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Virgo New Moon: 2020 - Every choice is yours

Virgo New Moon – 2020

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?     Every hour of every day you make a choice.  Nothing riding on those choices but the sum of your life.  Ask Virgo. 



Please note all times in Pacific.   


Virgo New Moon 

25 Virgo 00

September17, 2020 

4:00am PDT



This Virgo New Moon is lovely.   If we all dig in and get the gifts of the Virgo New Moon we will benefit.   I have been doing new moon reports for a dozen or so years and I do not recall ever feeling this grateful for a Virgo New moon.   Ever.     


However, the lunar cycle is only 29 days and the other planets have their cycles that are pushing and pulling on us as well. Sometimes the lunar cycle gets in the mix and is part of the fight with the other planets and other times the lunar cycle offers up respite from the stresses and fights.   In the case of this Virgo New Moon it will spark our respite, our way to cope and our way to deal with the outer planet stresses.  It does not mean we will not see or feel the tension, but it helps us handle it.   Before we can appreciate the gifts of the Virgo lunar month, we need to look at the tensions again.  We need to get a lay of the land for the fall astro landscape.   


The Tension in the fall of 2020

As we remember on January 12, Saturn conjunct (got on top of) Pluto at 23 degrees of Capricorn.   The last time these two planets got together was 1982 and the last time they did it in Capricorn was 1518.  I spent a lot of time reminding everyone that the 1518 aspect connected to Martin Luther and The Reformation, illustrating how big a punch could be found in this aspect.  Of course, as events unfolded it was clear Covid was tied to the aspect along with other stresses (Jupiter & Solar Eclipse).  Once we passed January 12, Saturn moved through Capricorn and into Aquarius on March 21 then retrograded in May and went back into Capricorn in July where it continues to grind over the terrain it visited all the way back to March.  At the same time, Pluto station retrograde in April and it, too, is grinding back to the hot zone.  Because these planets move at different speeds, Saturn and Pluto will not get on top of each other again this year (thank you, Heaven) but they will get close enough to stir up stuff from Jan-March.  Like drivers in a wreck, they want to go back to the neighborhood of the car accident to figure out, “How did it happen?”  “What can I learn?”   The closest they get to the intersection is on September 28 when Saturn stations direct and begins its climb out of Capricorn heading for Aquarius again.  On October 4 Pluto will station direct.   Both of these moves out of retrograde take place during this Virgo 29-day cycle.   


Also, in 2020 Jupiter has his own conjunctions with Pluto, one in April and one in June and the third and final one is on November 12.  While that aspect is not taking place during this Virgo lunar month Jupiter turned direct a few days before the Virgo new moon and the gravity that comes with being the largest planet of the zodiac changing directions should not be underestimated.  All during this Virgo lunar cycle Jupiter will be plowing towards that conjunction.  We will feel an energy revving up around our beliefs, philosophies and we will ask if they if they have a practical application.  Jupiter can be inspiring and righteous.  Calibrating between the two takes a deft hand, smart brain and willing heart.   At the end of the day, Jupiter in Capricorn says, “Walk your talk.”   We will be aware of any hypocrites either in our self or others.  


Finally, during this Virgo lunar 29- day cycle, we have Mercury & Mars getting into tussles with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn.   These planets get our attention that something is awry.  The Mercury tussles inform us through thoughts and communication.  Mars of course makes us look at actions.  Are our actions in synch with what the world needs?  Or even what our family and friends need?  What about the actions of others?  Are they out of step?  There will be frustrations.   We will feel like we are between a rock and a hard place.  These are the dates of Mercury and Mars tussles during this Virgo lunar 29-day cycle.  


9/17: Mercury square Jupiter (just before New Moon)

9/20: Mercury square Pluto

9/23: Mercury square Saturn 

9/24: Mercury opposition Mars 

9/27: Mercury enters Scorpio 

9/ 29 Mars square Saturn

10/9  Mars square Pluto

10/13 Mercury retrograde 11 Scorpio 40


As you can see that is a lot of astrological energy.  It is kind of a wallop.   Wherever we can find the good, we should run with it.  Luckily, Virgo New Moon can provide some paths of sensibility.   


Enter Virgo, Stage Right  


The New Moon chart has the Sun and Moon trine Saturn and Pluto and Jupiter (although wider).  The Sun Moon oppose Neptune and form a smaller aspect, an inconjunct, to Mars. 


Given Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are major players in the drama of 2020 it is a gift to have them in alliance with the Sun and Moon in the new Moon chart.   Most of the tension coming from Saturn and Pluto speaks to things that are broken, things that need evolution and searching for solutions or putting structures in place that make sense. We could see a lot of ‘broken’ during these 29 days.  Virgo and Capricorn respond to practicality.  They both desire an answer to this question: “What is the most practical answer?’   Jupiter reminds us, no matter how broken anything appears there will be a solution.  It may not be immediate and might take a little time to navigate but do not lose hope.   A solution can be found.  Virgo rules discernment and refinery.  Where some people slap something together Virgo is thoughtful.  It considers every option.     Virgo knows it has the power of choice.  In Virgo we go down to the studs on every choice we make.   In many writing classes that I attended; multiple instructors have reminded the class --- “Your character is the sum of all his/her choices”.   During the stresses of all the current astrology landscape this is probably truer now than ever.   The sum of our life is the choices we make every hour of every day.   Now during the Virgo lunar cycle, we get an opportunity to look at every choice we make.  How are we spending every dollar?  What are we eating?  How do we get things?  What is on our calendar?   Are we living in disorder?  What can we do to straighten out stuff?  If there are some hurdles that cannot be cleared out right now then how are we making the best of the time (even with the hurdle)?    How are we choosing to be kind?  How do we show our gentle?  How are we choosing passion?  How are we choosing fierce?   Are we wearing a mask?    Every hour of every day must be acknowledged.  We do not sleep-walk in Virgo.  We note all our actions, they are like the dots in a George Seurat painting. Up close they are a dot but step back and you see a whole painting.  That is our life for these 29 days.   


It should be remembered that as practical as Virgo is, there is also an insecurity.  Virgo knows we can:  Do, be, find, the better.   This is not a time to beat up self or get panicked or be super critical, which are all the less evolved parts of Virgo, but rather with the support from Pluto and Saturn we improve our daily life one bite of food, one purchase, one conversation, one appointment, one email, one cleaned corner, one laundry pile, one walk around the block, one hour at a time.  Ideally, we will have a practical result every day of these 29 days.  No matter how small we will accomplish something.   However, this does not mean we should go crazy with our to-do list.   The inconjunct with Mars reminds us to be mindful of our energy.   Are you taking on more than you should?  Is your personal willpower taking you down roads that need to be abandoned?  Go back to your insecure voice and ask why is it pushing you so hard?  Would you be better served to take a break and tell the insecure voice to be quiet?   Is it time for others to step up?  Is it time to ‘drop the ball’ on something and see if anyone picks it up?  And if they don’t, then ask ‘Is it time to just let it go?”   This is the power of Virgo discernment.  


The Neptune opposition to Sun and Moon reminds us to find faith.  Virgo does not believe anything that it cannot see, touch or hear.  It is not comfortable turning anything over to a higher power because it can’t confirm a higher power exists.    Neptune looks at Virgo and says, “Ha. Like I care you don’t believe in me.”   “I will get to you through your dreams or the quiet time when you are all alone and you only have me”.   When we get too far away and are nervous, remember to get quiet.  Make a daily effort to reflect.   Let spirit find you during these 29 days.   If you are really disconnected then go to nature.  Virgo rules pets as well and they, too will help us find our faith.   Meow. Bark. 


The Big Turn Arounds 


Three planets will change their direction during the 29-day Virgo cycle. 



September 28 

10:11pm PDT 


Feb 3         Saturn enters shadow 

May 10      Station retrograde 1 Aquarius 57

Sept 28     Station direct 25 Capricorn 20

Jan 3         Saturn leaves shadow 


Saturn as we discussed, began the year with a Pluto conjunction.  It then traveled into Aquarius the final air sign of the zodiac.  Aquarius speaks to humanity.  Saturn is boundaries and as it unfolded humanity was pushed into quarantine. It appears Saturn is not subtle this year.     We also have relied on technology which is ruled by Aquarius.  Saturn will return to Aquarius on Dec 16.  Then on Dec 21, Jupiter will conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius.  Jupiter conjuncts Saturn every twenty years but this one will set off a two- hundred-year cycle of air sign conjunctions.   It is notable that all year I have brought up that there has been a conversation around ‘breath’.   “I can’t breathe” and George Floyd and now the Western US is covered in smoke.   Saturn in Aquarius coupled with North Node in Gemini remind us to stop and breathe.    Take a moment, slow down, Saturn does not rush anything.  Aquarius is the final mental sign; it communicates but in a weird way.  Consider going to your inner self and look for a red light and green light.  Access it so you can always find an answer for “Should I _____?”  See if you get a red or green light for an answer.       


In the meantime, we have to clean up issues still left unresolved in Capricorn.   Once Saturn turned retrograde in May it began to revisit all it had uncovered since Feb 3.   Capricorn is industrious and creates systems and patterns that serve great numbers of people.  It can serve the greater good. At the same time, business, banks and government are all in the wheelhouse of Capricorn.    It is no surprise that during this time people are asking what they want of their government and leaders.  They also have questions about how big business runs.  Sustainability in all areas is up for review.  We are also questioning our own personal sustainability (jobs, relationships, style, health) whether it is in practices or thinking.   There will be bumps and hurdles in the mundane and personal worlds.   Look back to Feb 3 and wonder what you could have activated then that would have improved your life?   Had you stayed focused what would be the results now?  If you feel like you missed the boat, do not get caught up in depression.  Instead find that missing discipline and access it now in Virgo.   Consider how much you will accomplish between now and January 3 (Saturn leaves the shadow point).   Remember we will not have Saturn in Capricorn again for about 28 years.   Use this time to its most advantage.  How nice it turns direct in Virgo lunar moon where we are willing to focus on our habits.  Make the habits work for you.  




October 4 

6:32 am PDT 


Jan 3         Pluto enters shadow 

Apr 25      station retrograde 24 Cap 59 

Oct 4          station direct 22 Cap 29 

Jan 25      Pluto leaves shadow 


Pluto wraps up its annual retrograde at around the same point it got into it with Saturn.   Pluto has trekked back to the degree it was on January 3.  It feels almost like starting the year over but a little faster and a little less burdened. Once Saturn stationed direct, Pluto is relieved to have Saturn the taskmaster off it’s back.  Now Pluto can do what it does best—use its intuition to shed and evolve.   For those people who have any planets between 22 and 25 Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra you are exhausted by Pluto.    Pluto is trying its best for you to find your power, but it means a willingness to change and evolve.  It makes us very uncomfortable and Pluto can take us to our knees.  It is hard.  But what we don’t know is that something is building.  It is a path out and a path to some place new.    Even if you never live more than a few miles from where you are born, you can evolve and shift as much as the person who leaves their home in Ft Wayne and moves to an ashram in Bhutan.  Everyone deserves an evolution.   Consider how your power has shifted since the beginning of January.   Consider the evolutions you have made and other ones you need to do in order to access power and be more productive and practical and a leader in your own life.    



October 13


Sep 23       Mercury enters shadow 

9/27:         Mercury enters Scorpio 

Oct 13       stations retrograde 11 Scorpio 40

Oct 27       Mercury re-enters Libra  

Nov 3        stations direct 25 Libra 54  9:49am 

Nov 10      Mercury re-enters Scorpio 

Nov 19      Mercury leaves shadow 


So, sure in this hot bed of messiness, let’s throw in a Mercury retrograde, just for fun.    The retrograde arrives near the end of the Virgo Lunar month which is perfect since Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo.  The Mercury in Scorpio retrograde is a solid companion piece to Pluto in Capricorn which is helping us find a practical evolution to our power by poking our thoughts.   Descartes said, “I think therefore I am”.  Our power is connected to our thoughts about power.       


Mercury in Scorpio is extreme thoughts and communication: Black, white, winners, losers, in, out, left, right, upper, lower.  It is all extreme.  It is not muted.   It is also very law and order.   This Mercury retrograde is not a journey for the feint hearted.  We all will be put on notice by our thinking and communication.   It will get extreme   After Mercury in Libra goes through the mill with Pluto, Saturn and Mars in September it will go into Scorpio and form an opposition to Uranus which will put the accent again on changing thoughts, even revolutionary thinking and communication.  Some people will be surprised by their own thoughts and what they hear from others.  It could sound like chaos or it could be brilliant.   During the retrograde, Mercury will hit Uranus again and then return for another square with Saturn, turn direct and hit Saturn again, return to Scorpio and form another opposition with Uranus.  If this sounds like a lot of input on Mercury, it is.    


It is important to know that Mercury gets into tussles a couple times every year with every planet.   It is a fast aspect lasting just a couple days.  What makes this period a little more weighted is that it is taking place during the Mars aspects and Jupiter Pluto aspects and the run up for Jupiter Saturn aspect.  There is a lot of going on.   We should as always take note of all communication.  Think long and hard before you send “THAT” text or email.  Hold off on big purchases.  Double check everything. Watch your snappiness.  Take a moment and ask if your need to exert law and order is justified or over the top?     Remember when Mercury returns to Libra, he knows how to find nuance.   Perhaps it is a simple conversation about fairness (Libra) that needs to transpire?      


It is also important to note that Mercury will turn direct at 9:49am PST on November 3 in the middle of the election day in the USA.   Take from that what you will.  



Moon Tangles 

Because everything is so loaded these months, I am also tracking when the moon is in cardinal signs and tangles with Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn.   We may feel ourselves pulled into the energy. Try to use it to accomplish stuff versus scuffles.  Unless someone needs to see you bare teeth.  Then sure, show your fangs.  


9/17 Moon enters Libra 11:55am PDT 

9/19 Moon exits 11:32am PDT 


9/23 Moon enters Capricorn 4:16pm PDT

9/25 Moon exits 11:07pm PDT


9/30 Moon enters Aries 7:47 pm PDT

10/3   Moon exits 8:12am PDT


10/8 Moon enters Cancer 8:45 am PDT

10/10 Moon exits 5:24pm PDT 


In conclusion:  This is such a lovely new moon chart. It is ripe with opportunities.  It is a gift to look at your daily life hour by hour and to make choices.   Even if those choices feel like they are out of your hand, you are still making the choice to do the best you can, given the circumstances.  This is how we find our power.  I will be doing daily work, hour by hour just like you.     When we reconvene on the Libra New Moon we will be in the thick of the energy.  That moon will be in its own tussles with the Capricorn and Aries planets.  But we will be ready for it because we did all we could during this Virgo cycle!    





During the month check out my blog


Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Virgo New Moon 

25 Virgo 00

September17, 2020 

4:00am PDT


New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus  We are the sum of our choices.  Be thoughtful for every choice you make during the new moon.  What do you want for grand results?  They start with very small steps now.  Be committed to those small steps, actions, choices.  They will save you when or if things get bouncy.  



Special note:

9/17: Sun Trine Saturn.  Practical application to daily rituals and habits can have long lasting results.   Be inspired to commit.  


Crescent Moon Phase

September 20, 2020

8:43am PDT


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket?  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What information are you receiving about what needs to be released?  What information are you learning about the power of rebirth?  What are you learning about resources, taxes and investments?   What are you learning about power?  


Special Focus

9/20: Mercury square Pluto.  An evolution in thinking is critical.  Talk of power is not power.  How is brute force thinking not real power?  

9/22: Sun enters Libra 

9/23: Mercury square Saturn.  Harsh thinking and stern communication are tough on the speaker and listener.  How is it also missing the point? 


First Quarter Moon 

September 23, 2020

6:54pm PDT


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that speak to your career?  What actions are you taking that present you out in the world?  What daily actions are you taking that benefit by a bigger push that match your goals?   How are you pushing your leadership skills? 


9/24: Mercury opposition Mars.  Thinking and communication are opposite of actions.  Actions appear to not have thinking.  Balance versus forcefulness. 

9/27: Mercury enters Scorpio 



Gibbous Moon

September 27, 2020 

1:32pm PDT 




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your friendships? How are you discerning your groups?  How are you figuring out your place with your circles?  How much time do they need?  Is it working for your own goals? 


Special focus

9/28: Venus trine mars.  Action is in synch with values.  Money, love get an energy boost.  

9/28: Saturn direct 25 Capricorn 20 (see above)

9/29: Mars square Saturn.  Actions seem thwarted.  Sobriety is a cold blanket to enthusiasm.  Rushing versus stasis.    Challenge status quo. 



Full Moon Phase – Lunar Eclipse

October 1    

2:01pm PDT 

9 Aries 08  



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

Self.   Independence.   Will power.   Determination.  Self-motivation.  



Go to blog for full moon report.



Special focus 


10/2:  Venus enters Virgo 

10/4: Pluto station Direct 22 Capricorn 29 (see above) 



October 5, 2020  

5:25pm PDT   


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your practicality?  How are you sharing your stick-to-it-ness?  How are you sharing your resources?  How are you sharing your ability to build something from the ground up? 


Special focus:


10/7: Mercury oppose Uranus.  Thoughts and communication break down or break through.   Change or chaos.  Freedom or unmoored.   


Last Quarter Moon Phase

October 9, 2020 

5:39 pm PDT  




Last Quarter moon Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that support your family?  What actions are you taking that support your emotions and feeling?  What actions are you taking that connect to your roots?   


Special focus

10/9:  Mars square Pluto.  Action that challenges power.  Power gobbles up independence.   Young warrior versus older power.  Finding the balance is a challenge

10/10: Venus trine Uranus.   Unique opportunities that support values.  Opportunities of love, money and creativity.  

10/11: Sun square Jupiter.  Big ideas, big thoughts that sound good but are they thoughtful?  The desire to be big challenges the desire to be balanced. 


Balsamic Moon Phase


October 13, 2020

7:28am PDT   


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing your insecurities?  How are you releasing your critical nature?  


10/13: Sun oppose Mars.   Balance versus forceful action.  Partnerships versus the needs of one.  

10/13 Mercury retrograde 11 Scorpio 40 (see above)

10/15: Sun square Pluto.  Power tripping eclipses balance.  Relationships take a backseat to career.  Career falters to the non-committal.  


Libra New Moon October 16, 2020 12:30pm PDT


Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW