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Capricorn New Moon Dec 2022: CEO of Values

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Capricorn New Moon– 2022

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   Our values deserve leadership.  Time to tap our inner CEO.   


Capricorn New Moon 

1 Capricorn 32 

December 23, 2022

2:16am PST 




Welcome to Capricorn new moon!  After 29 days of exuberant & mega big Sagittarius, we move into practical Capricorn.   Yay!  


First order of business; for those folks who made Treasure Maps last spring, we are now in the final three months of action.   Take a moment and look at your map.  Note where there has been action and results.  Reflect on where there have been improvements in your life.   At the same time, if there are goals and desires on your map that are still lacking action, take a breath.  A lot can manifest between now and the next Treasure Map in spring.   I had a map one year that did major manifestations in the final two weeks before the new map.   Maps are weird, they unfold in their own way.  



Capricorn is the final earth sign of the zodiac and unlike his earthen brethren, Capricorn the Goat, has the benefit of altitude.   Neither Taurus the bull or Virgo the Virgin, can hang out on the sides of sheer cliffs like the goat.   The goat appreciates the hardship and struggle of climbing high, where the air is thin with only lichen and tiny plants for sustenance.  From those extreme heights Capricorn has the gift of looking down on the world and assessing what works and what does not work.   Capricorn is not one to get too emotional.   After all, you gotta have a cool head to hang on the side of a steep cliff.   What Capricorn does instead is take its cool emotions and focus on his place in the world.   Capricorn is long on responsibility and appreciates a steady career and a practical life.   During this 29-day cycle our focus could be on commitments and responsibilities.   It certainly can be focused on career.  But it is not just our work that speaks to Capricorn, it is also our status in the world.   Who are we in our community?  If we are a mover and shaker or a happy recluse, or somewhere in between, that is all fine and good, if it is authentic for where we are in our life.   During Capricorn we take a moment to consider if this ‘role’ still suits us.    If it does, we can strengthen the parts that work but if there is a disconnect, Capricorn can helps us plan a pathway to elevate the parts of our life that need support and activate the parts of us that are not at their full potential.    During this cycle, we will spend a lot of time, thinking about where we spend a lot of our time.   


Capricorn understands how systems work and is sober about the reality of any situation.   And while it is not a fuzzy and dreamy sign it does understand how bit by bit advancements can build a dream.   The goat also understands there are no shortcuts.   This is a great 29-day cycle to tap values and self-worth and pick an area that needs an uplift and restructuring and make a plan that relies on success  bit by bit by bit…..  




The new moon chart has Sun/Moon square the biggest planet in the zodiac, Jupiter in Aries.  This is a challenging energy for the 29-day cycle.   While we understand and respect the status quo and the rules that make things work, there is a pressure by Jupiter to go big in some way that is long on starting a fire for independence.    This energy may scratch the “my way or the highway” itch, but it could later prove short sighted.    Personal ambition could be too great for the room.   Watch the news for stories of a person or people who took something too far.   Those people who took action that result in a zero-sum game will have us all asking, was it worth it?    At the same time, there could be stories of people leaning too much into risk avarice behavior when something clearly needed a fast response with risk.   On a personal level, we may find ourselves wanting to take a risk and break free on some matter.  Given most of the cycle is a Mercury retrograde we should stay connected to a friend or confident, possibly older (given Capricorn) who understands our values and talk it down before making our moves.   The move may be exactly what should happen but a wise person knows how to seek wise counsel.  Be wise.   


Mercury Retrograde 


Dec 12 Mercury enters shadow 8 Cap 08 

Dec 29 (1:31am PST) Mercury station retrograde  24 Cap 21 

Jan 18 (5:12 am PST) Mercury station direct 8 Cap 08 

Feb 6 Mercury exits shadow 24 Cap 21 



You know what is a fun way to wrap up 2022?   How about a good old fashion Mercury retrograde?   Yeah, why not.   On December 6, Mercury entered sober Capricorn during the exuberant Sagittarius 29-day lunar cycle.   Mercury in Cap is a nice grounding component during Sag’s big ideas, big doing, big big cycle.  But now we are in Capricorn’s “party’s over” 29-day cycle.   We are getting to work, we are focused on our goals, we are looking at our life and feeling like an executive and fixing stuff; and in that environment Mercury is turning retrograde from 24 Capricorn and will go all the way back to 8 degrees of Cap.    On a good Cap cycle, we are always double downing in our goals but with Mercury, the brain planet, turning retrograde in Cap, we really mean business about the business of our life.   Mentally it is a sober three weeks.   


Impacting this Mercury retrograde is the conjunction with Venus.   Venus rules our values.   Everyone thinks Venus rules love and it does, but it is because we value someone, something that is why we love it or the person.   Venus rules creativity and money as well.  A lot about this Mercury retrograde is about our values.  If we are not amplifying our values, we may feel a major disconnect.   The creative person who feels trapped in a grind it out environment.   Or the person undervalued and not paid enough.    Or the employee who takes advantage of an employer’s largess.   Or the person who is not being loved in the same way they give love.    There is a lot that will come up during this mercury retrograde about values.  


Our inner CEO got tapped once the new moon launched and now on the retrograde, the boss we carry inside of us, is looking at everyone’s job performance.  Our friends, our family, our loved ones, the dude at the gas station, the new mayor, we are squinting at everyone wondering, “What kind of job are you doing?”    Of course, our biggest critic is in the mirror.    Where have we dropped the ball?   When did we choose the easy road and are we paying for it now?    Where did we give up on a previous goal that was a good and a solid ambition, but we weren’t up for the hard work?   Or were we naïve about something that now under a somber eye we need to make adjustments that are more sensible. Of course, this is a Mercury retrograde where all good plans go awry so any goals we made before the retrograde may be sensible but if anything is ‘off’ in our thinking it will probably come up for us between December 29 and January 18.   


Boss stuff, dad stuff, authority stuff can trigger some old debris.   Mull whatever is going on and see how it can be adjusted or fixed.  While Mercury in Capricorn understands goals and ambition, it is also very modest.   It can do a lot with a little.  Mercury in Capricorn leans into executive skills, tapping the right person to do the right thing.   Mercury in Capricorn never goes to the car repairman and asks him to fix the toaster.  Cap knows who is right for what job, that is a talent that others do not always understand.  But during this retrograde we can use the energy to figure out the right person for our right goal.   This is a gift.   


The last time Mercury retrograde was entirely in Capricorn was December 2009 and January 2010 and the time before that was January 2003.     Think back on what was going on with you then.   What were your big plans then?  Did you have success?   What worked.  What did not work?   Did you waste some of your energies on a goal that later was not worth it?   What would you tell the person you were then with the wisdom and knowledge you have now?    What can you learn from then to assist you now?   


As with any Mercury retrograde, double check all paperwork.  Take care before making big purchases.    This is an excellent retrograde to research.   Do your diligence before doing anything, that is Cap’s preference.    And remember your values will tell you what you need to know whenever you are confused. 



Mars  Mars Mars 

Important Dates: 

Aug 20 Mars enters Gemini 

Sept 3:  Mars enters shadow (8 Gemini 8)

Sept 27: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 6)

Oct 11: Mars square Neptune (1 out of 3) 23 Gem/Pisces

October 30 Mars stations retrograde (25 Gemini 37)

Nov 19: Mars square Neptune (2 out of 3) 22 Gem/Pisces

Nov 28: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 43) 

Jan 12: Mars station direct (8 Gemini 8) 

Mar 14: Mars square Neptune (3 out of 3) 25 Gem/Pisces 

Mar 15 Mars exits shadow

Mar 25: Mars enters Cancer 


We have been talking about Mars since last August.   Which to be fair is the way Mars in Gemini likes it.   But now on January 12, Mars finally turns direct at 8 Gemini.    Mars retrograde in Gemini hits some of the same cords as Mercury retrograde because Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini.    How we communicate has been a theme for most of 2022 and the first two weeks of January.    Is our language clear?  Is our thinking clear?   Are we being heard?  Has it been five months of skirmishes because people just don’t hear us or ‘get’ us?  


It could have been bumps with siblings and neighbors.   Gemini is a nervous sign so anxiety issues could have been pronounced.    Gemini is also one of the media signs and we may have double downed in online fights.   Luckily, once Mars turns direct on the 12th, we start to calm down.   It will be as if the whole planet takes Valerian Root or a Zoloft.   Because Mars had three squares with Neptune with the last square on March 14th, it could take a while to understand the lessons to be gleaned from the Mars in retrograde.  Once we clear that date, we will have more understanding of what the hell we all just went through but still we should start feeling relief after January 12.   


Depression, ennui and ‘what’s the use?’


It would be astrological malpractice to not bring up Capricorn’s legendary pessimistic nature.   There is no one on god’s green earth more jaundiced than a tired ass Capricorn.   “Why bother?”  “Nothing will ever change.”   “It will suck.”   Glass-half- empty does not even come close to describing the thinking of Capricorn when they are in a negative jag.   With the Mercury retrograde and the overlap of the Mars retrograde, there will be some people feeling in a funk, for sure.   But here is the deal and it may sound judgy, but the simple fact is NO one is God.   No one knows the future.  Including ourselves.    If things are dark or rough, then okay, they are.   But it is not forever.   What changes can be made right now to make our mood a bit better?  Is it calling a friend?  Is it putting on a tv show that makes you laugh?  Is it walking to somewhere instead of driving?   Is it reaching out to someone you have not talked to in a long time?   Is it finding a support group like Twelve Step?  One great thing to come out of the pandemic is Zoom.  It can be 3am in Chicago and 9am in London.  Find a zoom 12 step meeting, or some other support.  Or is it simply stopping the act of giving your power to someone who impacts your mood?    Whatever is negative, there is an antidote.   And you can use the executive powers that surround you during this 29-day Cap cycle to find the right resource to change your energy.     This is the gift of Capricorn.   




In conclusion,  

This Capricorn 29-day cycle will push on all of us to be our best boss for ourselves.    There will be lots of opportunities to assess and improve our leadership skills.  Not just for our career or for our family or our community but for us.  Always tap your values. These skills can allow us to hang on the side of a cliff, nibbling a little flower and then lift our head and see the landscape of a great big, beautiful world.     We can do it! 


The 8 phases


Capricorn New Moon

1 Capricorn 32 

December 23, 2022 

2:16am PST 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     Where are you in the world?   What do you want to accomplish for you?   What moves can you feel you need to make to uplift your life?    What is one area that deserves your focus and a simple game plan?    How can you accomplish a small task, bit by bit and build to something big?  



Special note:

12/24: Mercury sextile Neptune.  Inspired thinking that is grounded in practical application.   Fun conversations.  Big intuition.   Because of the Mercury retrograde this energy will last until 1/1 when it hits it again.   Mystical elements to our days. 



Crescent Moon Phase

December 26, 2022

6:54am PST 



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your friendships?  What are you learning about your groups?  What are you learning about the power of a group of people putting their heads together?  What are you learning about ‘big ideas’?  How can all this that you are learning help your big goals?  



Special Focus

12/28: Venus sextile Neptune.  Joy and faith are hand in hand.

12/29:  1:31am PST Mercury station retrograde  24 Cap 21 (see above) 

12/29: Mercury conjunction Venus.  Thinking about love and how to make it ‘better’.   


First Quarter Moon 

December 29, 2022 

5:20pm PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that connect with personal power?  What actions are you taking that are motivated in your identity?   What actions are you taking that speak to new paths?  Or independence?   How can all of this line up with your goals from new moon? 


Special Note

12/31: Venus conjunction Pluto.  Power of love and love of power.  Which is being tapped today?    

1/1: Mercury sextile Neptune.  Intuition is pronounced.  Inspired in unworldly ways.  Communication that has joy that is subtle.  Peaceful. 




Gibbous Moon

Jan 2, 2023 





We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your finances?  How are you refining your resources?  How are you refining your possessions?  How are you refining your comforts?   How are your refining your ‘stick-to-it-ness’?  How will all of this improve or uplift your goals from new moon?   


Special focus

1 / 2 : Venus enters Aquarius.  Love is more abstract, broadens beyond partner.  

1 / 4: Venus sextile Jupiter. Big fun, big play, big new.   Money and love expands. 

1 / 5:  Sun trine Uranus.  Opportunities come from out of the blue.  Practical application of ingenuity.  



January  6, 2023

Full Moon

16 Cancer 21 

3:07pm PST 




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on Emotions,  family, roots, childhood, food, mom, home versus career, moving about the world,  big business and public responsibility.    How do both worlds impact our goals?  



Special focus 

1 / 7 : Sun conjunction Mercury.  What practical application to our goals did we miss?  What are we learning that will help fix some thinking that was ‘off’?  

1 / 8:  Mercury trine Uranus.   Creative thinking that is based on practicality.  

1 / 9: Venus trine Mars.  Fun, new, out of the blue actions that amplify values including love and money.  



January 10, 2023     

6:27pm PST    


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are your sharing your ability to do detailed work?  How are you sharing your hygiene practices? How are you sharing the value of  daily efforts for good health?  How are you sharing the power of taking care of loose ends?  How does all of this impact the goals launched at new moon?  




Special focus:

1/12:  Mars station direct 8 Gemini 07  (See above) 

1/13: Sun sextile Neptune.  Intuition and creativity get a practical boost.   

1/14: Venus square Uranus.  Issues of feeling controlled or contained rub.    How to find independence within a relationship feel difficult.  





Last Quarter Moon Phase

January 14, 2023






Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How are you acting on your relationships?  How are you acting on partnerships?  How are you acting on finding balance?  How are you acting on fairness?   What does all of this say or impact the goals you planted on new moon?  



Special focus 

1/18:  Mercury station direct (8 Capricorn 8) see above 

1/18: Sun conjunction Pluto (28 Cap 13) . Once a year aspect where we go deep into our place in the world.  What are the values we have deep down inside us that need to come up?  How can we tap it?  



Balsamic Moon Phase


January 18,  2023 

7:55am PST 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing expansion?  How are you releasing boldness?  How are you releasing bigness?   How are you releasing things that are ‘foreign’?   How does all of this support the goals we launched on new moon?  



Special focus:

1/20: Sun enters Aquarius 


Aquarius New Moon January 21, 2023 12:53pm PST  

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW