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Libra New Moon 2020: Bumpy. Power. Kindness. Repeat.

Libra New Moon – 2020

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?    Finding balance in the middle of a S-storm is not easy.   But you can do it, through kindness and power.  I’m betting on you!



Please note all times in Pacific.   


Libra New Moon 

23 Libra 53

October 16, 2020 

12:30pm PDT


NOTE: Daylight Savings time ends at 2am on Sunday November 1. 



We are at Libra New Moon.   It is so intense I’m pretty sure even dead people will feel it.  


For the last year we have been in a planetary orchestra.    Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have been striking chords and responding to one another all year. Each planet bringing their own energy.  The drama has been out there for the whole world to see and experience.   Now at the Libra New Moon we experience a big orchestral performance of these 2020 planets.  In short, the Libra New Moon and the launch of this 29-day cycle is a crescendo of all these planetary influences in this tumultuous year.   It is a powerful new moon.  



Libra helps us find balance.   Libra is fair, it is the sign of the scales and believes in justice.   Libra speaks to relationships: The co-worker, the teammate, the spouse.  It is the person on the other side of us.  While Libra is the sign that reminds us the importance of relationships, during this particular period with a pronounced Mars, we must understand that there is NO relationship if we are unclear about who we are and what makes us tick.   This is where the value of the current astrological dynamics comes into play.   We are learning about what makes us tick in new ways. 


We could be challenged during these 29 days and realize there was some part of us that has been unacknowledged.  Now in this lunar cycle parts of our selves will get our attention.   One could suggest that the Sun/Moon are under assault in this chart but perhaps something else is occurring?   Perhaps we need the tune up. Wherever Libra is in our chart is waking up.  Has Libra been giving away too much power to keep peace?  Have we been lazy and letting others do too much and we are missing the wisdom and strength that comes from our own initiative?   Or have we been doing too much and not given the Universe or the other person in our relationships the opportunity to take care of our needs?   Do we hang out in passive aggressiveness more than we acknowledge?    A lot is going to come up this 29-day cycle that will illuminate who we are and how we relate.   


It is a very bumpy chart in a very bumpy time, it is important to learn from any hurdles.   Please also remember the Mercury retrograde.  You will be wise to sort through fact from fiction, gossip from truth and remember the people who benefit by spin.     Having said that, let’s look at the planets impacting this new moon chart.  


Sun/Moon oppose Mars.  I will argue that Mars is the most important player in the New Moon chart by virtue of the fact that Libra the queen of balance can see Mars because he is directly opposite the Sun/Moon (Libra).   They can work together or be at odds but at least they see each other.   Of course, Mars in Aries is in the middle of a retrograde and pushing on all of us to find our authentic self.  We don’t get Mars retrograde in Aries very often.  The last two rounds were 1988 and fall of 1941.   In ‘88 Mars was part of the build up that set the ending of USSR in 89.  In ‘41, Mars turned direct a few weeks before Pearl Harbor which ended the USA neutrality (Libra) and awakened a sleeping giant.  Mars the warrior connects to survival.  He brings great energy.  Many of us will feel compelled to get shit done these 29 days.   We will be looking at our actions and wondering if it is enough?   Can I do more?  Others will say, “I’m done. I’ve been doing too much for too long.”   If we find ourselves getting into skirmishes it could be rooted in long standing patterns that are now intolerable.   Venus who rules Libra is in a nice trine with Mars so as much as you may want to walk away from a fight there will be some skirmishes that need to be addressed.  Venus understands when she is not being valued.  Let Mars energize you as you push back on those who seem to disregard your value.  Mars is such a key player that we would also be smart to look at our calendar and build in some rest and breaks.  We can’t move 24/7 for 29 days without respites.  Sensible exercise will also help relieve the tension of Mars.   



Sun/Moon Square Saturn   Libra for all its beauty and emphasis on peace and love can miss the joy in work and the accomplishment it brings.   Saturn, the taskmaster of hardship and struggle” is not letting anyone off the hook these 29 days.   Many of us will embrace the Saturn message and address the areas of our life that need discipline, focus and structure.  “Shallow be damn!” says Saturn in Capricorn to Libra.  On the global level, Saturn in Capricorn is wrapping up his time in his home sign.  In December he will move into Aquarius and not return to Capricorn for twenty-eight years.  For many of us these final weeks will find us focusing on our careers and our place in the world.  Issues of fairness will be pronounced.   In the community, leaders will be challenged to walk their talk.  If they do not, we will consider that they have outlived their usefulness.  As you process situations and experiences do not be surprised if your response feels colder than usual.   Saturn brings a chill to any situation.  Also, Saturn rules time management and during this 29-day cycle we may say, “I don’t have time for _____ anymore” and we wipe our hands and just like that we are done.   There is one thing to remember about Saturn and that is he delays but he does not deny.   Meaning, a challenge could come up and it could seem like the end of the world but the growth of huddling up, strategizing and working out a logical new plan will make us stronger and can actually put us on a better path.   


Sun/moon square Pluto.   Many years ago, I read a quote that I never forgot.  “Death is easy.  Birth is a bitch.”  This speaks to Pluto.   Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will continue until 2024.  Periodically there is a Libra New Moon that squares off with Pluto.  This is that new moon.  Sure, why not?   Pluto says to all of us, “Is it time to let something go?”  “What needs to die so we can have new growth?”    During this 29-day cycle some of us will feel out of balance, we will consider if it’s time to shut something down.  Are you seeing a theme?     As they say in 12 Step, “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired”.   There is an evolution and relief that comes from realizing we are done with something.  It could be something super personal such as weight or financial issues or something else that is annoying and stressful.  Or it could be power trippers and bullies.  We could see people stuck in old ways.  How we respond to them will be based on our own understanding of what we want and don’t want.  Others will need our focus and attention and Libra kindness.   Look at your life and see where you are out of balance?  What are you missing?   What relationships seem to be unavailable?  Where are we holding up appearances and disconnected from our real reason for being here?   Pluto brings out our depth these 29 days, not to scare us or immobilize us in fear, rather it does it to takes us down to our metal so we can rebuild stronger and more authentic.   


Sun Moon square Jupiter Like Saturn, Jupiter is wrapping up its time in Capricorn. In December, it too, will move into Aquarius.  Jupiter in Capricorn for these final weeks puts the focus on being practical about our opinions and philosophies. It reminds us the importance of walking our talk.  Have we outgrown some of our opinions in reality but just haven’t figure it out yet?     In many ways the Jupiter square is a nice complement to Saturn squaring the Sun/Moon in that Saturn provides the discipline and Jupiter provides the ambition to take care of business.  The challenge is Jupiter in Capricorn can be strident which is a turn off to Libra Sun/Moon.  Being on the right side of the fight is important, being righteous and unforgiving is a turn off.   Make choices that are in alignment with who you are but remember being rude just for sport is not welcomed at this time.    Hypocrites are put on notice, they will be called out at the dinner table, at the town hall and in the mirror.   Be kind to self and others and remember your own journey.   







Moon Tangles 

Because everything is so loaded these months, we should track the two and half days when the moon is in cardinal signs and tangles with Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn.   We may feel ourselves pulled into the maelstrom.  We could feel like we are fighting stuff alone.  Got it.  We feel it, too. 


10/14 Moon enters Libra 10:33pm PDT

10/16 Moon enters Scorpio 10:05pm PDT


10/20 Moon enters Capricorn 11:43pm PDT

10/23 Moon enters Aquarius 5:16am PDT 


10/28 Moon enters Aries 1:44am PDT

10/30 Moon enters Taurus 2:18pm PDT 


11/04 Moon enters Cancer 1:45pm PST

11/06 Moon enters Leo 11:18pm PST 


11/11 Moon enters Libra 8:09am PST 

11/13 Moon enters Scorpio 8:18am PST 



Mercury Direct 

November 3 9:49am PST 


Yi, yi, yi.   Of course, we have a Mercury retrograde!   Would it have killed God to have pushed this retrograde a little later?  Apparently, yes because we are in it.  


Let’s go over the dates for Mercury:


Sep 23       Mercury enters shadow 

9/27:         Mercury enters Scorpio 

Oct 13       stations retrograde 11 Scorpio 40

Oct 27       Mercury re-enters Libra  

Nov 3        Stations direct 25 Libra 54  9:49am 

Nov 10      Mercury re-enters Scorpio 

Nov 19      Mercury leaves shadow 


So, three days before the Libra New Moon, Mercury stationed retrograde at 11 degrees of Scorpio.   We discussed it in the last new moon report but let’s go over it again.  Mercury will retrograde in both Scorpio and Libra.    The Mercury in Scorpio part of the journey is a solid companion piece to Pluto in Capricorn which is helping us find a practical evolution to our power.  Mercury retrograde is poking and stimulating our thoughts.   Descartes said, “I think therefore I am”.  Do you see yourself disconnected from power?  Or do you see yourself able to tap into it?  Or maybe you see power morphing in front of you?  


The first part of the Mercury journey while it is in Scorpio is extreme thoughts and communication: Black, white, winners, losers, in, out, left, right, upper, lower.  Death.  Rebirth. Thinking is not muted.  It could be more extreme than usual.  Mercury is in relationship with Uranus putting the accent again on changing thoughts even revolutionary thinking and communication.   Some people will be surprised by their own thoughts and what they hear from others.  It could sound like chaos or it could be brilliant.   Then on October 27 Mercury goes back into Libra putting the emphasis on justice and finding fairness.  We will consider kindness.  We will consider the areas of our life that seem out of balance.  When Mercury is in Libra we want to play nice.  When Mercury is in Scorpio we want to let go of dead thinking and access new power.  


It is important to know that Mercury gets into tussles a couple times every year with every planet.   It is a fast aspect lasting just a couple days.  What makes this period more weighted is that it is taking place during the Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Pluto aspects which we have already talked about above.     It is vital that everyone consider the source of any information they receive, especially if it knocks them off their balance.   Now is not the time to be misguided by misinformation.   Mercury retrograde is always an excellent time to research.  


We should as always take note of all communication.  Think long and hard before you send “THAT” text or email.  Watch your snappiness.  Take a moment and ask if your need to exert law and order is justified or over the top?     Remember when Mercury returns to Libra, he knows how to find nuance.   Perhaps it is a simple conversation about fairness (Libra) that needs to transpire?      

Try if you can to avoid big purchases.   


It is also important to note that Mercury will turn direct at 9:49am PST on November 3 in the middle of the election day in the USA.   Make a plan for how you are going to vote --don’t just wing it.   


 Jupiter Conjunct Pluto 

22 Cap 52

November 12, 2020

1:38pm PST


Jupiter and Pluto have been on top of each other all year.  The final conjunction on November 12 will be the third in the triology where the first meet up was April 4 and the second on June 29th.     Covid and its impact both physically and economically was pronounced around both dates.  For many of us this conjunction is exhausting. It has been difficult to live through as a human just trying to get through life.   Pulling out a bit, the stock market heaved up and down around those earlier dates and there was a lot of discussion on which bail outs would help during Covid.  It stands to reason we should anticipate more discussion about Covid Relief around this final conjunction. 

Speaking of exhaustion, it is good to remember that the last time Jupiter and Pluto were in conjunction in the sign Capricorn was 1771.   For those of us familiar with American history we know this was the run up to the Independence War.   Something was happening that would set up the future for USA. 


Now the USA future is being formed again in 2020.   ‘What works?’ asks Capricorn.  ‘Who in power and is effective?’  Asks Pluto.   ‘How are people’s beliefs being transformed?’ asks Jupiter conjunct Pluto.   ‘What are the big ideas?’  Asks Jupiter.   Then at the end of the year, Jupiter will finally move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on Dec 19and on Dec 21 it will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius setting off a new cycle in air signs for the next 200 years.  In Aquarius we will consider humanity and what serves the majority.  What is humane?  Watch for issues in the news and our personal life where we ask: ‘What works?’  ‘Who is in power and are they effective?’  ‘How are people’s beliefs being transformed?’  ‘What are the big ideas?’    There could be some pain and a sober note that something is not working.  Death and rebirth are critical for Pluto including death of an idea or thinking.    As always, breathe through the tension.

Mars Station Direct

November 13, 4:35pm PST 

15 Aries 14 


Finally!  Relief.   Mars our warrior friend will finally straighten out and fly straight and not one tiny second too early.  


Let’s go over those Mars dates:


Sep 9         Mars stations retrograde 28 Aries 09

Sep 29       Mars square Saturn

0ct 9          Mars square Pluto

Oct 18       Mars square Jupiter

Nov 13      Mars stations direct 15 Aries 14

Dec 23       Mars square Pluto

Jan 2         Mars exits shadow 

Jan 6         Mars enters Taurus 


Technically we have been in this rough period since Mars started having tough aspects in the summer with the outer planets. Then when Mars turned retrograde on September 9, everything went on steroids.   Once Mars turns direct, he will begin his journey to sanity, but it is vital that we consider what we have learned about our own power during this cycle?  Did we collapse?  Did we buckle down?  When stuff got thrown our way did we find new solutions?  How did we tap into our survival mode?   We should all do a victory lap that we are here and celebrate our new skills and powers.  It may have been lonely at times, this astrologer over here raises her hand, but it will be worth all the struggle when it is over.  Put on our cape, you are a hero. 



In closing, 


These are extraordinary days and having this ginormous new moon with a lot of angst is not a reason to collapse into fear.   It is a time to take care of self.  If you are an anxious sort then you have to decided how much news you can take in.   Eating right.  Sleeping well.  Exercising is vital during these 29 days.    Find kindness and celebrate it.   


I will see you at the Scorpio New Moon in November.  Be well.  Love  Tracy





During the month check out my blog


Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Libra New Moon 

23 Libra 53

October 16, 2020 

12:30pm PDT 


New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:   We seek balance.  We seek fairness.  But it does not come without work.   What are we willing to do to have a more just and balance life?  



Special note:

10:18 Sun Square Saturn.   Responsibility and burdens seem so great, but discipline and focus can later be rewarding.  

10:18 Mars Square Jupiter.  Action not in alignment with beliefs will be misguided and cause friction.  

10:19 Venus trine Jupiter.   Values are supported.  Abundance in places that are meaningful.   Money and love highlighted.


Crescent Moon Phase

October 19, 2020

5:28 pm PDT


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket?  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What information are you leaning that broadens your viewpoints?  What information are you learning that opens up your circle?  What information are you learning that helps you balance out your judgments?   


Special Focus

10/21: Venus trine Pluto.  Love and power are united.  The power of love will be seen.   

10/22: Sun enter Scorpio 



First Quarter Moon 

October 23, 2020

6:22 am PDT


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that speak to finding balance through friends and group efforts?  What actions are you taking that involve technology?  What action are you taking that seem “weird” for you to do?  What actions are you taking that stimulate your brilliance?  


Special Note

10/24: Venus trine Saturn Love and values are supported by hard work and those in position of power. 

10/25: Sun conjunct Mercury.  Thinking and communication are deepened.  Revisiting some topics from the last week with a new approach. 





Gibbous Moon

October 27, 2020 

4:47am PDT 




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your faith?  How are you refining your mystical nature?  How are your sifting through what it means to be spiritual? 



Special focus

10/27:  Mercury enters Libra 

10/27: Venus enters Libra




Full Moon Phase –  

October 31    

7:49am PDT  

8 Taurus 38




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

How are we shedding what needs to be released?  How are we building something real and stable from the ground up?



Special focus 

10/31: Sun Oppose Uranus.   Depth and a need for evolution are coaxed by a real practical need

11/1: Mercury square Saturn.   Pessimistic thinking drives tough conversation, but new constructive thinking can emerge 

11/3: Mercury turns direct 9:49am PST 25 Libra 53



November 4, 2020  

9:19am PST   


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your ability to pivot?  How are you sharing your ability to communicate?   How are you sharing your ability to mingle?  



Special focus:


11/6 Mercury square Saturn.  Another round of Pessimistic thinking drives tough conversation, but new constructive thinking can emerge 



Last Quarter Moon Phase

November 8, 2020 

5:45am PST  




Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that activate your courage? What actions are you taking that support your boldness?  What actions are you taking that speak to your ability to lead?  What actions are you taking that showcase your talents? 



Special focus

11/9:  Sun trine Neptune.  In a quiet stillness you will find a part of yourself you don’t usually see or feel.  It is connected to universal power and universal love.  Find it. 

11/10: Mercury enters Scorpio 



Balsamic Moon Phase


November 11, 2020

4:25pm PST    


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing your passive aggressiveness?  How are you releasing your wishy-washy?  


11/12: Jupiter conjunct Pluto.  Big meets Power.   Philosophy meets Business.  Judgment meets Banking.  Opinions meets Economy.  

11/13: Mars stations direct 4:35pm PST 15 Aries 13 


Scorpio New Moon November 14, 9:07 pm PST 


Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW