New Moon Articles by Tracy

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Scorpio New Moon– 2021

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?    No, you are not crazy that thing you are feeling is intense.  



Scorpio November 4, 2:14pm PDT 



Scorpio New Moon 

November 4, 2021, 2:14pm PDT 

12 Scorpio 40


Please note all times are Pacific.


The chart for the Scorpio New Moon does not have a lot of aspects.  However, THE aspect that is in the chart, is very strong.   The Sun and Moon oppose Uranus in Taurus and they all square Saturn in Aquarius.   This is called a T square and it is one of the more potent aspects in astrology.   Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus are fixed signs and like to hang on to what they already own.   Asking them to release anything, even if it is toxic, is a challenge.   A fixed T-Square suggests that issues around control, stubbornness and inflexibility will be up this cycle.   People will feel compelled to go into their corners and some will come out swinging.  Whether they have success or failure will have to be seen.  


The chart is set up for dramatic events this 29-day cycle, both worldly and in our personal circles.   Even if our own life appears unimpacted we are still connected to others whom we love and care about who may be rattled during the cycle.  It is safe to say this is not a relaxed 29-day period.  


Adding to the intensity of the chart is Mars, who is also in Scorpio, and although it is technically too wide to be in conjunction with the Sun and Moon, it is in the mix which we’ll discuss later. 


Scorpio is the second water sign in the zodiac.   In Cancer, the first water sign, our feelings inform us as our emotions rise and fall like the tides.   In Scorpio, the water is no longer pounding on the shore, instead it is the powerful streams in the ocean that propel fish, sea mammals and boats at swift speeds covering many miles.  Scorpio is not a sloppy water.  It prefers to stay focused and in control but when it hits a wall, the less evolved Scorpio can show up, full of resentments and a desire to control everyone.    On the other hand, the evolved Scorpio is powerful in its ability to let go and transform.   A caterpillar turning into a butterfly is possible when Scorpio taps its juice.    Of course, the key to transformation is the chrysalis, which is the cocoon where the magic, hidden from view, changes something that crawls into something that flies.    


If the Sun and the Moon in opposition to Uranus was the only aspect in this chart, one would assume it would be 29 days of quick and unexpected changes to structure and foundations (Uranus in Taurus) that could then activate personal and worldly transformation (Sun/Moon Scorpio).   Some of it would be hard but the changes could also resolve deep buried resentments that have needed exposure for a long time.    But of course, this is not just an opposition it is a T square with Saturn.  




Saturn, the apex planet, in the T square has the upper hand to Sun/Moon and Uranus.   Saturn says, “Wait.  No one is transforming and changing, until I say it is time to do it.”    In other words, Saturn the planet of time and timing, is slowing down the transmutation.   Arguably we could feel more like a chrysalis this 29-day Scorpio lunar moon than previous Scorpio cycles due to Saturn.   Cocoons are safe on the outside but dangerous on the inside because if we fear others are not ready for our transformation, we may self-sabotage our chrysalis.   This is the gift of Saturn.  If we are super frustrated and itching for a change or an action and it is thwarted, please take a breath.  No matter how hard it is, assume the Saturn delay is because there may be something we can’t see, that is important to our change.     


Saturn entered Aquarius in mid-winter of 2020 and said, “I’m here, folks” and then sent the world into pandemic shut down.   Message to everyone, this would be a different Saturn in Aquarius.   We sheltered in place and disconnected from our usual ways of interacting.  Aquarius, the sign of new technology, exposed where modernity was not working and where it was working was clearly important to survival.   Saturn in Aquarius in a T square with Uranus in Taurus underscores technology versus human, algorithm versus common sense.    During this 29-day Scorpio lunar cycle, we may see some big technological fails and wins.  Seriously, it is impossible to overstate the issues around technology that could land on us this month and December.   


Additionally, Aquarius, the final air sign connects humans through shared mental interests.   Some of the wins and losses will be felt in specific alliances and communities.   On the global level, certain groups may feel cut out or neglected.  Extreme cases of ‘Haves’ versus ‘Have Nots’ could be in the news.   On the personal level, friends and associations could feel very stretched.   Do they still fit our groove or is our transmutation leaving some people behind?    Does a butterfly need a leaf as much as a caterpillar?   


Saturn is also informing us and being informed by Scorpio as it lines up for the final Saturn Uranus square in December.    All year we have been discussing the most important aspect of 2021 which pits cold-ass -practical-keep-the-status-quo Saturn against rebel with and without a cause Uranus.  Aquarius who looks at all of humanity and wonders how to take care of society while Taurus looks at money and resources and wonders how to make things that are concrete solid in new innovative (Uranus) ways.   We should look back at our calendars and check what was going on Feb 17 and June 14 for the first two out of three aspects.   During those dates, globally, both planets pointed out broken foundations.       Astrology historians will note January 6 storming of the capitol has ties to the first Saturn/Uranus square of Feb 17.   The second hit was June 14 where one week earlier Champlain Towers, a Florida condo collapsed killing 100 people in their sleep.   While the investigation is still pending, no one questions that the structure and foundation were compromised.   More will be discussed next month as we head into the final Saturn/Uranus square of December 23.   But we should note, on some level this month, we are getting informed of cracks in foundations in our world.   




Late last month, Mars moved out of Libra and into Scorpio, now on November 10, Mars will form a square with Saturn and then one-week later, November 17, it will oppose Uranus.   In other words, Mars will be driving over and through the T square.  Mars, the warrior, is a co-ruler of Scorpio and enjoys its time transiting the sign.   Normally, Mars is brash, perhaps brutish but in Scorpio Mars goes stealth.   It can walk in a room, assess the situation, identify weak noise makers from the real power players and then cut out the problem with a laser fast kick.  Part surgeon, part martial arts master, part CIA operative, Mars in Scorpio knows how to get what it wants with little wasted energy.   


The landscape for Mars is especially intense for the first three weeks of the cycle.    Scorpio New Moon launches on the 4th.  Then between the 4th and the 10th there is an instability in the air.  Perhaps some unsettled (Uranus) drama unfolds which shakes at a foundation (Taurus) rattling Sun/Moon Scorpio.   There could be a feeling of “We gotta change something” but confusion as how to effect change or even what to change.   Then Mars in Scorpio heads straight for Saturn on the 10th.   In his position in Scorpio, Mars has the upper hand to Saturn.  Mars in Scorpio has little toleration for exaggerated mental theories that freeze action.   Frustrated Mars arrives and says, “cut fish or bait.”  The tension will be palpable.  Push will meet shove on some level.   The waters continue to churn.  Additionally, Mercury conjuncts Mars on 10th.  Good reminder, words and thinking could be razor sharp.  Think twice and three times before clicking send.   On the 13th Mercury opposes Uranus, again double downing in mouthy disruptive conversations.   Then Mars heads for opposition to Uranus.    No doubt, we will see this globally in some impossible to miss manner that leans into aggression.   For anyone with planets in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) between 7 and 12 degrees it will be even more clear that personal change is paramount.  


Following the exact opposition of Mars and Uranus, the landscape unfolds with the Taurus Full Moon Partial Eclipse on the 19th where we once again have a T square, this time the opposition is the sun and the moon and instead of somber Saturn at the apex, it is jovial Jupiter in Aquarius.   This partial eclipse reminds us that getting grounded and not lost in theoretical is important.   Even in heady times when theories and ideas are zinging past us at rapid speed, we need to slow down and figure out what is real.  Jupiter in Aquarius suggests we may need to expand our world and find like-minded folks so we can tackle issues in our personal lives and/or the worldly changes that are important to us.  From twelve step recovery meetings to PTAs to group volunteering, it is all on the table.    It may be something small or big but the grounding by the action will be important.     


After the full moon things soften a bit but still, we have Saturn heading for its final round with Uranus in December, tension is abated but not removed.   



Neptune Stations Direct

December 1, 5:22am PST 

20 Pisces 24 


It is interesting that near the end of the Scorpio lunar cycle, with all the powerful tension, Neptune slows down and stations direct.   Neptune spends half of every year in retrograde, this period is wrapping up a cycle that started June 25th  


As we discussed at the beginning of the Neptune Retrograde , Neptune moved into Pisces in 2012 and will remain here until 2026.   Because Neptune is so far out in our solar system it takes many years for it to travel around the zodiac. The last time Neptune was in Pisces was between 1847 and 1862.   Neptune works the psyche on a spectrum from inspirational to delusional.   Finding reality can be challenging for Neptune, in any sign, but in Pisces it is ginned up like a fog machine on a Hollywood sound stage.  Clouds and fuzzy thinking everywhere.    In the last period of Neptune in Pisces, we know that in the years 1847-1862 was the run up and the beginning of the USA Civil War.  The first statement against slavery was written in early America in 1688 and yet slavery continued and grew.  By the time of 1776, there continued to be abolitionists but still those who argued why slavery must remain included the people who launched America’s Independence and wrote the constitution.   By the time Neptune got to Pisces eighty years later, the subject of abolition was so volatile that in 1856 Preston Brooks, a Senator from South Carolina canned and nearly beat to death Senator Charles Sumner an abolitionist from Massachusetts.    Now in this second round of America during Neptune in Pisces, we see the cracks and fissures of a country with roots in slavery.   Much will be processed.  


Interestingly, also in that previous era, in 1849 was the California Gold Rush.  People who had no history in mining packed up, left their homes in America and the world, and headed to California for big Neptune dreams.  Most of them would strike out as miners but many stayed, farmed rich soil, and built towns and businesses.   Now thiscycle of Neptune in Pisces draws attention to Silicon Valley and all the social media giants, like Facebook, leaving many of us to wonder, “Can’t we just turn Santa Clara County back to orchards?  


There will be no exact answers with Neptune, but feelings of hope and despair can show up around the station date.  Perhaps some world story will get our attention, probably around topics ruled by Neptune including the ocean, oil, gas, alcohol, drugs, dance, photography, film, and humanitarian causes.    Global warming events may be in the news.  As Neptune slows down and turns direct, we will have a lot to ponder as to what we learned or more importantly felt in our heart since June 25.   How much will our heart guide us until the next retrograde on June 28, 2022?  




November 5:  Venus enters Capricorn 

November 17: Venus Shadow 

December 19:  Venus station retrograde 26 Capricorn 29

January 29: Venus station direct 11: Capricorn 05

March 1: Venus exit shadow 

March 6:  Venus enters Aquarius 



A note on Venus.  The day after the new moon, Venus moves into Capricorn.   This would not normally be that big a deal because Venus usually changes signs every four weeks.   However, every couple of years Venus retrogrades slowing down its time in a sign.  In this case, Venus will be in Capricorn until March 6.   Venus the planet of love is practical and no nonsense in Capricorn.  “Happy Anniversary, Honey.  I got you a new health plan.”    For Venus the next four months is not a soft-focus Hallmark movie.    Instead, we will have get to appreciate practical love.  Who shows up when asked?   Who takes a phone call to help strategize a complicated solution?  Who offers their AAA membership to fix your flat tire?  Practical is, as practical does.   As for social climbing and judging everyone by their status in society? “Why was ____ invited to ____?  They only make___ a year, live in THAT neighborhood, drive that car, etc.”   Do that dark side of Venus in Capricorn at your own peril.  You will be seen and not appreciated especially as we head to Saturn square Uranus.     We’ll talk more about Venus retrograde in the Sagittarius cycle but in the meantime get your practical to-do list together. 


A final word on Scorpio, specifically Scorpio’s intense emotions.  It is possible during this cycle rife with intensity, that some of us, even those who are normally immune to behaviors associated with Scorpio, find ourselves dealing with jealousy, passion, manipulation, possessiveness, and intolerance in some measure.   Like all negative traits of any sign, we need to stop and breath and remember that under these non-life affirming behaviors is fear and under fear is lack of trust.   What do you do to right yourself when your trust is weak?   Reach out to a friend?  Reach out to therapist?  Reach out to spiritual advisor?   Exercise?  Get lost in Netflix?    Whatever it is, go for it.  Do whatever it takes so you can get your center and remember there is plenty of room in the universe for your success in all emotional, mental and physical endeavors.  It is just that big enough, I promise.   





See you in Sagittarius 




Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Scorpio New Moon 

12 Scorpio 40 

November 4, 2021    

2:14pm PDT 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     What areas of your life need death and rebirth?  Where do you need to morph from a caterpillar to a butterfly?  What shift are you making?   Even if it is quite in your cocoon do an action that supports your evolution.  



Special note:


11/5 Venus enters Capricorn.  Love of practicality.  (see above)

11/5 Mercury enters Scorpio.  Deep, critical thinking.  Some dark thinking and lack of trust thoughts.



Crescent Moon Phase

November 7

6:31pm  PST


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking tickets.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your place in the world? How are you accessing your power through your leadership abilities?  How are you letting something die so that you can accomplish more in your career or place in the world?  




Special Focus


11/10 Mercury conjunct Mars.   Watch your tongue and your thinking.  It is a sharp!  Quick actions may not be thoughtful.  

11/10 Mercury square Saturn (see above) 


First Quarter Moon 

November 11, 2021 

4:46am PST  


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking speak to your community?  What actions are you taking that empower you but at the same time rely on others who are like minded?   How are you organizing your efforts with help through community?  How are you reinvigorated by humanitarian efforts?  



Special Note


11/13: Mercury opposite Uranus.  More disruptive thinking, more saying stuff just to get a reaction.  Ask yourself, am I ready to be this mouthy? 



Gibbous Moon

November 14, 2021

11:27pm PST  




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your independence?  What are you sorting through that will take care of self?   What are you sorting through that will give you a new path?  



Special focus

11/15: Sun square Jupiter.  Philosophy versus humanitarian.  Come off the mountain and wash the feet of those who are in pain.  Can you, do it?  

11/17: Mars opposite Uranus (See above) 

11/18: Mercury Trine Neptune.  Yay, a reprieve, kind thinking, soft caring.   Finding joy and thinking about it. 




Full Moon Phase – Partial Eclipse 

27 Taurus 

November 19, 

12:57am PST 





Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you? 


Focus on 

The Taurus full moon is a reminder to stop and get real.  



Special focus 


11/20: Mercury square Jupiter.  Comments and thoughts that might be super big.  Is it safe to share them?  Get feedback first. 


11/21 Sun enters Sagittarius 





November 23, 2021   

4:50am PST   


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing emotions?   What is the state of your connection to family?  How would outside support from someone wise help you navigate bumps with family? 




Special focus:


11/24 Mercury enters Sagittarius.  Fun thoughts, generous thinking, travel ideas come to the forefront.  Spirituality and faith are pondered.  

11/25: Mercury opposite North Node.  In two weeks is Solar Eclipse watch this day to see if a theme pops up that reverberates at the Sag new moon.  


Last Quarter Moon Phase

November 27, 2021

4:27am PST





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How do your daily actions line up with your ability to transform?  Are you aware that any changes are connected to changes you need to make to your daily schedule?    Consider that as you plan the next three days.  



Special focus 


11/28: Mercury conjunct Sun.  Fun, pleasure, good laughs.   

11/29: Mars trine Neptune.  Where we feel battle fatigued we find a spiritual salve that makes us get up in the morning. 




Balsamic Moon Phase


November 30, 2021

6:07pm PST      


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing relationships? How are you releasing patterns in relationships that do not serve you?  How are you releasing giving up too much for the sake of the relationship? 





Special focus: 

12/1: Neptune station direct 5:22am 20 Pisces 24  (See Above) 




Sagittarius New Moon December 3 11:43pm PST  12 Sagittarius 22 Eclipse




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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW