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Capricorn New Moon 2025 Ambition for You

Capricorn New Moon– 2025

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   Tap your inner CEO and use ambition to get your goals.   It’s time.   




Dearest Astro friends,  

I apologize that this report is coming in over a week after the launch of the Capricorn new moon.    This is the first time in close to twenty years of generating astro reports that I have ever missed a deadline.   I got sick right after Christmas and was down for the count.   The bug was awful with a very nasty cough, and I did not leave my bed for 8 days.    My energy is still not at full capacity, but I finally had enough focus to put this report together.   


Obviously the new has moved on and the crescent is almost done but we are still in the waxing phase of the Cap new moon.


During the Capricorn new moon and lunar month our focus is on our place in the world.  We tap our executive skills and our inner CEO.   We are looking for success during Capricorn.   Capricorn is the goat who lives high in the mountains in a craggy environment able to sustain itself with a spot here and spot there of grass or flowers.   Unlike Taurus the bull down in the meadow with large pastures to sustain self, Capricorn knows how to make do with less.    Capricorn teaches us how others may have the watch, but we have the time.   Cap can go without to get the longer good.    We asses our goals during Capricorn.   If we abandoned something too early, is it time to re-evaluate and tap discipline? 


Capricorn speaks to ambition.  A lot of people have experienced pain at the hands of someone who is ambitious.  However, ambition on its own is not bad.   A person who wants to heal people may have the goal of being a doctor and works very hard and shows discipline in college and then medical school.   That is ambition.   The person who wants to help others and create a not-for-profit in alignment with their goals is also ambitious.   A person who leaves their job to spend more time with family and figures out how to have a more joyful life on less money is also ambitious.  Ambition is focusing.   All of this is the work of Capricorn.   Remember the goat makes do where the air is thin and the food harder to find.   Sacrifice can be helpful for the longer goals. 


Of course, Capricorn is not without anxiety and when it misbehaves it can be a snob, which is just a mask for its insecurity.    If you start to dig into feeling ‘better-than-others’ consider what is driving that energy?   Is some old wound where you felt ‘less than’ popped up?   What discipline do you need to take to finally address that old wound?    What would your inner CEO do?  A lot can be accomplished in the 29-day Capricorn lunar month, if you set your mind to it.    


For those people who made a Treasure Map, please look at your map and consider the manifestations that have already occurred since April when we launched our maps.   Some of you may have had some big results, others perhaps smaller results.  Or perhaps it is still green shoots but no manifestation.    If some of your bigger items on your map have snot shown up, have no fear, we still have three months.   I have had maps where the biggest results showed up at the final week before the next map.   In my own map from last spring, I saw the energy change at Libra and new results started to take shape.  I am not there yet on some items, but I can see roots taking shape.   



The most significant aspect in the new moon chart is Mars oppose Pluto.   The tension of these two planets is always strong and we are in a current cycle (due to Mars’ retrograde) of three waves of this opposition.  The first of three was November 3 when Mars and Pluto were in Cancer and Capricorn.   The second one on January 2 and the third and final Mars Pluto opposition on April 26.  These are in Leo and Aquarius.  


Obviously, the New Orleans terrorist attack and the Tesla car bomb in Las Vegas speak to Mars/Pluto explosiveness.   There is not enough to know at this time what these attacks mean but we may know more or circle back to now during the final aspect date in late April.  We may also understand the first hit in November which coincided the USA election.   


The first week of January influenced by Mars Pluto opposition will hit those people harder who have planets in early Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.     Whatever comes up consider if it has any tie in to early November and watch for late April.


Normally Mars will oppose Pluto about once every two years.   The fact that we are getting three rounds within 5 months is a mundane lesson on energy and transformation of power in the mundane world.   

What are people saying?  And who is jockeying for power?   

It is also worth noting the Jeju Airlines crash in South Korea close to the opposition speaks to the Aquarius Pluto with Mars tension.    Aquarius is the ruling sign for airlines.   


Even though the aspect has passed, the tension of Mars and Pluto in the chart of the new moon can be an influence for the whole cycle although maybe not as loud.  



The ruling planet for Capricorn is Saturn which on the new moon chart has a sextile from the Sun and moon.     This is a lovely aspect which supports our intuition, psyche and creativity to work with our goals.    Saturn in Pisces reminds us of the power in dreaming and how it can shape shift our goals.    Saturn will ingress into Aries late May and start a new journey.    Between now and May 24 Saturn is taking care of our inner landscape.    Regrets on mistakes, sadness on goals dropped, important conversations that were skipped, every human has bumps.  The debris field can be great and can weigh on sensitive Pisces.   Saturn transiting Pisces gives us opportunity to heal those bumps. 


 Saturn is the timekeeper planet and can cause delay.  Assume the delay is for a greater good and use it to heal anything icky that pops up from the past.   Saturn has a lot to do in Pisces between now and May 24th and then again in 2026 before it returns to Aries for good.    Use the energy of Sun Moon sextile Saturn to heal and help your goals. 


Additionally, Mercury is in square to Saturn on the chart.  And Jupiter is square to Saturn.     This may speak to any insecurity that we are not getting all the facts.   Take note of any zealots in the news or in our personal lives who are pushing hard.   Are they worth our energy?   Is it too far afield from our personal goals?   If we take our time during this 29-day lunar month, not wig out too hard if something does not quite line up and trust that taking a beat could be necessary, we should find our way.   Saturn in Pisces knows that time will reveal the facts eventually.    






On January 2nd Mercury crossed out of its shadow ending a cycle that began on November 11.    Our thinking and communicating may feel as if it is tapping a new freshness.    For close to two months, we have been long in strident Sagittarius.   Opinions and judgements, spirited conversations may still fill our days but perhaps we have new approaches in these final days of Mercury in Sagittarius.    On January 8thMercury enters Capricorn and we pivot to grounded, practical and pragmatic thoughts.   We crave more nuts-and-bolts conversations and thinking.   We explore systems and how they work for us.  We want our thinking to focus on more success in our life.    



As discussed, retrograde Mars opposes Pluto.   Then on January 6 Mars re-enters Cancer.   Back on September 8 Mars entered Cancer, crossed the shadow point on October 4 and continued its merry way until November 3 when it entered Leo.   Now Mars is revisiting earlier themes of Cancer again.   Emotions flow, sentimental feelings can be strong, we can be super sensitive, perhaps thin skinned.   Themes around mothers, home, family and childhood are pronounced.  Memories awash us.  Mars is not comfortable in Cancer and is considered in its fall.    Some of us will feel protective and put up a big hard Cancer-the-crab shell others will use the crab’s pinchers and do a lot of snapping.  Of course, there is a possibility that many of us have outgrown our shell.  There could be patterns, behaviors and habits that no longer serve us and during the shadow and retrograde we have a skirmish or two and realize something inside us has changed.  We may sense we have outgrown something.   Will we let our shell crack?  

When we tap our emotions and have them work for us a lot can be accomplished between now and when Mars stations direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 23.   On Jan 12 Mars trine Neptune suggesting action based on intuition or maybe some good old day dreaming can be productive.  


As pointed out in last month’s report: 

“The last Mars retrograde in Cancer was Nov 2007 – Feb 2008, covering 24 Gemini through 12 Cancer.   Before that time there was Nov 1992 – Feb 1993 covering 8-24 Cancer.   And the closest Mars retrograde to the current degrees we are about to experience was Dec 1977 with Mars retrograde 11 Leo through 22 Cancer in March 1978.  You may want to think back to those periods for insights to your personal experiences of Mars retro Cancer and Leo.”   





On January 2 Venus moved into sensitive Pisces and it will be here for a very long time.    Normally Venus is in a sign for about a month except when it is extended during a retrograde.   On January 28th Venus will cross its shadow at 24 Pisces 37.    It will ingress into Aries in February, turn retrograde on March 1, re-enter Pisces where it continues to retrograde until April 12 and then eventually Venus will leave Pisces on April 30.  That’s a long time for Venus in Pisces.   The good news is Venus is exalted in Pisces meaning the traits and expressions of Pisces are in synch with the character of Venus.    We will discuss the Venus retrograde in more detail in the next report but in the meantime let’s consider that the power of love is strong for the next four months.  



We are continuing to understand the new 20-year journey of Pluto in Aquarius.   There is so much unknown, but we do know if it involves new technology, it is Aquarius.   If people are looking for their groups that also speaks to Aquarius.    Breakthroughs can be in the offing since Pluto speaks to evolution.   Of course, Pluto is transformative under pressure which can sometimes include big booms.   Sigh.  


On January 21 the Sun will conjunct Pluto for the first time since Pluto moved into Aquarius.    Watch stories in the news around this date and other inner planet aspect dates that may include technology, evolution and maybe a boom.     


Jan 3 : Mars oppose Pluto (1 AQ 08)

Jan 4 :  Venus semi sextile Pluto (1 AQ 10)

Jan 9 :  Mercury semi sextile Pluto (1 AQ 20)

Jan 19 Venus semi-square Pluto (1 AQ 40)

Jan 21 Sun conjunction Pluto (1 AQ 43) 

Jan 26 Saturn semi-square Pluto (1 AQ 53) 

Jan 29 Mercury conjunction Pluto (1 AQ 58)





Uranus continues to be retrograde all cycle.   Curiously, it will turn direct within 24 hours of the launch of the Aquarius new moon on Jan 30.   This feels auspicious given Uranus is one of the ruling planets of Aquarius.    Once it turns direct all the outer planets will be forward motion.  After Feb 24 all inner and outer planets will be direct but is one small window given Venus will turn retrograde on March 1.  It appears we are not given much cover in 2025 to rest and let the grass grow.    More will be discussed about Uranus in the next report.  


Our 2025 Landscape 

Mar 30:     Neptune first ingress into Aries (14-year transit)

May 24:    Saturn first ingress into Aries (2.5-year transit)

June 9:      Jupiter enters Gemini (1 year transit) 

July 7:       Uranus first ingress into Gemini (7-year transit)

August 7-9 Kite Aspect.  Uranus, Neptune and Pluto trine & sextile each other.  Great flow.  Saturn conjunct Neptune (close not exact).  Mars oppose Saturn.   


The importance of these transitions into new signs of the outer planets (& Saturn) cannot be overstated. They are the backbeat to every new moon report.    The last time we had all four outer planets transit into new signs within seven months of each other was the 1730s.     We’ve not been here for a very long time.   More will be revealed and perhaps in March when Neptune enters Aries we’ll start to get an idea what is part of this story.   



In Conclusion

Capricorn is the ideal sign to look at our lives and decide where to bring some discipline and ambition.   For 29 days we may consider how our values deepened.     What are your goals and ambitions?   What is your psyche telling you?    We have a lot of change coming this year.  Ask your inner CEO what you need to tap?  It could all be meaningful as the year unfolds.    Find your ambition and remember that good things are worth waiting for.   





The 8 phases


December 30, 2024

2:26pm PST 

9 Capricorn 43 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more results.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:    How are measuring your successes?   What needs more discipline?   Where do you need to tap ambition?  How are you cutting back in order to go for a greater good?  What is your inner CEO telling you?   How are you working with systems?     How are you navigating red tape or self-induced red tape? 



Special note:

Jan 2: Venus enter Pisces.  The healing power of love speaks to us through our creativity, spirituality and kindness.  

Jan 2: Mars oppose Pluto.  Explosiveness and transformative power.    Evolution is sometimes hard but necessary.  

Jan 2 : Mercury shadow ends.  Fresh thinking commences.  


Crescent Moon Phase

January 3, 2024




Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  No matter how mundane it arrives, consider it as message.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about friendships?   What are learning about the power of community?  What are you learning about coming together with others for the greater good?  



Special Focus

Jan 4: Sun sextile Saturn.  Joy and enthusiasm for accomplishing tasks that bring success. 

Jan 4: Mars trine north node.  Bold energy supports the power of independence.    

Jan 6: Mercury square Neptune.  Fuzzy thinking, not all the facts are present.  Intuition is louder but may not be crystal sharp.  Take a beat.     

Jan 6: Mars re- enters Cancer (see above) 




First Quarter Moon 

January 6, 2025 

3:56pm PST  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received.  Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again. What hurdles have popped up involving the seeds you planted on new moon?    We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted.   



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that lean into your independence?   What actions are you taking that support self-agency?   What actions are you taking that tap your inner fire?   How are you self-starting something?  




Special Note

Jan 8: Mercury enter Capricorn.  Accent on pragmatic thoughts and communication.  

Jan 8: Mercury square North Node.   Insecurity about status quo versus going independent.  

Jan 8: Sun square Chiron.    Hanging on to status quo versus jumping on independence.   Where is the rub?  


Gibbous Moon

January 10, 2025  

2:19am PST     




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Special focus How are you refining your communication?   How are you refining your thinking?   How are you refining your ability to sort through the facts on the ground?    What are your sources of information?   Are they solid? Or not?  


Focus on:  


Jan 11 : Node enters Pisces.  Humanity meet humans.   How do find our place?  

Jan 12 : Mars trine Neptune.  Intuition is strong.  Actions based on an inner knowing even if it does not exactly make sense it may be necessary and fruitful.  

Jan 13 : Sun trine Uranus.   Creativity is great.   Breakthroughs that are super practical and tap innovation.    




January 13, 2025

Full Moon – Cancer

2:26pm PST

23 Cancer 59    



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on  How are our emotions speaking to us?  How do we seek our place in the world but not abandon our family or home?  




Special focus 

Jan 14:  Venus square Jupiter.   Big thoughts and big communication are rubbing against our gentle side.  Finding humanity and humans may not be in alignment with big opinions.  Which is more important? 

Jan 15: Sun oppose Mars.  Where are we bringing practicality and pragmatism to our emotions?   How can we make the energy work for us?  

Jan 17: Sun sextile Neptune.   Creativity, faith and spirituality get a boost of pragmatism that works for us.   



December 17, 2025

9:35am PST           



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full moon and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your ability to refine?  How are you sharing your ability to sort?  How are you sharing your ability to master your daily schedule?   Are your appointments in alignment with your purpose?  



Special focus:

Jan 18: Sun sextile North node.  Navigating humanity and humans is possible.  There can be a silver lining steeped in pragmatism that is helpful.  

Jan 18: Venus conjunction Saturn.   Divine timing.   Creativity is strong.  Practical results that are fulfilling. 

Jan 18: Mercury sextile Saturn.  Thoughts and communication that is narrow and to the point can be advantageous.  

Jan 19: Mercury sextile Venus.   Creative thoughts bring success and healing.  

Jan 19: Sun enters Aquarius 

Jan 21: Mercury square Chiron.  The power of independence feels difficult.  Thinking and communication is hard.    Take a beat.  

Jan 21:  Sun conjunction Pluto.  (see above) 




Last Quarter Moon Phase

January 21, 2025

12:30pm PST 



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that impact your shared finances?   What actions are you taking that touch your inner strength?   How are you finding your inner mettle?   How are your harnessing your emotions?    


Special focus 


Jan 23:  Mars sextile Uranus.  Fun, creativity, emotions have breakthroughs.   

Jan 23: Mercury oppose Mars.   Thoughts and conversations feel stressed.  Our emotions feel stretched like a tight rubber band.  Breathe.  

Jan 23: Mercury trine Uranus.   Thoughts are creativity. Conversation has breakthroughs.    



Balsamic Moon Phase


January 25, 2025 

21 Sagittarius 09 PST  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing your strident opinions that no longer serve you?  How are you releasing righteousness?  How are your releasing too much enthusiasm?   How are you releasing any inner ‘peter pan’?   



Special focus:


Jan 25:  Venus trine Mars.  Love and actions are in sync.  Creativity, home, memories, spirituality, faith, humanity.  It is all a love thing. 

Jan 26 : Mercury sextile Neptune.  Joyful thoughts, creative thinking, conversations that are uplifting.  

Jan 26 : Venus sextile Uranus.  Creativity that is unusual is helpful and supports matters close to the heart.  

Jan 26 : Mercury sextile North Node.  Spirit and faith are in sync with conversations and thoughts.   

Jan 27: Mercury enters Aquarius. Bold, dynamic and unusual thinking are pronounced. 

Jan 28: Venus enters shadow 24 Pisces 37 (see above) 

Jan 28: Mercury conjunction Pluto.  Explosive thoughts and communication.  Breakdowns or breakthroughs?  



Aquarius New Moon January 29 4:35am (9 Aquarius 51)   

Note:  Jan 30:Uranus stations direct 23 Taurus 15 and 

Jan 30: Sun trine Jupiter 

Astro Answers by Tracy

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New Moon Articles by Tracy


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW