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Gemini Eclipse New Moon 2021: Fact versus Fiction and Pivot !

Gemini  New Moon Eclipse – 2021

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about   How good are you at adapting?  This is the month to get light on your feet and pivot. 



Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse June 10, 3:52am PDT 



Gemini  New Moon 

19 Gemini 47 

June 10, 2021   

3:52am PDT 


Please note all times are Pacific.


Welcome to Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse.   This year there are four eclipses with three of them related to each other.  The Gemini Solar eclipse (annular) is connected to the lunar Sag eclipse two weeks ago and the total solar eclipse on Dec 3.  There is a partial lunar eclipse in late fall but that is tied to eclipses in 2022 which we will discuss in November.  In the meantime, we are front and center for the lessons of the Gemini eclipse cycle. 


With every eclipse we need to acknowledge the gifts of the sign,  Gemini showcases the ability to:  pivot, switch, mix it up, adapt, question,  be clever and be light.    These are one hundred percent gifts.     Adaption is survival and pivoting is critical to adapting.  Gemini understands jumping and moving quick.  Gemini is also witty, super smart and funny.  I don’t go very far from the Geminis in my life.  


Having said that, the drawbacks to Gemini can also emerge in the eclipse cycle which are a tendency towards:  superficiality, fickleness, lack stick-to-it-ness, gossip, provocative for no reason, can get mentally overwhelmed, over think stuff, high anxiety, and lying.   Both the good news and not so good news of Gemini will be pronounced this lunar month.   Take note what you want to avoid. 


In the new moon eclipse chart, the Sun and Moon are in conjunction with Mercury (within 1 degree) which suggests there will be a lot of communication, a lot of data, a lot of information coming to all of us for 29 days.   What do you do when you get a bunch of incoming info?  How do you process it all?   What are your skills for processing data?  Whatever are those skills they may be stressed test by the volume of communication penetrating our worlds for the next month.  


In addition to the Sun/Moon and Mercury being in conjunction with each other, all three of them are in a square aspect with Neptune.  Neptune prides itself on being fuzzy and in the sign Pisces that is double fuzzy. 


We should anticipate a lot of the info coming our way is just NOT accurate.   Or it is half accurate.   Neptune give us the impression of something but that does not mean it is real.  Sorting through fact from fiction will be tough at times.   Asking lots of questions is helpful.   Getting opinions from others or doing in depth research is critical for anything that you deem of signficance.  It will NOT be easy but the work to figure out accuracy will be important.   Then responding to change whether it is physical change or mental change or just a change in facts will help us all exercise our ability to pivot.  How do we shift when the facts change?   How are we adaptable?  It is harder for some more than others but this month we all need to try to be light on our feet and shift.      


Gemini Sag Eclipse Cycles 


Eclipses are in 20-year cycles with the midpoint of the opposite sign at the ten- year mark.  Our last Gemini (north node) cycle of eclipses was in 2002 and 2003.   The last Sag (north node) cycle was in 2011 and 2012.   In America, it is hard to discuss the 2003 Gemini cycle without looking at the invasion of Iraq and the zealotry around an adamant belief that there were WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq, despite those who said it was not evident.   In 2011& 2012 the signature movement of those eclipses was the Arab Spring.    Now twenty years later we understand there were no WMDs in Iraq and ten years later we are still dealing with power vacuums in the Arab world after the 2012 period of  unrest.   Zealotry was significant in both cycles.   


Here we are again at a Gemini eclipse.  Where do we need to figure out fact from fiction?   What is the long vision on our efforts?  How do we NOT let our emotions dictate our beliefs?  Where do we need more in-depth research?    What is our own zealotry?  Is it fact based?  Should we pivot?   It goes without saying that  international events will get our attention especially in the next six months as we go from the June 10 eclipse to Dec 3 total Sag eclipse.   A lot will be playing out in world affairs.  



For twenty-nine days we would be served well to resist gossip, if we find ourselves worked up, we need to make sure that the facts that have us all worked up are accurate.    We may be drawn into issues involving siblings, neighbors, primary education (k-12), travels (short trip in particular) and communication in general.   If you make a mistake and say something that ruffles feathers or is misinterpreted, clean it up right away.  Don’t lie.   Resist the urge to blame the other side for ‘misinterpreting your words’ instead re-think how you missed the mark with your communication.  Was it style?  Or was it facts?    Where did you mislead self in tweeked thinking?      If you have a big mistake, figure out the misstep, or the half fact you were given that is not the whole picture, adjust your position and move on.   Gemini is light as air (it is the first air sign) so cleaning up and moving on is a gift this Gemini 29 day lunar cycle.   Do you know how to be light and move on?   Now is the time to try it. 



June 14  3:00pm PDT 

Saturn square Uranus 

13 Taurus, Aquarius 07


This is round two of the biggest transiting aspect of 2021.   The first exact date was Feb 17, and the third date is Dec 23.   As we discussed in February, this aspect speaks to the great restriction (Saturn) meeting up with the great rebel (Uranus).    The tension is between containing (Saturn) and revolting (Uranus).   Conserving versus progressing, please note these are verbs, not nouns.   In the mundane world, I noted the recent hijack of the plane over Belarus (airplanes ruled by Aquarius) the spike of cyber hacks of businesses (Colonial Pipeline) which impact large groups of people (Aquarius) and the ransoms including the hack and pay out of the cyber hack in the beef industry (Taurus).  All of these are building towards round two on June 14th.  I would anticipate more cyber issues.  


Additionally, frustrations with our fellow humans can be high.  Tension around technology even worse.    But having said that, there is a gift with every square and a lot of people will be sick and tired of sick and tired and will seek other people who are on the same page and try to tackle an issue together.   One person doing something alone is not what this aspect is about.  It is one person having some success and sharing it with others who can then have similar successes.  Uranus and Aquarius inspiration comes when others join together with a shared goal.    


In technological worlds, the Saturn Uranus square aspect asks, who is left out?  How is being disconnected from technology hurting groups and individuals?  This is not to suggest that there is no joy or a gift by unplugging and finding nature.  In fact, unplugging and putting our feet in nature will be quite joyful as long as Uranus is in Taurus (until 2026).  But more to the point the square speaks to the neglected or those people who are cogs in a wheel and lack the skills or the support to move forward and be protected.  As we headed to the first hit In February it was notable all the people who lacked the skills to go online and book their vaccine appointments.  Most of them elderly.  You could feel Saturn yelling at all of us, ”You should be better!”   Many people rallied for their family and friends to help them with their appointments.   Three rounds of this square highlight weaknesses.   In your own personal chart wherever you have Aquarius and Taurus you are feeling the tension.   The solution may involve you finding more people in the same boat on any issue and getting collective help. 



Between June 20 and June 25, we have shifts with Jupiter, Mercury & Neptune.   That is a very potent five days.   




May 13, Jupiter enters Pisces 

June 20, 8:04am PDT  Jupiter Station Retrograde 2 Pisces 11

July 28  Jupiter re-enters Aquarius 

October 17, 10:39pm PDT station direct 22 Aquarius 20 

Dec 29  Jupiter re-enters Pisces.  


Every year Jupiter is retrograde for about four months.   It’s always thrills and spills when the biggest planet goes back to see what large mess it left in its wake or what it missed.  In this case, Jupiter only got to 2 degrees of Pisces where it got a taste of faith, spirituality and perhaps a little metaphysics  and now it must return to Aquarius with the knowledge that there may actually be something bigger than the human experience at play.  Is it god?  Is it faith?    Jupiter rules higher education and interesting to note that when Jupiter was in its home sign (also ruler of higher education), Sagittarius, the college scandal broke, rife with bribes from mega wealthy and celebrities.  It was a big story.   When Jupiter was in Capricorn, the sign of infrastructure and economy and businesses, the Covid virus spread with a speed and depth not seen in a hundred years impacting every business on earth and challenging infrastructures within governments.    At the end of 2020 Jupiter moved into Aquarius and the vaccine for covid started to bring relief to humanity, an Aquarian word, but when it moved into Pisces a month ago the “haves’ versus the “have nots” with vaccines, became so apparent and painful.  Countries like India and Argentina need help and Jupiter in Pisces speaks to the volume of help they need.  Pisces is unworldly but compassionate.     Jupiter has a strong inner compass focused on the righteous fight, and our humanitarian love is for all of us to see and process.   Love of spouse or family is easy but with Jupiter in Pisces we are moved to love the icky side of our loved ones and more to the point, the stranger.  We will learn more about those other humans on earth as Jupiter moves back into Aquarius July 28.   Jupiter will retrograde all the way back to 22 degrees of Aquarius then on October 17th it stations direct, chugs through the sign and then returns to Pisces December 29 and begins that year journey again.  See what comes up for you between now and October 17th.  Can you appreciate your fellow human?   Can your fellow human appreciate you?   Lots to learn, ah, a Jupiter word.  





Important dates 

May 14 – Mercury shadow 

May 29 – Mercury station retrograde (24 Gemini 43)@3:34pm PDT

June 22 – Mercury station direct (16 Gemini 08) @3:00pm PDT 

July 07 – Mercury shadow ends 


The complete utter confusion around facts, communication, mess ups with people, troubled schedules, problematic emails, broken technology, etc, the whole mess should lighten up with Mercury stationing direct on the 22nd.  Unfortunately, it is not totally cleared up because between June 5 and July 6 there are two squares of Mercury with, hold for it--- Neptune.   It is not that we should all wait for the other shoe to drop even after Mercury stations direct,  but we should not be surprised if there is still some confusion. We would be well served to continue to double check everything important to us that needs addressing.   Once we clear July 7 and exit the shadow, we should be good until the next Mercury retrograde in late September.  






June 25 Neptune station retrograde 23 Pisces 12 

Dec 2 Neptune station direct 20 Pisces 24 

2025 – Neptune enters Aries for six months.   

2026 Enters Aries for 15 years.  



Well, sure, of course Neptune is in the mix again.   Neptune is squaring the Sun and Moon and Mercury in the chart.  Mercury will tussle with Neptune off and on for a month and sure, why not have Neptune turn retrograde in this cycle as well?   Neptune spends half of the year going backwards which suits him fine since everything is fuzzy for him even on good days.   Outer planets like Neptune, Uranus or Pluto in retrograde are not nearly as problematic as the inner planets such as Mercury, Venus or Mars (who was part of the problem that made 2020 so awful last year).   Now Neptune is in the last decan (10 degrees) of Pisces and so we are in the final five years of this journey that started in 2012 and ends in 2025/26. 


The last time it was in Pisces was between 1847 and 1862 which was the run up of and the beginning of the American Civil War.   Seeds are planted during Neptune’s trek in Pisces.  During that Neptune in Pisces, young artists in France were being drawn together in art schools and salons. Friendships were being formed between Monet and Pissaro, Renoir and Sisley, Manet and Cezanne and by 1864 when Neptune had moved into the independent sign of Aries a new art movement was formed- Impressionism.     Things that we might not understand percolate during Neptune in Pisces.  Deep underneath the surface things are forming whether it is a confederacy or a style of painting seeds are being planted and germinating.  


We may not know precisely the things that are being formed but something is going on.  During this Neptune retrograde consider what is percolating in you.   What compass heading are you finding?   You may not launch now but do not underestimate how spirit (a Neptune word)  may be fine tuning information and giving you your own message.   See where you find yourself December 2 when Neptune stations direct.  You may have hints of something important in your psyche, just where Neptune likes it! 




June 11: Mars enters Leo

July 1: Mars oppose Saturn retrograde

July 3: Mars square Uranus 

July 29: Mars Oppose Jupiter 


Mars is up to some potential fireworks this cycle.  Last year Mars was a first- class warrior in his home sign of Aries for so damn long (five months).   This cycle Mars goes into the second fire sign Leo and while that alone is not an issue it does run right into the big square between Saturn and Uranus.   This puts a little window of tension that could be problematic.    Mars in Leo wants to be a big shot, “Here I am!”  Saturn in Aquarius is not interested in show boats and is more focused on others and community.   Uranus in Taurus is interested in ingenuity with practical applications.  It wants to build something from the ground up that is brilliant.  Mars in Leo can be too brash and explosive in temper and act rash and miss the importance of something unique or even brilliant.  Ego is up.    There will no doubt be some world events that speak to this tension but on a personal note watch your own energy and make sure your actions are thought through and are productive.   Also take care while driving during this period.  There is NO reason to speed or engage in road rage.   Take your time.     Mars’ final tense aspect is an opposition to Jupiter at the end of July and in the Cancer lunar month.   The urge to overindulge could be great but this aspect is good for a small trip to communities you have always wanted to visit or break new ground from your usual vacation locations and try something new.   Remember we’re pivoting!  Even in fun. 


In closing, 


While one can argue this is a period of  too much data and communication and a lot of it will be half true or not accurate at all and will be overwhelming, it kind of is not the point.  The point is how do you process it?  Can you move quick?  Can you adapt?   That’s the key to the eclipse lunar month.   Also, have fun!  Laugh!   Get light on your feet and I’ll see you in Cancer!   




During the month check out my blog



Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Gemini  New Moon 

19 Gemini 47 

June 10, 2021 

3:52am PDT 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     Where do you need to adapt?  What are the facts? What information are you getting?   How do you know it is accurate?  What are you double checking?   What are you sharing with others?  Is it accurate?  Why are you sharing it?   Consider all motives.  Can you be light on your feet and in your mind?  



Special note:


6/11: Mars enters Leo 

6/12: Venus square Chiron.  Love and money feel stuck, how can independence be helpful even if it hurts?

6/13: Sun square Neptune.  Logic hits fuzzy.  Facts fly in the face of spirit.  Exacting versus intuition. 

6/14:  Uranus Square Saturn  (round 2) (See above) 3:00pm PDT 







Crescent Moon Phase

Jun 14, 2021

3:54am PDT 


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking tickets.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about bravery?  What are you learning about your boldness?  What are you learning about your creativity?  What are you learning about strength?   



Special Focus



First Quarter Moon 

June 17,  2021 



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that super detailed?  What actions are you taking that speak to the facts?   What actions are you taking that are driven by precise information?   



Special Note


6/20:  Jupiter retrograde 2 Pisces 11 at 8:04am PDT (see above)

6/20:  Sun enters Cancer 




Gibbous Moon

June 21,  2021

6:16 am EDT 




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you using discrimination with co-mingled funds?  How are you using discrimination with resources?  How are you using discrimination with power?   What details are you bringing to legal, inheritance and tax matters? 




Special focus


6/22: Mercury station direct 16 Gemini 08  (3:00pm PDT) (see above).

6/23: Venus oppose Pluto.  Money. Love. Values feel tweaked and parts are ready for an overhaul. 





Full Moon Phase –  

3 Capricorn 48 

June 24 

11:39am PDT 




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

Emotions versus business.  Personal versus worldly.   How do you find your business acumen while still connecting to your own personal responsibility?   



Special focus 


6/26: Venus enters Leo   






June 27 , 2021   



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are sharing your friends?  How are you sharing the common goal you have with others?  How are you sharing your favorite organizations?  





Special focus:


7/1 Mars opposition Saturn – Frustrations of personal endeavors versus groups.  Actions in general feel restricted.  Work over play. 





Last Quarter Moon Phase

July 1, 2021

2:10pm PDT 





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How are your actions dependent on your personal POV?  How are you serving self in the best way possible?  How are harnessing your personal drive to take care of whatever needs fixing/improving?  



Special focus 

7/2:  Mars square Uranus.  Be careful with actions.  Tension between practicality and daring.   Find something in between.  Take care driving.  

7/4: Sun square Chiron:  Emotions versus independence.  Family versus self.  Finding the middle ground. 




Balsamic Moon Phase


July 5 

4:39pm  PDT      


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing your rigidity?  How are you releasing, being stuck? How are you holding on too tight to something old and comfortable?  How can you release that grasp? 


Special focus: 

7:6 Mercury square Neptune. Fuzzy thinking and fuzzy communication.   Take a breath before you go too far on that information. 

7/6:  Venus oppose Saturn.  Love/Money/Values feel strapped or cold.  What maturation needs to take place around those issues?  As frustrating as it can be, consider timing or delays to be divine. 


7/8: Venus square Uranus.  Money and Love feel bold but out of step with values.  What needs to be liberated?  Or where are you too liberated and how is it impacting love, money and values?   



Cancer New Moon July 9, 18 Cancer 02 6:15pm PDT 


Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW