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Leo New Moon 2024: Love, Strength and Courage

Leo New Moon– 2024

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?    Tapping love, strength and creativity can get us through anything, even this month.   


Leo New Moon


August 4, 2024

12 Leo 34  

4:13 am PDT 


There is no going back.  We are here.  


Two months ago, I said that the world at the beginning of the summer is not where the world will be at the end of the summer.    This 29-day lunar month will be I-N-T-E-N-S-E.   


Welcome to Leo New Moon.   


Last month I wrote that the tough aspects suggest we prepare for a hot zone of big tough activity.   What arrived was an assassination attempt on former President Trump, Biden removing himself from the Democratic ticket and VP Kamala Harris going on the top of the ticket.  There were other big events tied to the aspects including the CrowdStrike patch which broke businesses across the globe and left travelers stranded in airports and blue screens of death on lobby monitors.  Thanks, Mercury square Uranus.  


Now at this Leo lunar month we should anticipate more big world events which could be rougher than July’s aspects.   Sigh.    Of course, how we respond to everything is based on our personal chart and it is a good reminder that people get married, start new jobs, meet with friends, have babies, basically live their lives while extraordinary events take place in the world and geopolitics.  Now with this month as we ride the bumps we must lean into our heart.  Where we find fear, we must pivot to the courage of Leo the Lion.  


Leo is big.  Leo is dramatic.  Leo rules the heart.   We find our strength in Leo.    A mother lifts a car to rescue her kid, that is Leo.   A neighbor runs into a burning house and helps a family, that is Leo.   Unexpected circumstances that create a hero is Leo.   Leo goes out of its way to do something big and good for someone out of love.  Showering our loved one with attention is Leo.  Also, recognizing our own gifts to offer others is Leo.  When Leo is misguided is when Ego is too big and self-esteem too small.   Then the insecure jerk who must be the center of attention is the poor side of Leo.   During every Leo lunar month big mouths and big egos can show up and we all just kind of shrug our shoulders and say, “Oh, yeah, that guy.”  


In this Leo New Moon chart, there is some good with Sun and Moon sextile Mars and Jupiter.    We are still at the beginning of Jupiter in Gemini’s yearlong journey.  Jupiter speaks to our beliefs and philosophy and Gemini is versatile, mental and curious.  We have the opportunity during this 29-day cycle to figure out if our beliefs still work.  Mars is action.  Mars in Gemini can either talk talk talk or it can push for actions that match our talk.  With the sextile, the Sun/Moon in Leo brings creativity, flair and love to our actions.    Jupiter brings big.  Having said that; as the month unfolds, Jupiter will be challenging.    Mars will be challenging.   Saturn will be challenging.  Mercury will be challenging.  Uranus will be challenging, and Pluto brings his own zests.  Yes the patina of Leo is love and creativity and strength are there of us to tap.   But there is no way of denying that this is a hard lunar month.  


I believe the easiest way to sort through this complicated month is to break it down into the lunar phases.   


During the New Moon and Crescent phases (August 4 – 11) Mercury stations retrograde which then has several aspects during the 29-day lunar month.  


Mercury’s Journey 

July 16:  Mercury enters shadow 8:52pm PDT 

July 21: Mercury square Uranus 26 Taurus 53 

Aug 4: Mercury station retrograde 9:56pm PDT 4 Virgo 06

Aug 14: Mercury returns to Leo

Aug 18: Mercury square Uranus 27 Taurus 10 

Aug 18: Mercury conjunct Sun (cazimi) 6:58pm PDT 26 Leo 35

August 28: Mercury station direct 2:14pm PDT 21 Leo 24

Sept 6: Mercury square Uranus 27 Taurus 15

Sept 8: Mercury returns to Virgo 

Sept 11: Mercury leaves shadow 4:52pm PDT 


Obviously, there is the usual cuckoo with Mercury retrograde.   Things get lost, things are not in order, we think something is taken care of and it is not.   Mercury retrograde reminds us to slow down.   In the sign Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, there is a real need to backtrack and take care of details even more than the usual retrograde.    It is as if, we have a radar that something is ‘off’ and we poke and dig and do that Virgo thing and bam we find it.    


We may learn something that is important to how we build out our daily schedule is off.  A workout routine is not good for our body or is causing issues.   A colleague we are working with is not as smart about the task at hand.  A plan and schedule that we thought was set in stone, on second thought will not offer the results we had hoped.   In Virgo, Mercury reminds us – “Oh, yeah, it is only about the details”.    When Mercury returns to Leo in the middle of the month, our thoughts go back to what we love and what inspires us.   We may ditch a whole bunch of plans because they do not distill to what is important in our hearts.    The shadow period started on July 16 so whatever comes up from then could be revisited and again until we clear the shadow on September 11.   If you mentally feel the chaos just keep August 28 (Mercury stations direct) and September 11 (clears the shadow) as your finish lines.  


Also on August 4th, Venus enters Virgo inspiring earthbound love.  We are not into the theory of love, or the drama of love, instead we want to show love through practical gifts and efforts.  It might not be on a hallmark card, but Venus in Virgo can say “I love you, and I’m paying your phone bill this month.”    


On August 7th the Sun perfects the sextile with Jupiter where we tap fun and joy and expand any good.   We lean into our heart again and bring creativity.  On that same day, Venus and Mercury form a conjunction.  There will be stories in the news that amplify the good that can be found through love, creativity, strength and how super practicality is important.  


This phase, despite the cuckoo that comes with Mercury retrograde is fairly an uplifting astro window.   Nice. 


Then the energy will start to intensify during First Quarter, Gibbous, Full moon and the very beginning of Disseminating.   August 12 through August 22 will be super-hot.    This is when events get our attention and will no doubt be part of major pivotal changes in the world.  


On August 14th, Mars, THE energy, planet forms a conjunction with Jupiter at 16 degrees of Gemini.     Jupiter as previously stated is about philosophy and beliefs.  It is also about judges and is concerned about fairness.  It is about rulings on laws.  Mars is the war planet.   Mars is aggression.  Mars is a bully.   In Gemini this conjunction suggests actions or talk of battles and war.   Given Mars and Jupiter are also in a wide inconjunct (out of sign) with Pluto in Aquarius, there is a hidden power at play.   Social media (Aquarius) could also be a factor.   Obviously, this aspect may bring an action that amplifies the wars in Israel and Ukraine.  But there could be a new war event in another part of the world.      While this aspect perfects on August 14th, the energy will be building, and we may see a rough event before the exact date.  


Also, on August 14th Mercury returns to Leo reminding us to tap thoughts of love, creativity, joy and enthusiasm.    As Mercury treks back through Leo we could see heroic acts in the news.   On the 15th the Sun trines Chiron reminding us that there is power in seeking independence.  We can be creative and use our strength and love while also breaking through mental fears about doing something that stokes a fresh new path.   


On the 15th Mars squares Saturn.   All of that go go going energy on the 14th will hit the wall on the 15th.  If you have ever been in a car that had to hit the brakes super-fast, then you know it is a disorientating experience.   Hot meet cold.   Saturn is NO to Mars GO.  There could be a news event about news given Gemini is journalism.  Saturn is authority.   Will a news group get something wrong?   Will there be short circuit somewhere that has worldwide impact?  Saturn in Pisces prefers to live small and find compassion.  How does that work with knee jerk reactions by Mars in Gemini?  Will someone do a provocative action that is not thought out and creates big issues?  If the rhetoric is turned up high on the way to the 14th it may be followed for a call to bring down the heated conversation.    Also there could be issues with the ocean (Pisces) or floods.   


On August 18 we go back to the scene of the crime with Mercury square Uranus.    There are three exact squares between Mercury and Uranus.   The first one hit on July 21 which is tied to the Crowdstrike Patch colossal screw up.    On August 18th is the second hit and the final round will be on September 6.  All three of these aspects are around 27 degrees of Leo and Taurus.    Mercury in Leo is big so we should expect big again (Like Crowdstrike mess) and probably financial issue given Uranus in Taurus.  Also on the 18th, Mercury will conjunct the Sun tapping the power of Leo strength.   Thoughts of love will be pronounced.   Perhaps gratitude if marked safe from Big Tech mess ups.   


The center of the hard aspects for the lunar month is August 19th.  It is big.    This is the landscape of the day:  

Sun square Uranus

Moon square Uranus 

Aquarius Full Moon

Jupiter square Saturn,  


First of all, the Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus once a year.   The moon in Leo squares Uranus once a month.    Okay.    But those two aspects are juiced because they are in an Aquarius full moon in a T square.    Phew.  Then there is Jupiter squaring Saturn which has not happened since 2016.   



Adding to the tension of this day is that it is during the Democratic Convention.   The United States elections have worldwide implications.   While Americans can get caught up in their party versus the other party and will get into arguments with friends or family, the nation is clear.   Every election cycle has about the same results, 48% of Americans are locked to vote for GOP and 48% are locked to vote for the Democrat.  The fight for the extra 3% which determines the winner is the battle zone.     What makes 2024 interesting is that it shares similarities with 1968 election.   The eclipses in 68 were Aries Libra as they are this year.    Chiron was in Aries most of the year in 1968 as it is this election.    Because spirit has a sense of humor both 68 and 24 Dem conventions are in Chicago.   

The fact that this intense day of aspects and full moon is happening on the Dem Convention portends to actions that will have ramifications on the party and the election.     The Sun Moon square Uranus brings the unusual and the out of the blue.   There is something not on the radar now that will be front and centered by the time of the convention.     Then there is the most potent aspect of the day which is also one of the bigger aspects for the year…. 


Jupiter square Saturn.  

Every twenty years Jupiter starts a new relationship with Saturn.  Four/five years later they then form a square.  Ten years later is the opposition and around 15/16 years later the final square.  Then they start fresh again around year 20.   August 19this the date of the first square between Jupiter and Saturn since they formed a conjunction on December 21, 2020, at zero Aquarius.   On the buildup to that conjunction, the electoral college officially affirmed Joe Biden’s Presidential win.  Trump claimed he was cheated, and his followers showed up on January 6 to stop the official process at the Capitol. An ugly event in US History.    Now we are at the first square at 28 degrees of Gemini and Pisces.   Jupiter squaring Saturn currently suggest an echo off the December 2020 period.   Jupiter in Gemini as discussed is high on rhetoric.  Communication can be too big.  Jupiter can appreciate peace, but it is also judgy.  Saturn in Pisces longs for deep compassion.  It understands hard work and struggle especially for the greater good.  Jupiter wants to expand but Saturn restricts.  These two energies are at odds with one another.  This struggle will be evident.  There will be some big event that is deep in conflict.  Because of  Gemini watch for social media posts that are NOT accurate.     Gossip will be big.  Discipline will be difficult to find.   Retreat and contemplation may be needed.    The next two dates for this aspect are December 24 at 14 Gemini and Pisces and June 15 at 18 degrees.  


On August 22 the Sun enters Virgo.   The heat and sun of summer (northern hemisphere) begin to bend towards late season.   Virgo concerns itself with plucking the fruits of summer and jarring them for later in the year.   Virgo is the boy scout sign of the zodiac – always prepared.  We move into more practicality and less big drama.      Also on August 22, Venus squares Mars.  Love and money feel tweaked.  Paying others to fix mistakes caused by shallow thinking.   Getting caught up in fast knee jerk reactions could bruise love.  


That is one helluva ten-day window.   The back end of Disseminating, Third quarter and balsamic phases is a gentler experience.    


On August 23 Mercury trines Chiron reminding us that there is a way to communicate an authentic loving voice and heal a need for an independent journey.   Also, on the 23rd, Mars sextiles Mercury where finding creative thinking brings fun and inspiring energy.  Then on the August 24 Mars sextiles Chiron which is a follow up to thoughts of independence from a day early and now we have the desire for actions of new paths.   On the 27th Venus forms a trine with Uranus.  Love and values get a burst of novelty and oddness that is refreshing and electrifying.   


On the 28th Mercury stations direct and we slowly unwind from any confusion or bumps.   We find our confidence again to plan again. 



Also on 28thVenus opposes Saturn.   Love feels cold.  Values feel thwarted.  Timing feels off.  

On August 29th Venus trine Pluto opportunity to shed that which is not love.   Transformations that touch the power of love.  


Also, on September 1 Uranus stations retrograde.  



September 1, 8:17am PDT

27 Taurus 15 


May 15: Uranus enters shadow 23 Taurus 16

Sep 1: Uranus station retrograde 27 Taurus 15

Jan 30: Uranus station direct 23 Taurus 16

May 17: Uranus leaves shadow 27 Taurus 15


Because we know God has a sense of humor.  At the end of this tilt-o-world month where we expect insanity that hurts us in the marrow of our bones, we end the lunar month with the cuckoo planet, Uranus, stationing retrograde.  


Uranus in many ways has sucked up a lot of oxygen in 2024.  There was the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in May. Then there was Mars conjunction Uranus last month.  There is the Aquarius full moon squaring Uranus along with two squares by Mercury.   Uranus will be hanging out near the intense and difficult Agol for the rest of the year.  And now Uranus says, “Hey if it is okay with you I’m going to go backwards and do it again” Blech. 


This is the final year where Uranus is only in Taurus.  Uranus still has work to do in terms of new technology that impacts the territory of Taurus.  Taurus is agriculture.  Food.   Construction.   Buildings.   Uranus wants to make it all ‘new’.    Taurus is banking, money and investment.  There could be disruption on those issues.   The reversal of Uranus and any aspects during the retrograde will be on some level the second to last gasps of Uranus.   Look to see the breakthroughs that appear between now and January 30 when it turns direct.   


And finally, there is Pluto


On September 1st Pluto re-enters Capricorn.   This is it.  Between now and November 19th Pluto will do its final work in Capricorn.   This journey began in 2008 with the stock market crash and The Great Recession and the election of Barack Obama.  And the backlash to his election with the Tea party.     Pluto is the transformative planet.  In Capricorn we care about the systems that manage the public.  It is our government, it is our big business, it is our big banks, our big Wall Street and our big infrastructure.   Pluto continues to point out the weaknesses and flaws in these matters.     This last round of Pluto in Capricorn is also the final round of the USA Pluto return.   The USA election in November, during the final days of Pluto Capricorn  is a final opportunity for healing.  Then two weeks later Pluto leaves Capricorn for 240+ years and is in Aquarius for good.  




In addition to the above, we watch what comes up around any aspects with Pluto in Aquarius.   As always once the moon forms an aspect with Pluto it then hits Uranus.   Death, rebirth followed by shock and awe.  



Pluto Hot Zone 


8/10: Moon enters Scorpio 7:52am PDT 

8/17 Moon enters Aquarius 4:42am PDT

8/23 Moon enters Taurus 10:22am PDT 

8/30 Moon enters Leo 




In conclusion:    This cycle has a lot of rough aspects.  The way they cluster around each other in many ways intensifies the aspects.  In short, the sum is greater than the parts. But it is all punchy.     We are lucky that all these tough aspects are taking place in Leo lunar month.   There is a through line during all the events that reminds us to tap Leo courage.  We can get through all of this when we learn how to remember the power of love and showing up.   


See you in Virgo.  Until then, godspeed and safe travels. 




The 8 phases


Leo New Moon

12 Leo 34

4:13 am PDT 




New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more results.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:    Where is your strength?  How are you showing up for Love?  Who needs to see your skills and talents?  How is your creativity important to you and your ability to help others.  How can you be a hero?  



Special note:

8/4: Venus enters Virgo.  Love of details and practicality.  

8/4: Mercury station retrograde 9:56pm PDT 4 Virgo 06 (see above) 

8/7: Sun sextile Jupiter.  Spirit and joy, expansiveness, broadening new fun experiences. 

8/7: Venus conjunction Mercury.  Caring, loving thoughts and conversations on perhaps someone or something that has been neglected. 


Crescent Moon Phase

August 8, 2024




Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  No matter how mundane it arrives, consider it as message.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your relationships?  What are you learning about your creativity, joy, play and bringing it to your partnerships?  


Special Focus



First Quarter Moon 

August 12, 2024 

8:18am PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received.  Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again. What hurdles have popped up involving the seeds you planted on new moon?    We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted.   



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that tap your transformative nature?  What brave actions do you need to take to tap your power?   What creative actions can you take that will give you strength to let go of anything that is not of or from love.   




Special Note


8/14: Mars conjunction Jupiter.   A strong desire to walk one’s belief.   Loud rhetoric that could supporting warring tendencies.   Actions that speak to pivoting including opinions.  16 Gemini 10 

8/14: Mercury returns to Leo (see above)

8/15: Sun trine Chiron.   Independence is given a boost of confidence and creativity breaking through fear.   

8/15: Mars square Saturn.  Actions may feel stymied but unknown factors.  Frustrations around timing.   Pushing back on authority is hard but could be important.    


Gibbous Moon

August 16, 2024  

2:50 am PDT    




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Focus on:  



Special focus How are you refining your position in world?  What creativity are you bringing to your career?  How are you bringing your joy and creativity to your career?  What are you doing that allows you to shine like a star in your world?  


8/18 : Mercury square Uranus.  Tough talk, dramatic talk, theatrical talk versus stubborn provocateurs. Tension in talk about how to break out of ruts. 

8/18: Sun conjunction Mercury.    Creativity, joy, enthusiasm, strength is found.   Because Mercury is retro this suggests we have forgotten this joy, strength and creativity.  But now it means something in our thinking and our communication. 




August 19, 2024

Full Moon


11:25am PDT

27 Aquarius 15 



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on  The full moon is in Aquarius.   Who are your friends?  Are you in sync with your community?   What event is putting you at odds with people who you thought was your group?  Are you meeting people where they are?  What is your communication style with groups?  Is it long in authenticity or high in provocativeness?



Special focus 

8/19: Venus oppose Saturn.  Love feels restricted.  Practical love is important.   Values feel tweaked.   Timing demands slowing down.  

8/19: Sun square Uranus.  Big drama versus stubborn status quo.  Breaking out and break throughs events.   Shock and Awe.   

8/19: Jupiter square Saturn (see above) 

8/22: Sun enter Virgo.   Focused on the little things can build something bit by bit.  Striving for perfection. 





August 22, 2024 

4:54pm PDT        



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your independence?  How are you sharing your enthusiasm?  How are you sharing the power of confidence?   How are you sharing the importance of going head first? 



Special focus:

8/22: Venus square Mars  lovers fight.   Values feel tweaked by thoughts and actions that are rushed.  ADHD brings out anxiety and joy feels lost.   

8/23: Mercury trine chiron.   Thoughts that can build independence throught creativity and love. 

8/23 Mars sextile Mercury Actions match talking.   Energy to do what we say.  

8/24 : Mars sextile Chiron Actions that spark more independence.  


Last Quarter Moon Phase

August 26, 2024 

2:25am PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that spice up your communication?  What actions are you taking that stoke your curiosity?  What actions are you taking that pivot your thinking?  



Special focus 

8/27: Venus trine Uranus.  Love of breakthroughs, novelty goes far.  Freshness is inspiring.  Technology is fun.  

8/28: Venus oppose Neptune.  Love feels far away.  Sobriety with values.   Timing feels off. 

8/28 : Mercury station direct (21 Leo 25) (see above) 

8/29: Venus enters Libra.   Sharing love with partners.  Valuing balance.   Negotiations are important.  

8/29 : Venus trine Pluto.   Love and values get a needed overhaul.  Friends play a part.   




Balsamic Moon Phase


August 29, 2024 

7:17pm PDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing emotions?  How are you releasing feelings?  How are you releasing childish behaviors?   How are you releasing sentimentality?  



Special focus:

9/1: Uranus station retrograde 27 Taurus 15 (see above) 

9/1:  Pluto re-enters Capricorn (see above) 


Virgo New Moon September 2, 8:17am (27 Virgo 15)  

Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW