New Moon Articles by Tracy
Treasure Mapping by Tracy Cook
I know some of you are coming to this thread for the first time...great. After you read about Treasure Mapping I also encourage you to read about THIS year's Aries 2017 New Moon.
Treasure Mapping by Tracy Cook
Like many people, there is an extra skip in my step this time of year. However, my buoyancy is not caused by a sudden shift in good weather. Unlike other areas of the country (and northern hemisphere for that matter) winters in Los Angeles are not particularly long nor are they harsh. Rather my joyful gait is caused by the impending knowledge that in a few short days I will be participating in one of my most favorite annual events. Treasure Mapping.
My roots to Treasure Mapping begin with Margaret Wendt (who coincidentally is proprietress of this website). In 1989 Margaret and I met at a mutual friend’s baby shower and a fast friendship was immediately formed. We both had a history and appreciation on all things metaphysical or as I like to call it ‘woo-woo’. My own history was much more informal than Margaret who by the time I met her had been an investigative journalist and well known metaphysician. But right from the start we both had a lot of mutual interests and immediately shared knowledge. Soon after our introduction, Margaret shared with me audiocassettes from her astrologer and teacher Robert Buz Meyers who had been practicing in Cleveland, Ohio.
Now Margaret who is gifted in so many ‘woo-woo’ things both as a clairaudient and journalist is absolutely dense in one area. She cannot remember her own astrology chart to save her life. I on the other hand am completely fuzzy on matters of ‘life after death’ or things like the Akashic records. And if asked about numerology I will stammer like a grade school child on assembly day. But when it comes to astrology, well, even I can surprise myself. Ask me about a natal chart of a best friend, casual acquaintance or well-known politician and I can retrieve their chart information in a nanosecond. “George Clooney? Sun in Taurus with Moon in Cap.” “John Kerry? Sag Sun, Moon in Gemini, Sag Rising.” In truth many astrologers have this gift, which in another time period would have made us great at parlor tricks. But luckily Margaret could tell that beyond my instant astrodata recall I would be a natural for Buz’s information. And so with a generous heart she handed me her tapes and said, “I know you will get this information.” And no truer words were spoken. After listening to a few tapes I quickly called Buz’s office and signed up to receive his monthly lectures.
Buz was a remarkable astrologer. His lectures were focused on the new moon of each month and what we all could do to navigate through the hurdles and access the bounties. In particular, Buz worked closely with the eight phases of the moon and even Margaret who struggled with her own chart had clearly identified the eight phases and knew how to work them beautifully. I certainly knew the quarters of the moon but it was with Buz’s lectures that I folded in the other four phases.
During the early 1990’s I received Buz’s monthly tapes and because Margaret was so busy with her three children and her television career I took it upon myself to give her the Cliffs Notes on Buz’s lecture and share with her the one or two tapes that I thought would really ring her bell. And so it was when in March of 1996, Buz recorded his set of tapes for the upcoming Aries new moon. When I received those tapes I knew that my notes would not be enough. So, I called Margaret and our mutual friend Ann and said, “Let’s meet at Margaret’s house on Aries New Moon, I’m bringing some stuff and the Buz tapes. I want you guys to hear this one.”
On April 17, 1996 the three of us met. I brought some glue bottles and scissors and poster board and they both were somewhat surprised but once they listened to the lecture it all made sense. What made this set of tapes so extraordinary was that the entire focus of the tape was Treasure Mapping.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it lines up with spring. And if you have ever been around Aries personalities you know that they are strong willed and forceful because like a spring flower bursting through permafrost they will do what they can to get to the sun. Aries know what they want but at the same time they need to see it. Aries rules sight. Aries is the first fire sign of the zodiac and historians will tell you that Fire gave man the bridge to the future, protection against predators, warmth, light in darkness. It is no surprised that Aries is the beginning of our journey. It is our torch.
Of course since it is the first sign of the zodiac it really is the true beginning of the New Year. And as Buz explained in the tape, now is the time when we must build our Treasure Map. To see where we are heading this year.
So, after we listened to the lecture we did exactly what Buz suggested. We walked up the street to the magazine stand and each of us bought several magazines. Then we returned to Margaret’s house and quickly thumbed through the images until we all found things that we wanted. Cutting and snipping our future outs from images of one magazine after another. Pasting them on the poster board and jotting thoughts and affirmations. It was a metaphysical craft session. It was also a lot of fun. There is something so rewarding sitting on the floor with close friends, snipping out a image and saying, “Who needs a BMW?” Of course many of our desires were far more important than new cars.
At this time I was in a dating lull but I did want to move forward in this area of my life and I happily found an attractive photo from a Ralph Lauren ad of a guy on yacht. I liked the image and naturally since it was an ad, the model was on the young side. I didn’t give it much thought except that I liked it. In addition I put a photo of a heart and a baby. These were experiences I did not want to miss. I also wrote down words like “my own boss” “solid writing”. I also had things about good health and other images.
Buz indicated that we needed to build our maps during the new phase of the Aries moon, which meant the first 3.5 days of the New Moon for the most oomph. Although he did say that we could take the whole waxing moon if we needed. Margaret took to the exercise like a duck to water and she completed her map that night after Ann and I left. I needed the next two days to get my images exactly the way I wanted and Ann took even a few days longer than me. But we all did finish our maps and I remember staring at it in awe. It was a powerful moment to look at what I wanted for my life. It truly felt like a Treasure Map.
Now the magic of the Treasure Map is that if you build the map on Aries New Moon you will start to see results by Cancer new moon which is three months later. Even if there are areas of one’s life that have been completely moribund they will start to grow if the images have been planted on the Aries new moon.
Margaret had her own results almost immediately. It was within two weeks that the direction of her life moved light years when she met a man who matched her own words on her map. By June she was already on the road with her new man and beginning a new wonderful chapter of her life. I met my own man in late May and began my journey in June. I am now married to that man and we have a beautiful son. It did not all happen that first year but the seeds were definitely planted on my first Treasure Map. And the part of this that was so remarkable for me was that my husband comes from a long line of sailors and is indeed a member of a yacht club. Just like my image from the Ralph Lauren ad. Also my husband is younger than me-again like my map. My work as a freelance writer grew stronger that year which lined up with my words “my own boss” and “solid writing," I found myself getting pieces of my map all year.
For the next sixteen years the three of us have met together on Aries New Moons to build our maps. There have been some years that have been better than others. And one year we were all feeling a bit burned out and Margaret suggested that we abandon the traditional map and go back to the roots of the Treasure Maps from the late 80’s when she first went to Buz workshops and he encouraged everyone to write affirmations on orange paper during Aries new moon. There was something organic about that process which I enjoyed greatly.
The allure in the Treasure Maps is not just the results but also the process of giving oneself the luxury of thinking “What do I want?” It is liberating thumbing through a magazine and saying, “hmmm, I think my guy is really smart, where are some guys with glasses?” Or, “I really want to feel spiritually centered this year…can someone find me an image of Buddha?” Treasure Mapping is just a wonderful way to turn inward and ask, “what do I want?” while at the same time if you do it with good friends you will find yourself in welcoming womb of support. It is truly a birth experience.
For more information on this year's treasure map check my blog for updates. http://tracyastrosalon.blogspot.com
Astro Answers by Tracy
- 09-27-2007 Watch out! Here comes Saturn - By Tracy Cook
- 08-30-2007 Saturn in Virgo---Times up! by Tracy Cook
- 08-02-2007 Astro Thumbs Up: Void of Course Moons by Tracy Cook
- 07-21-2007 AstroThumbs Up: Guadalupe Virgin of The Americas by Tracy Cook
- 07-20-2007 Who am I? My Sun or My Moon? by Tracy Cook
- 06-10-2007 Can anyone explain Mercury Retrograde to me? by Tracy Cook
- 05-20-2007 Who is in the Hot Seat by Tracy Cook
- 05-01-2007 Astro Coming Attraction by Tracy Cook
New Moon Articles by Tracy
- 2014: Sag New Moon --Change that perspective-NOW!
- 2024 Capricorn New Moon: Let's Get Your Cap On!
- 2nd Aquarius New Moon: 2015
- And now it is the Second Cancer New Moon!
- Aqaurius New Moon 2011--The New Quilting BEE!
- Aquarius New Moon 2010! It is a strange trip
- Aquarius New Moon 2012!
- Aquarius New Moon 2014 - You LikeMind me.
- Aquarius New Moon 2015 - The Zero One
- Aquarius New Moon 2016: Get Your Tribe On
- Aquarius New Moon 2017: Out of the chaos we find our Peeps.
- aquarius New Moon 2017: Out of the chaos we find our Peeps.
- Aquarius New Moon 2017: Out of The Chaos We Find our Peeps!!
- Aquarius New Moon 2018: Friends & Communities
- Aquarius New Moon 2019: No Time or Place for Emotions
- Aquarius New Moon 2020: Expect the Unexpected
- Aquarius New Moon 2021 Your Place in the Community
- Aquarius New Moon 2022: Loneliness or Circles? Your choice!
- Aquarius New Moon 2023: Wear Your Weird
- Aquarius New Moon 2024: Pluto is Getting Our Attention
- Aquarius New Moon 2025
- Aquarius New Moon--Unique Solutions if you are willing
- Aries New Moon #1 March 2023
- Aries New Moon #2 - April 19th 2023 PDT
- Aries New Moon - It will be a great Treasure Map time!
- Aries New Moon 2009---IT’S A BIG ONE!
- Aries New Moon 2010--Let's get this party started!
- Aries New Moon 2012: You rule!
- Aries New Moon 2014 Get out of the way! Your Life is Coming
- Aries New Moon 2016: Light this rocket!
- Aries New Moon 2017
- Aries New Moon 2018: What Are Your Instincts Telling You?
- Aries New Moon 2019: Patience. Yes. That Word.
- Aries New Moon 2020: Survival
- Aries New Moon 2021: Heart Driven Changes
- Aries New Moon 2022: Finding Self Now!
- Aries New Moon 2024 Total Solar Eclipse - Wow.
- Aries New Moon 2025: A New Beginning for All
- Aries New Moon! (2008) by Tracy Cook
- Aries New Moon, 2011- Yes it is a big one!
- Astro Coming Attraction by Tracy Cook
- Astro Thumbs Up: Void of Course Moons by Tracy Cook
- AstroThumbs Up: Guadalupe Virgin of The Americas by Tracy Cook
- Can anyone explain Mercury Retrograde to me? by Tracy Cook
- Cancer Eclipse & New Moon 2019: Your Emotions Will Guide You
- Cancer New Moon & The Grand Cross
- Cancer New Moon --The Great Healing by Tracy Cook
- Cancer New Moon 2010---Your feelings have answers
- Cancer New Moon 2012 - "It's the flow, Baby!"
- Cancer New Moon 2014: REFRESH!
- Cancer New Moon 2016: Let It Flow
- Cancer New Moon 2017: Are your emotions flowing? Good.
- Cancer New Moon 2023: Ride the Rapids
- Cancer New Moon 2024: Emotions, Feelings and Needs- Oh, My!
- Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse June 20, 2020
- Cancer New Moon--The first of two (2009)
- Cancer New Moon-Ready, Set, Emote! July, 14th 2007 by Tracy Cook
- Cancer New Moon: 2013
- Cancer New Moon: 2022 - Emotions Guide Us To Our Heart
- Cancer New Moon: Don't make me go find your roots...you do it!
- Cancer New Moon: Feelings. Emotions. Passion. 2021
- Cancer Solar Eclipse 2018
- Capricorn 2010 NEW MOON--Taking Care of Business!
- Capricorn 2011-Aim your ambition-NOW
- Capricorn New Moon - Get Serious!
- Capricorn New Moon 2011 -Be the authority and move up!
- Capricorn New Moon 2013: Pragmatic and no excuses
- Capricorn New Moon 2014
- Capricorn NEW MOON 2016 ...Get Real!
- Capricorn New Moon 2018
- Capricorn New Moon 2019 - Pragmatism Pragmatism Pragmatism
- Capricorn New Moon 2019: Focused and Disciplined
- Capricorn New Moon 2019: Focused and Disciplined
- Capricorn New Moon 2021. Climb Like a Goat
- Capricorn New Moon 2022: Climb Heights
- Capricorn New Moon 2025 Ambition for You
- Capricorn New Moon Dec 2022: CEO of Values
- Capricorn New Moon: Slow and sensible is a-okay.
- Clean your Slate Capricorn New Moon! by Tracy Cook
- Dreaming on Pisces New Moon by Tracy Cook
- GEMINI NEW MOON 2011 –“Can someone turn on the air, please?”
- Gemini Eclipse New Moon 2021: Fact versus Fiction and Pivot !
- Gemini New Moon (2012)- Second time's the charm
- Gemini New Moon 2009---The Fast and Furious Talker
- Gemini New Moon 2010: A Tornado among us!
- Gemini New Moon 2013
- Gemini New Moon 2014: The power of light feet
- Gemini New Moon 2014: The power of light feet
- Gemini New Moon 2018 - Thoughts!
- Gemini New Moon 2019: Mix it up & Adapt
- Gemini New Moon 2020: Reboot Your Inner Computer
- Gemini New Moon 2022: Process the Information
- Gemini New Moon 2023: Fuzzy Data But Still Informs
- Gemini New Moon 2024: Cha-Cha-Cha-ing
- Gemini New Moon by Tracy Cook
- Gemini New Moon-- Reach out! Mix it Up!
- Gemini New Moon--the first round- 2012
- Gemini New Moon. Mental Exercises 2015
- Gemini New Moon. Mental Exercises 2015
- Gemini New Moon: Question and Shift
- Gemini- New Moon 2008-- Ready to Connect! by Tracy Cook
- Get out of the way---LEO NEW MOON is HERE!
- Get your Viking on--Aries New Moon 2013
- It is all a balancing act, Baby! Libra new moon 2008
- LEO 2008 New Moon--Sunny side of the street by Tracy Cook
- Leo New Moon - Round two & Solar Eclipse 2017
- Leo New Moon - The First One! 2017
- Leo New Moon - The First One! 2017
- Leo New Moon - To be bold or not to be bold? That is the question
- Leo New Moon 2011--Your passion tells you so
- Leo New Moon 2012--The Heart Wants To Thrive
- Leo New Moon 2013: Be Big. Be Very Big
- Leo New Moon 2015: Learn from the Lion!
- LEO NEW MOON 2016: Dare to find Joy & Strength
- Leo New Moon 2019: Be Special, dang it!
- Leo New Moon 2020: Put on Your Sloppy Cape
- Leo New Moon 2023 - 29 Days of Brave
- Leo New Moon 2024: Love, Strength and Courage
- Leo New Moon Eclipse 2018
- Leo New Moon: 2021 - Find Your Authentic Heart
- leo New Moon: 2021 - Find Your Authentic Heart
- Leo New Moon: 2022 - Be YOU.
- Leo's in the House..Roar! Sort of.. by Tracy Cook
- Libra New Moon (2007) by Tracy Cook
- Libra New Moon -How do you relate? Does it serve you?
- Libra New Moon 2009--The business of relating
- Libra New Moon 2012-
- Libra New Moon 2013 -- Balance That!
- Libra New Moon 2014: Let's really get our Libra on this time
- Libra New Moon 2015: Get your relationships straightened out
- Libra New Moon 2016: The Power of Negotiation
- Libra New Moon 2017: Not as light as you think
- Libra New Moon 2018: Power & Negotiations & Self Worth. Repeat.
- Libra New Moon 2019: Your Identity, My Identity & An Oxygen Mask
- Libra New Moon 2020: Bumpy. Power. Kindness. Repeat.
- Libra New Moon 2021: Where's your balance?
- Libra New Moon 2022 : How are your relating skills?
- Libra New Moon Eclipse 2023
- Libra New Moon Eclipse 2024: What's That Zagging?
- New Moon in Aquarius 2013 Pull out your lightening rod-hits are coming
- New Moon in Virgo--Now you can fix your life
- New Moon Leo 2010--Wish upon a star--"Hey, that's me!"
- Pisces 2021 New Moon - All We Need is Love
- Pisces New Moon 2010--The LEAP of FAITH
- Pisces New Moon 2012: What is Dissolving?
- Pisces New Moon 2013 -Get in the flow
- Pisces New Moon 2014: Go for the Flow
- Pisces New Moon 2015
- Pisces New Moon 2016: Karma and Elevation
- Pisces New Moon 2017 -- The Big Release and Melt
- Pisces New Moon 2018: Intuition Speaks Are You Hearing It?
- Pisces New Moon 2019: Dazed and Confused --Thank You For It
- Pisces New Moon 2020: Time to Get Quiet
- Pisces New Moon 2022: Finding the Inner World
- Pisces New Moon 2023: Beep!
- Pisces New Moon 2024: Connecting to Bigger
- Pisces New Moon 2025: Unplug and Replenish
- Pisces New Moon---Mystics Apply
- Pisces New Moon--Dive or wash up on shore, it is your choice!
- Sag New Moon 2010-- Ready, Aim---Change!
- Sag New Moon 2012 - A time to get real
- Sag New Moon 2021 Total Eclipse
- Sag New Moon 2023: Bits of Joy is still Joy
- Sag New Moon Total Eclipse 2020: The Truth is in The Mirror
- Sag New Moon---All Vision without the Hype!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2009--Ready, Aim, Adjust...Fire, Adjust, Aim, Ready..
- Sagittarius New Moon 2013 - Forward Ho!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2015: The Adventure!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2016: Get Wise Get Inspired
- Sagittarius New Moon 2017 - On Top of The Galactic Center
- Sagittarius New Moon 2018 - Get Inspired. Now!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2019: Hot & Cold Wisdom
- Sagittarius New Moon 2024: Finding The Way
- Sagittarius New Moon--Mother Knows Best
- Saturn in Virgo---Times up! by Tracy Cook
- Scorpio New Moon (2017) : Act Like a Plumber!!
- Scorpio New MOON 2009-Resources and Community--Where do I fit?
- Scorpio New Moon 2010-Jump in the water!
- Scorpio New moon 2012: Suit up and Commit
- Scorpio New Moon 2015
- Scorpio New Moon 2016: Release the death grip
- Scorpio New Moon 2018 - Rejuvenate!
- Scorpio New Moon 2019 - Shocked to Vulnerability
- Scorpio New Moon 2020: Dig Deep & Get Rid of Debris
- Scorpio New Moon 2023: Depth & Release
- Scorpio New Moon 2024: Tapping Power & Getting Unstuck
- Scorpio NEW MOON by Tracy Cook
- Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse SHED! SHED!SHED!
- Scorpio New Moon(2011)--DNA, Survival and ditching Garbage
- Scorpio New Moon: Get Your Plumbers Butt On!
- scorpio New Moon: Get your Plumbers Butt on!
- Scorpio New Moon: Solar Eclipse 2014
- scorpio New Moon: Solar Eclipse 2015
- Scorpio Solar Eclipse New Moon 2022: Release. Got it?
- Second Cancer New Moon 2020
- Taurus New Moon 2010-----And so we begin.......
- Taurus New Moon 2011--Build upon it!
- TAURUS NEW MOON 2012 --What do you value?
- Taurus New Moon 2017: Practicality for a Personal Revolution
- Taurus New Moon 2018: Making Changes Bit by Bit
- Taurus New Moon 2019: Feel The Changes
- Taurus New Moon 2020: The rest of the year and being practical
- Taurus New Moon 2021. Slow down and find your values.
- Taurus New Moon 2022: Our Resources, our Love our Values!
- Taurus New Moon 2024: The Power of Slowing Down
- Taurus New Moon Eclipse: Yes you can make the changes!
- Taurus New Moon. Getting Practical ..Seriously, for real
- Taurus New Moon: May 19 The Glory of Practicality!
- Taurus New Moon: Take the short route between A&B
- Taurus to the RESCUE!
- TaurusNewMoon 2014--Building Good bit by bit
- The Sea has changed---SCORPIO NEW MOON 2008
- There she blows!!! SAG NEW MOON is HERE! by Tracy Cook
- Tick Tock Virgo New Moon Strikes the Clock....2008
- Treasure Mapping by Tracy Cook
- Virgo 2018 New Moon - A Hero's Journey
- Virgo 2019 New Moon - A Car Full of Nerves
- Virgo New Moon - Your daily life is YOU. How is it going?
- Virgo New Moon 2011- Help & Work serve you!
- Virgo New Moon 2012: Sweating the Small Stuff
- Virgo New Moon 2013: A Big Opportunity
- Virgo New Moon 2016 - What's that stuff in your schedule?
- Virgo New Moon 2017: Skills Needed! Please Apply
- Virgo New Moon 2021: Daily efforts build your life
- Virgo New Moon 2022: Don't be a burnt out Roomba
- Virgo New Moon 2023: Keep Your Head Down & Do The Work
- Virgo New Moon by Tracy Cook
- Virgo New Moon--Details Rule
- Virgo New Moon: 2020 - Every choice is yours
- Virgo New Moon: 2024 - Control Your Future By Your Schedule
- Watch out! Here comes Saturn - By Tracy Cook
- What To Do This Taurus New Moon by Tracy Cook
- Who am I? My Sun or My Moon? by Tracy Cook
- Who is in the Hot Seat by Tracy Cook
- You had me at Hello, Aquarius New Moon by Tracy Cook
It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW