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Sag New Moon Total Eclipse 2020: The Truth is in The Mirror

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Sagittarius New Moon – 2020

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?     Look for truth.  It starts in the mirror.  



Please note all times in Pacific.   


Sagittarius New Moon 

23 Sagittarius 06

December 14, 2020 

8:16am PST 



Welcome to the last new moon of the most terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year.  It really has been dreadful, but  I am happy to report that the Sagittarius new moon and twenty-nine-day cycle is loaded with opportunity.  It is also a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius.    


A total eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the sun and casts a shadow on earth.   Total eclipses occur about every eighteen months somewhere on earth.  This total eclipse will be seen in parts of South America and Antarctica.  There will be confused penguins.  


In addition to total eclipses there are also annual eclipses which occur four to six times a year.  Both annual and total eclipses  roll out in twenty-year cycles ping ponging every six months between opposite signs.  We are now in the two-year period where the south node is in Sagittarius and the north node is in Gemini.   This cycle started in June with the companion Sag lunar eclipse and will continue until spring 2022.   


In the last one hundred years we have had Sag south node/solar eclipses in the following years:  2001-2003, 1982-1984, 1964-1965 and 1946-1947, 1936-1937, 1917-1918.   It can be argued that at each of these periods the world was in need of Sagittarius’ famous light.    These eclipses followed, September 11th,  the onset of AIDS, civil unrests, the aftermath of WW2, the final year of WW1 and the 1918 pandemic.   Now in December of 2020 we are in the midst of a pandemic and a stark financial reality.  It is a remarkable pattern but through the astrological lens it all makes sense. Like the predecessor cycles we, too, need the flame of Sagittarius to guide a way out.   


Sagittarius, the final fire sign of the zodiac lights the lantern to guide others or pass on the torch to the next warriors.   Sagittarius is the centaur, half man, half horse.  He holds a bow and arrow always aiming for a target.   Sag is always looking for truth.   Sag is a wanderer and explorer; along his journey he teaches and inspires and helps broaden the view for others.   In the northern hemisphere, the weather is colder, and the sky darkens as it heads to the winter solstice, Sag reminds us to go in our hearts and minds and expand our view to warm up our perspectives.  We tell stories of truth and philosophy. Sag can find commonality experience in all people.   The Sag eclipse puts us on notice that we need to shift our thinking from the dark and turn toward the light.   Sag knows the power of faith and education.  Sag also knows the power of humor.  If you ever had a friend in a rough spot, and in the middle of their emoting you crack a dark joke and your friend laughs and together you end up going down a weird twisted dark humorous road, then you know how humor lightens the whole conversation.   Sag knows humor is sometimes the best way to let truth in.  This is a Sag gift.  


Because the south node is in Sag and the north node is in Gemini, we are put on notice to dig in deep and process out the lower energy of Sagittarius.  Sag speaks to opinions which are born from experience, education and the belief systems of family and culture.   Sag knowledge is helpful and can inspire others.  The problem is if our opinions are based on faulty data or outdated information or just do not match the facts on the ground.  Are the opinions connected to an old paradigm?   Late November we had the Gemini full moon which helped tee up this total eclipse.  Gemini is on the ground, processing information and new facts.  Now at the Sag cycle we need to make sure our thinking matches the facts.  When Sag misbehaves it sounds like the grumpiest old man, full of prejudices, yelling out from the front porch to anyone who will listen.  He is a turn off.   When Sag excels, he goes back to the well, forms his opinion on what is now, not based on what was then.  Sag can find the common ground of all humans.  It is helpful for all of us to take the gift of the Sag eclipse and twenty-nine-day lunar cycle and admit when we were mistaken.  There is nothing wrong with saying, “I got it wrong”.   It opens up our perspectives and helps us from falling into righteousness, zealotry and hypocrisy which can come with south node in Sag.  Look around you and if you see people getting stuck in their righteous corner, offer up a different perspective, perhaps in a gentle voice and then wish them happy holidays and move on.      Remember you have your own goals and truths to keep on target.  


This New Moon chart has Sun/Moon trine mars putting the emphasis on speed and clear actions.   We will hear or see truth  and move fast on it.  There is some good luck or fortune that could pop on our radar and some of us will move fast on it.   Mercury in conjunction with the Sun/Moon supports a lot of conversations.   Communication will come from all sorts of places.  Large conversations about big topics are emphasized.   There is a square between Sun/Moon and Neptune so finding our center can be a little difficult.   We may be rattled by others or feel like we didn’t know the whole shot but if we take a moment and open our heart we can have conversations that will clarify.    Pretend you are a professor and ask the right questions.



In the twenty-nine day cycle we also have some big planetary movements.  One that is once in a lifetime.   


Jupiter & Saturn & The Big Conjunction 


We have been discussing for some time the conjunction between Jupiter & Saturn in the sign Aquarius.   A conjunction is of course when two planets appear on top of each other.    Here are the facts about this conjunction:


Jupiter – Saturn conjunction takes place on December 21 at 10:20am PST at 0 degrees 29 of Aquarius.

December 21 is also the Winter Solstice exact at 2:02am PST. 


In researching the last time Jupiter – Saturn formed a conjunction on the Winter Solstice it appears to have happened a very long time ago.  I have found some reports that say it was three thousand years ago and others who say over  five thousand years ago.   It is hard to pinpoint because most astrological computers do not go back that far.  Few of us are doing charts for hunters and gatherers fresh out of the ice age.  


The last time Jupiter-Saturn had a conjunction was May 28, 2000.  That conjunction took place in the sign Taurus.


The last time Jupiter-Saturn had a conjunction in Aquarius was January 7, 1405. 


Astronomers will tell you that the last time these two planets were this close was 1623 and 1226.  When two planets that can be seen with the naked eye come together, they end up looking like one bright star.   There was a merge of planets which formed the Bethlehem Star before the birth of Jesus indicated by the three wise men (astrologers no doubt).   You cannot miss this conjunction when you look up in the sky on the 21st.  Google it and you will see tons of astronomers weighing in.   They are downright giddy.  


Once Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius they will launch a  cycle where all the conjunctions by the two planets going forward will be in the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius for about 200 years.   


Given all of the above, it should be clear that the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is a big deal.   What does it mean?  


We are in midst of great changes and it is all happening in the first week of this lunar cycle with ripples heading out for the many years.  It does not mean that everything will be fully thought out this week or this month or even this year but the evolution of a new era is kicking into a fresh gear this week.   


On December 16 at 9:04pm PST  Saturn will re-enter Aquarius.   Saturn originally moved into Aquarius on March 21 before it retrograded out on July 1.  Aquarius speaks to humans and humanity and how we gather as groups.  It one of the socializing signs.  It is how we find our tribes.    Saturn restricts and it was not lost by any astrologer on god’s green earth that humans being forced to stay in their homes by a pandemic was perfect Saturn in Aquarius.   Saturn is the planet of time, how we spend our time with others was now for all of us to contemplate.  What have we lost?  What does it mean to see and be with other humans?   Was it something we took for granted?    What have we learned about ourselves since last Feb?  When Saturn returned to Capricorn it asked us to wonder how we fine tune our place in the world.  We had to ask ourselves:  What do we think about our leadership ability?  What about others’ ability to lead?   What important lessons have we learned about how systems work?  What do we think is the role of government and business?  This is all the work of Capricorn.   Now we take all that productive leadership information and return to Aquarius.  Saturn will be in Aquarius until March of 2023.  Aquarius is technology.   The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was in early 1991 through 1994, consider the advances just alone by Microsoft, Apple and the WWW during that period.  Watch what happens now and add social media.  How will they all be impacted?   While there are great gifts in technology we must not forget to lean into humanity.  Who will be hurt by big tech?  Is this what we want?  How can we lean just as hard into the human experience as the technology?   How will leaders protect humans? 


Jupiter will enter Aquarius on December 19 at 5:07am PST.   Jupiter is not as far out in the solar system so while it takes Saturn 28- 30 years to go around the zodiac, Jupiter only takes 12 years.  The last time Jupiter was in Aquarius was January 2009.  As we remember the stock market crashed and recession commenced in the fall of 2008.   With Jupiter in Aquarius, we had big buy outs and big solutions put into motion.  Jupiter was the hero with big rescues. We should expect similar since we are in another difficult financial time.  Again, with Aquarius there is emphasis on technology.   New technological ideas can be brought to the forefront.   Jupiter is the largest planet and does everything BIG when it enters a sign.   Big tech ideas will be put out there.   Perhaps some tech mergers.   Big problems bring big solutions.  Aquarius is innovative and genius.   It thinks out of the box.    How do people come together?  Why do they come together?  Will they be doing it in a big way?   It should be noted that as soon as the two planets move into Aquarius they will start talking to Uranus in Taurus and there will be tension around our financial landscape.  It is a square thus a hurdle.  But there will be a way through the hurdle.  It may not look like anything we have ever done before since both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are talking to Uranus in Taurus.  More will be discussed in 2021about the square with Uranus. 



As for the actual conjunction on 12/21,  those people who know their charts should look to see what house has zero/one degrees Aquarius.  If you have it in your second house there will be emphasis on money and creative way to build something from the ground up.  If you have it in your third house, your communication will be up for some big ideas and approaches. I would imagine those people will have a bee in their bonnet about blogging.   Even if you do not know your chart you are probably seeing this energy begin to play out.   Perhaps as late as the last few days.   Jupiter is so huge he starts talking to us even when we aren’t ready for him.    Then there is Saturn who brings structure.    What needs work?  How would you benefit by restructuring your social circles?  How do you keep discipline in your circles?  How are you being productive in your circles?  Is everyone being heard in your circles? How do you keep cynicism at bay? What are your goals when you are with groups?  Are they the highest ideal?  Or do they cater to the renegade?   How do you manage the rebel without a cause energy?   How is the leadership in your circles? 


On the global front we will see a lot of novel ideas.  Some will be great some will be misses.   The air sign conjunctions mean we will have a lot of ideas.  Some will work, some will not but there will be a lot of thinking and it can be more ecumenical than in the past two hundred years when Jupiter and Saturn conjunctions all took place in earth signs.   The earth cycle started in 1802 and ends on Dec 21.  Think about all that was made and sold between then and now?  What was wrong?  What was right?  What was built that is solid even today?  Where did we miss the mark?   Where did we invest and maybe we should not have invested?  Where did we not invest and probably should have invested?   Where do we need to rethink how we build?    Now in the air signs we will do a lot of thinking and talking and communicating.   Remember this is a cycle that is being launched.   Jupiter will move on to Pisces in a year and Saturn will be there in a few years so these planets do keep going but this cycle is launched.  This is the beginning of the story.  


It is fun to remember that astrology is ruled by Aquarius.   As well as air travel, sororities and fraternities, organizations like NGOs, unusual hobbies, offbeat attitudes, revolutionary thinking.   Aquarius benefits greatly when it is reminded that family and friendships need nurturing.  It is not just enough to have big ideas.   We will have a lot of discussions about the perks and pitfalls to Aquarius as 2021 unfolds.    



In conclusion:   This year has had so many huge aspects, many that have not occurred in hundreds of years.  We have discussed them all year.  They were rough.   Now at the end of the year we have huge shifts with Jupiter and Saturn.   And they are doing it in such a dramatic manner hitting the Winter Solstice.   Looking like one big star in the sky.    Sagittarius is always looking for the light.  It got it this cycle.     Take care of your body.   Nurture yourself.   Try not to overspend or overeat (bad, Sag stuff).  Go for a walk.  If you can find nature go for a hike or walk on the beach or near a lake.  Find your center and we’ll see each other in Capricorn 2021.   Be safe, be well. 







During the month check out my blog


Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Sagittarius New Moon 

23 Sagittarius 06

December 14, 2020 

8:16am PST 




New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:   We focus the light.  We focus on blending humanity.  We go out of our circles and find new people.  We take care to not fall victim to zealotry or righteousness.   We remember our friends and family.   We expand our world.  We find the bigger picture.  We look for truth every day. 



Special note:

12/14: Mercury trine Mars.  Mentally sharp.  Quick words bring actions.  Thoughts are precise.  Moving self forward, through solid actions. 

12/15:  Venus enters Sag

12/16:  Saturn enters Aquarius 9:03pm PST * see above



Crescent Moon Phase

December 17, 2020

7:02pm PST  


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking tickets.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What information are you learning that speaks to your groups, your friends, the associations you belong?  What are you learning about when you join other people for a higher mission or goal? 



Special Focus

12/19: Jupiter in Aquarius 5:07am PST * see above

12/19: Sun conjunct Mercury – Thoughts, opinions are strong, finding truth that is elevated is motivating. 

12/20: Mercury enters Capricorn 

12/21:  Sun enters Capricorn 2:02am PST  - Winter Solstice 

12/21: Jupiter conjunction Saturn 10:20am  00 Aquarius 29 (see above) 



First Quarter Moon 

December 21, 2020 

3:41 pm PST 



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you that push your independence?  What actions are you taking that speak to carving your own way?  What actions do you need to do for you and your feel fired up about it?  



Special Note

12/23: Mars square Pluto.  The final round of Mars square Pluto that speak to independence versus status quo.  Power of self, versus power of business/power.  See above 

12/24: Mercury trine Uranus: Creative thinking.  Thoughts and communication that are unique and stimulating.  





Gibbous Moon

December 25,  2020 

7:02pm PST 




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your ability to make money?  How are you discerning what is practical and works and how to improve upon it?   What have you neglected that needs retooling but can help you build something from the ground up? 


Special focus

12/27: Sun trine Uranus.  Creative, productive, concrete results.  Building something from the ground up that has real world support. 




Full Moon Phase –  Lunar Eclipse 

December 29, 2020      

8 Cancer 53




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

How are you connecting to your feelings?  How are you using the power of your emotions to move you to the new ideals that you want or need in your life?  How are the feelings you have with your family motivating your ideas about your future?   How are you tapping the great power that speaks to your roots?   



Special focus 

12/30:Venus Square Neptune.  Love & money are vague.  Faith is tested over values.  Dissolving that which is illusion.   



Jan 2, 2021   



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your strength?  How are you sharing the part of you that is a ‘superhero’?  How are you sharing your ability to be brave?   How are you sharing your creativity?  



Special focus:


1/4 :  Mercury conjunction Pluto.  Laser thinking. Precise thoughts and mental agility.   Getting to the root of anything.  Business and government big thoughts.  Going to the root of both.  


Last Quarter Moon Phase

January 6, 2020 

1:37am PST   




Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to your relationships?  What actions with your relationships are needed to take you to the goals and visions you have for your future?  Are you in sync?  



Special focus

1/ 6:  Mars moves into Taurus.  Thank god. 

1 / 8: Mercury enters Aquarius.  

1/ 8:  Venus enters Capricorn 

1/ 8: Mercury square Mars.  Thoughts are rushed.  Actions could be sloppy.   Communication moving too fast.   


Balsamic Moon Phase


January 9, 2020

11:11am PST     


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing your zealotry?  How are you releasing righteousness?  How are you releasing opinions that no longer serve you are inaccurate?  


1/9: Mercury square Mars.  Communication is sharp.  Thinking is a bit harsh.  Actions need to be thoughtout. 

1/9: Mercury conjunction Saturn.   Strident thoughts about groups of people. What is the group's purpose? Are they on track? 

1/11: Mercury conjunction Jupiter. Big thoughts about groups and social circles?  Are they broad? Do they include enough variety thinkers?  Bridging thinkers.   


Capricorn New Moon January 12, 2021, 9:00pm PST 


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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW