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Cancer New Moon 2023: Ride the Rapids

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Cancer New Moon– 2023

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   That splashing sound you’re hearing is your emotions crashing around you – are they getting your attention?  Good.   Now ride the rapids. 




Cancer New Moon 

24 Cancer 56

July 17,2023 

11:31am PDT  



Welcome to the 2023 Cancer New Moon.    


We’re now at the first water sign of the zodiac which is also the second cardinal sign.   The cardinal signs (Aires, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) find their power through initiation.  They move.  They get up and they do.   They also activate the four cardinal seasons.   That’s a big ‘get up and do’ when you change a season.   The cardinals are potent.  


First things first; on the Cancer new moon, we look at the Treasure Map that we built during Aries new moon.    Look at your map and assess where you have had some action.  What manifestations have completed?   If parts of the map have not presented any results, that is okay, we have nine more months for our 2023 maps to generate results.  If you feel you need to do any super small edits, such as add a word or remove something you can do it on the Cancer new moon.   Do it before Crescent moon on July 21 at 2:20pm PDT.   But more to the point reconnect to the feeling you had when you made your map.  That energy is still there and still true, let your map rekindle and awash you in feelings.  You got this!    


Cancer the crab, like any creature will look for ways to hide from predators however, unlike the other animal signs Cancer can hide within itself.  The crab can pull its legs, arms, and claws into its hard shell for protection from threats, both real and perceived.  And if really challenged, the crab can ride the currents to a new location.   Cancer has many skills, but the key is putting a GPS on emotions.  Our emotions will guide us during this 29-day cycle.    It is not that we should collapse into our feelings it is more that we benefit when we pay attention to them.  We need to ride our feelings and our emotions.  Use them to get us where we need to get.  


The Cancer themes are often on home, security, and safety.   Along with family, memories, childhood, and nostalgia.   Cooking in a kitchen brings Cancer comfort.  Being cozy is all Cancer.  We can be sentimental during this Cancer 29-day lunar cycle.   If our emotions are tender like the flesh of the crab, then we might find ourselves pulling into our shell.   We may need to shut out the noise of the world.  Signs we need to retreat are if we are prone to a snippy snap like the crabs’ pinchers if someone stirs us up.   But more to the point of Cancer is feeling the emotions and allowing them to change.  Like the ocean waves that shift and change, Cancer emotions can crash hard on the shore then later lap, in gentle waves.  Cancer tide can be high, and it can be low.   The key is acknowledging the feelings but not get stuck.  Stagnant water is never good.  Ask a plumber.   


This Cancer new moon chart has opportunities but also lands in a curious landscape.   The new moon chart has Sun and Moon sextile to Uranus and trine Neptune.   Uranus looks for change and new stimulation, it is connected to ingenuity, freshness and break throughs.   We should look to see what emotions come up in the 29-day cycle that speak to a need for change?  Or provide a breakthrough.   Because it is a sextile with Uranus it could be a total out of the blue opportunity.   Maybe something you hadn’t even thought about, but your feelings and emotions take you some place (either literally or metaphorically) and there is an opportunity for a good change.    Neptune in trine to the sun and the moon also speaks to something beneficial that feels guided from faith, spirit or just the good juju of the universe.   These aspects speak to a 29-day cycle that has soft, gooey and good feelings and moments.     But there is the landscape which has its challenges.    


The sun and moon are also in their FINAL opposition to Pluto in Capricorn.  Ever since 2008, once a year the Sun opposes Pluto in Capricorn.  But now in 2023 on July 21 we have the last round of Cancer reminding Pluto that life is not just about career or following whatever society says is the ‘high bar’.    Our interior space is equally important to our exterior.    Perhaps even more.   After 13 years we should have a good grasp on the importance of feeling good in our skin no matter what the exterior looks like.   If we have not got that lesson, we will feel challenged this 29 day cycle and in particular the week of the 21st through the 28th.  Technically the 21sthas a grand cross between Sun/Pluto/North Node/South Node which is Cancer/Capricorn/Aries & Libra.   The aspects unfold in the following dates: 


7/21 Sun oppose Pluto 

7/21 Sun square North Node 

9/22 North Node square Pluto 

7/25 Pluto square North Node 

7/27: Mercury trine North Node 

7/28: North node square Pluto 


As you can see Pluto is prominent in the dates between July 21 and July 28.  Also, the North Node is carrying a lot of punch.   

A few hours after the launch of the new moon, the north node (true) enters Aries, and the south node enters Libra.  The nodes change signs every couple of years, which marks a change that can be seen and felt personally and globally.   The nodes connect with our eclipses which are now near the new and full moons of Aries and Libra.   


The last time we had the Aries Libra axis was 2004-2006.  Think back on that window and consider what was going on with you at that time.   Broadly speaking, when the north node is in Aries, we need to tap the strengths of the first fire sign.  We seek new, fresh, independence, freedom, and self-driven abilities.   We act bold and strong.   During this period, we lean into personal agency to guide self and offer leadership (sometimes under stress).   The north node in Aries calls for tapping a fire in the belly.   This can be a spirited cycle.  With all node cycles, we often see vacuums appear in the news.  During that last north node Aries period, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and a whole world watched to see if anyone had the mettle to step up and lead.  After twenty years, historians have well documented what was lacking in the responses from city, state, and oval office.  The south node can speak to lesser side of Libra.  Which is superficial, wishy washy, hand wringing, standing on the side lines for fear of committing.   Or turning away from those things that are harsh because it seems too ‘hard’ to resolve.   The key of course is to put others before self and find the self-initiative to lead.  


Watch and see what comes up in the world between the 21st and the 28th.    Will there be tension?  Will there be need for independence (North Node)?  Will there be need for emotional connection that is nurturing (Sun in Cancer) and is transformative (Pluto) while also tapping inner understanding (South Node)?    Will there be transformation of power (Capricorn) that forges new beginning (Aries) and is nuanced (Libra)?   Will it all be rough?  Or will there be needed breakthroughs?  There is a lot to process that week, but thank goodness Mercury trines north node which should be helpful to clear thinking and conversation.   


Now is a good time to remember that Pluto is straddling Capricorn and Aquarius.   Earlier in 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius.  Then on June 12th it returned to Capricorn once it began its annual retrograde.    Going forward:  


October 10, 2023 – Pluto stations direct 

January 22, 2024 – Pluto re-enters Aquarius 

May 2, 2024 – Pluto stations retrograde

September 3, 2024 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn 

November 20, 2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius until 2043


When it comes to Pluto, we only live long enough to see it go through a handful of signs.  We are all here now for Pluto in Capricorn.   There are still lessons to be found in these final months of Pluto in Capricorn.   When any planet hits Pluto in a new or full moon chart it is worth watching what happens.   The same to be said when Pluto moves into Aquarius because that will give us hints about what is in the mix for the next twenty years.    In the meantime, let’s learn what we can from the Capricorn Pluto.    Especially those folks with planets at 28 and 29 Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.   





Venus Retrograde in Leo 

July 22, 2023 

6 :32pm PDT 

28 Leo 36 


Because God has a sense of humor.  In the middle of the grand cross we have Venus turning retrograde.  Sure.  Why not? 


Every eighteen months, Venus retrogrades for six weeks.    While there are Venus retrogrades every year and a half, where they land in the zodiac occurs in eight-year cycles.   In the lifetime of any human, Venus will retrograde in only half the signs of the Zodiac versus Mercury which retrogrades in all signs, multiple times over the course of a human lifetime


This Venus retrograde takes place between 29 degrees back to 12 degrees of Leo.   


In the last 50 years, Venus retrogrades in Leo were in the summer/ fall of 2015, 2007, 1999, 1991, 1983, 1975 and 1967. 


Take a moment and consider what came up for you during those times that spoke to creativity, love, romance, money, and beauty.    What we value speaks to Venus.   During any Venus retrograde we may experience challenges to our value system.  There can be major movements on those matters although the sign of the Venus retrograde speaks to themes.  


In Leo how we find joy and pleasure is up for our appraisal.   Being bold and taking bold actions is Leo.   If we have been behind the scenes too long, now on the Venus retrograde we may put ourselves out there. It is not that it all must happen during the six weeks, but we can conclude during the retrograde that being in the shadows is no longer working.   We find our bold.  We also find our heart in the Venus in Leo retrogrades.   There can be tears but behind it we can tap the power.   Like Scarlett O’Hara, a symbolic Leo character by any measure in the movie Gone With The Wind,who taps her tears and anger when she holds a small radish dug up from the field and states, “As God as my witness. I will never be hungry again.”   Fortitude can be found and tapped in Venus in Leo.  


To get a feel for a difference that the signs bring to the Venus retrograde, the very last Venus retrograde was in 2021 in the sign Capricorn.  Capricorn is a way different energy than Leo.    In the last 50 years for the Venus retrogrades in Capricorn they were in the winter of 2021/22, 2013, 2005, 1998, 1989/90, 1981, 1974,1966.   In that case we may have been adjusting our values around career.  Or how we move around in the public. How we take responsibility especially in leadership.   Capricorn is somber, we may have had setbacks that had us question if we were even valued.   During Venus in Capricorn, we could have valued a more austere approach to any bumpy situation.   We may have tapped our ‘coldness’.      In Leo, a fire sign, and a bold sign, it is our pride and our self-esteem inform us.  Our generosity in spirit and actions informs us and we take a moment and we value being ‘bigger.’     It is fun to look at the 8-year cycles of Venus retrogrades and play compare and contrast.   What values came up on one cycle, but others came up on another.   There will be a thread of themes we can usually find.   Use this time during Venus in Leo retrograde to figure out your theme.   


This year, Venus enters Leo June 5, but does not start to slow down until it crosses the shadow on June 19.    On July 22 it stations retrograde for six weeks.  On September 3, Venus stations direct and finally exits the shadow October 7.   Venus will have our attention in some manner for three and half months, with of course the heat of the energy being the six weeks of retrograde.   


During the shadows, Venus will form several aspects with other planets.   Each aspect may drill down on themes that impact us personally.   Of note, we get three rounds of Venus square Uranus and three rounds of Venus square Jupiter.   Jupiter is ‘big’ on steroids.   Uranus is weird as F.   Whatever strange stuff comes up will be big.    In the mundane astrology, there are usually scandals that pop up on Venus retrogrades.   Given this one will be in theatrical, dramatic Leo our friends in the celebrity world may pop up with some kind of scandal.    And given Jupiter and Uranus are in the mix, it will be big and odd.   To that I say, “Sure, why not, it’s all weird now anyway.”  Sigh. 


For more personal insight, look at the degrees of the aspects and for those of you with planets at those degrees in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius you may feel the intensity quite a bit.     


June 5:               Venus enter Leo 

June 5 :              Venus oppose Pluto 00 degrees 05 

June 8 :              Venus square nodes  3 degrees 05

June 11 :            Venus square Jupiter 5 degrees 38 

June 19 :            Venus enter shadow 

July 2 :               Venus square Uranus 21 degrees 46

July 22               Venus retrograde 28 Leo 36

Aug 9 :                Venus square Uranus 22 degrees 55

Aug 13:              Sun Venus conjunction 20 degrees 28 

Aug 22 :             Venus square Jupiter 15 degrees 18 

Sept 3                PDT  Venus direct  12 degrees 12 

Sept 16 :             Venus square Jupiter 15 degrees 19

Sept 29 :             Venus square Uranus 22 degrees 40

Oct 7                            Venus exits shadow 

Oct 8 :                 Venus enters Virgo 



This Venus retrograde will not be shy or quiet.   Between Leo, Uranus, and Jupiter the energy is noisy.  It is also a fabulous time to go long on any creative project that has been sitting in a corner collecting dust.    That thing you have felt total guilt about NOT doing because you tell yourself all kinds of nonsense, like not being good enough, talented enough, pretty enough, young, or old enough, well this Venus retrograde will call you out.   You are good enough to do it!    


Let’s see where we all are by October 8 when Venus finally exits Leo and enters quieter Virgo.  I am sure we will all welcome it!   In the meantime, be bold!  



In conclusion: 

Between the nodes officially changing signs and Pluto getting zest by the sun and moon along with his own aspects with the nodes, then add Venus retrograde and well, this is a lot of energy for one 29 day lunar cycle.   How will we find peace and calmness in all this action?  By tapping our emotions.  No suppressing of feelings but at the same time no collapsing into them.   Ride them like Lewis and Clark rode the rapids.   When you are done you may find yourself in a wonderful new place that you never even knew existed.    Remember to enjoy the adventure.    


See you in Leo.      






The 8 phases


Cancer New Moon 

24 Cancer 56

July 17,2023 

11:31am PDT  



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     What are you learning about your feelings?  How are your emotions driving your actions?   How are you letting the emotions ride through you?   What directions  are you getting from your feelings?     How do you process the ups and downs of your feelings?  How is family motivating your actions?    What is the GPS heading you can take from your emotions?  


Special note:


7/17 :  North Node enter Aries 

7/20: Sun trine Neptune.  Creativity and inspiration.  Humanitarian actions are pronounced.  Feelings are connected to something spiritual or bigger.    

7/20: Mars oppose Saturn.  Actions born from practicality.   Being willing to say no but still taking care of business. 



Crescent Moon Phase

July 21, 2023

2:20 pm PDT  


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your calendar?  What are you learning about how you prioritize your schedule?  Who gets in the book?  What gets in the book?   What are you learning about daily discipline?   What facts and data are coming up for your appraisal?   



Special Focus

7/21 Sun oppose Pluto (see above)

7/21 Sun square North Node (see above) 

7/21 Mercury trine Chiron.  Communication that assists finding personal strength and courage to stand up for self.  

7/22 Venus station retrograde 28 Leo 36 (see above) 

7/22 Sun enters Leo.   

9/22 North Node square Pluto (see above)

7/23 Mercury square Uranus.   Communication can be on the fritz.  Brilliant ideas may be a little too difficult to process.   Thoughts feel ‘off’.  

7/25 Pluto square North Node (see above)


First Quarter Moon 

July 25, 2023

3:06pm PDT 



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  How are you taking action that taps deep reservoirs?  How are you tapping intense power?  What action are you taking that rely on a transformation?   What needs to die in order be reborn?     



Special Note


7/27: Mercury conjunct Venus.  Talking about values.  Hearing other speak their values.  Truth is there to be seen.  

7/27: Mercury trine North Node (see above) 

7/28: North node square Pluto (see above) 

7/28: Mercury enters Virgo 



Gibbous Moon

July 29, 2023  

6:01am PDT  




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your ability to expand?  How are you refining your ability to be a bridge?   How are you refining your opinions and philosophies?   


Special focus

8/1: Mars trine Jupiter. Big actions meeting big ideas.  Getting up and doing for practical applications of big ideas. 

8/1: Mercury oppose Saturn.  Conservative thinking rules the day.  Less is more in communication and thoughts.  


August 1, 2023

11:31 am PDT 

Full Moon

9 Aquarius 16 



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on    How are your friendships?  How do the people you fraternize with reflect your emotions?  What are you learning about the power of being connected to a group?  



Special focus 







August 4, 2023

3:53pm PDT       



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   What advice are you offering that speaks to faith?   What are you sharing with others that taps humanitarian issues?   How are others sharing wisdom that you had not considered?   




Special focus:

8/6: Sun square Jupiter.   Being bold versus being practical.  Being big may be off point with values.   Being stuck may be off point with being bold. 



Last Quarter Moon Phase

August 8, 2023 

3:28am PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How are you taking actions that speak to concrete actions?    What actions are you doing that support your values?  What actions are you doing that support building something from the ground up?   How are you leaning into practicality? 



Special focus 

8/9 : Venus square Uranus.  Independence with love and money can be too strong.   Where is the practical approach to love and money?  

8/9 : Mercury trine Jupiter.  Thinking that lines up with big practical ideas.  Bold and practical can be merged. 



Balsamic Moon Phase


August 12, 2023 

12:06pm PDT 



Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing childlike emotions?  How are you releasing feelings?   How are you releasing the need to react?  




Special focus:


8/12: Sun trine Chiron.   Courage and boldness of self are attainable.  

8/13: Sun conjunct Venus.  Love, money, beauty are amplified.   


August 16 at  2:38am PDT  23 Leo 17  



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