance to really absorb it but I do feel like energy is speeding up these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.  When the retrograde wrap up on October 8 we will no doubt have seen themes from this winter and early spring repeat but perhaps look quite different by the time we see them again next winter.    


Obviously for those of us living in America, the retrograde of Pluto will bring more information and themes as we process the USA’s Pluto return this year and next year.    Which is no small process for a nation and Americans.  



In conclusion: 

While we ride these tumultuous times it is so important for all of us to find self.  We must clear our minds, dig deep, and remember who is that person in the mirror?    What is our self-identity?   What is our purpose?  And above all never forget that someone loves you.   A lover, a friend, family, neighbor, person who works at the market, someone (or many) love you.   They see you and love you and now is the time for you to see you.   Happy Aries New Moon & Happy Treasure Mapping.  









The 8 phases


Aries New Moon 

11 Aries 30 

March 31, 2022 

11: 24 pm PDT 





New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     What is your identity?   Where do you need to find self?  What are your needs?  What are your goals?  Where is your voice?  NOT anyone else’s—but yours?   Plant seeds on supporting you!  




Special note:

4/1:  Sun conjunction Chiron.  There is healing around self-identity and self-purpose.  Where do you need to be a warrior for self? 

4/2: Mercury conjunction Sun.  Communication comes in clear and fast.  Truth and authenticity ring loud.   

4/4: Mars conjunction Saturn.  Actions that support structures are important.   Actions that are just acting will be thwarted.  Coldness without heart for humanity is misguided.  



Crescent Moon Phase

April 4, 2022

8:45pm PDT  



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your communication?  What is your thinking telling you about YOU?   What are you learning about getting the facts on the ground?   How does your ability to make connections speak to your goals?   How are you communicating with siblings and neighbors?  




Special Focus

4/5: Venus enters Pisces.  Intuition and love of compassion and humanity get our attention.   Leaning into music and arts is valued.   Gentleness gets extra points.   

4/5:  Mars square nodes.  Money and resources get Zslammed.  Who is getting sacrificed for others?   


First Quarter Moon 

April 8, 2022

11:47pm PDT   



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that speak to your emotions?  What actions are connected to your roots?  What actions are you using to propel you towards your goals?   How are you harnessing your emotions for big actions?  



Special Note

4/10: Mercury square Pluto.  Dark thoughts serve whom?   Manipulators put on notice.  

4/10: Mercury enters Taurus – our brains slow down, we seek to be more measured in our thinking and communicating. 

4/11: Saturn square Nodes.  Finances and resources feel tweaked.   Financial hits may be experienced in world markets.   Borders get tight.  

4/12: Jupiter conjunction Neptune (see above) 



Gibbous Moon

April 12, 2022 

10:33pm PDT   




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  What is going on with your schedule?  How are your daily activities in sync with your identity?   What needs to be added to your calendar that is more in sync?  What needs to be jettison because you have moved on?   Where to you need more discretion?   What goals need more fine tuning?  


Special focus

4/14: Mars enters Pisces.  Actions based on something unworldly.  Fuzzy feelings and intuition guide actions.   Warriors for spirituality may get our attention.   Internally our trust speaks for some of our actions.  




Full Moon Phase – 

26 Libra 46 

April 16, 2020



If you have not made your treasure map by this time.  Do NOT make a map.   Skip this year and you can do it next year.  That’s okay to sit out a year.  Farmers let fields go fallow and sometimes we need to do the same.  




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

What is going on with your relationships?  How are you finding balance?  When you show up with your authentic self, how do others respond?  How do you value partnerships?  How do partners value you?   How do find the value in negotiations?  



Special focus 


4/17:  Mercury conjunction Uranus.  Weird, out of the blue thoughts and communications.  Connections that come from left field.  

4/18: Sun square Pluto.  Break throughs and break outs.  Where is identity?  How does it find power?   


4/19: Sun enters Taurus.   Energies based on concreteness and practicality get our attention.   Being pragmatic makes more sense. 



April 19, 2022   

8:04 pm PDT 


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your knowledge?  How are you sharing your ability to be a bridge?  How are you sharing your generosity?  How are you sharing your ability to embrace situations that seem ‘foreign’?  



Special focus:





Last Quarter Moon Phase

April 23, 2022

4:56am PDT 





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to your role in your community?   Where are you making choices that elevate your values and showcase them for others?   What actions are you taking that speak to your own authority in the face of authority? 


Special focus 


4/24: Mercury square Saturn.  Thoughts and communication that are too rigid and stuck get a cold response.   



Balsamic Moon Phase


March 26, 2022 

6:09am PDT  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing illusion and fantasy?  How are releasing emotions that overwhelm?   How are you releasing lack of faith?   




Special focus:

4/27: Venus conjunction Neptune.  Leaning into the mystical and the joy from some other unworldly place.   Spirit and faith are a beauty along with compassion. 

4/28: Mercury trine Pluto Thoughts that are liberating.  Communication that is freeing.  

4/29: Pluto retrograde 28 Cap 36  (see above)

4/29: Mercury enters Gemini.  Oh, boy here comes the chitter chatter.  Lots of thoughts thoughts and communication.  Finding the clarity is challenging but it is a lot of fun talk. 

4/30: Venus conjunction Jupiter.  Big and joy.  Big money and adventure.  Play is fun.  Being out there in a big way lifts the heart. 


Taurus New Moon & Eclipse April 30, 1:28 PM PDT   10 Taurus 28 




Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW