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Did Yale prostitute itself for oil money? by Ethel C. Fenig

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Writing in the Jerusalem Post , Mideast scholar Martin Kramer offers a highly educated, probably accurate theory as to why the Yale University Press shamefully banned reprinting the controversial Danish cartoons of Mohammed in the book it is publishing, "The Cartoons That Shook The World."

Although  the Yale Press claimed this was to prevent Muslim violence as happened  around the world when angry Muslims rioted when the original cartoons  first appeared, the real reason the Yale Press agreed to self  censorship and would not allow the cartoons that shook the world to be  printed to shake the reader--and rioting Muslims again--was because,  Kramer alleges


Yale's  administration intervened not to prevent violence, but to prevent  damage to its fundraising prospects in Araby. There's a strong prima  facie case for this, and it revolves around Yale's courting of Saudi  Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.


Over  the years, I've reported on Prince Alwaleed's efforts to buy up prime  academic real estate in the United States. It was six years ago, in  July 2003, that Alwaleed, then the world's fifth-richest man, announced  his plan to go on what I called "an academic shopping spree."




The  crucial thing to know about Prince Alwaleed is that he believes in  "strategic philanthropy." He's not tied emotionally to particular  universities, and he's not interested in honors. He seeks maximum  return on investment.

In  other words Yale University probably prostituted itself for Arab oil  money (my term). Censoring the controversial cartoons, in a book about  the cartoons, was a small tradeoff for hopefully a greater return from  Alwaleed in the future. Debasing itself further, to increase its  chances of snagging some huge grant to fund some prestigious institute  Yale oh so coincidentally just hired the executive director of the  Alwaleed bin Talal Foundation, Muna AbuSulayman.


Now it gets interesting. In April, Yale named Muna AbuSulayman a "Yale World Fellow" for 2009.


This  isn't some honorific, and she'll reside from August through December in  New Haven. (Her Facebook fan page, August 16: "I need help locating a  Town House/condo for short term leasing near Yale University... Anyone  familiar with that area?")


Can  you imagine a better way to set the stage for a major Alwaleed gift?  Hosting for a semester the very person who structured the Harvard and  Georgetown gifts, and who now directs Alwaleed's charitable foundation?  A stroke of genius.




Yale  has seen its endowment suffer billions in losses, and its  administration has the mission of making the bucks back. Yale's motto  is lux et veritas, light and truth, but these days it might as well be  pecunia non olet: money has no odor -whatever its source.

So  in the world of higher education, if Kramer is correct, the potential  of a gift of untold millions is worth the price of a few censored  cartoons. Not to mention integrity, scholarship and all that other good  stuff Yale claims to teach.

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW