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Letters Sent to Us from the Public

Articles by Joel Martin

Articles by Margaret Wendt

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I spoke on radio this week about “needing strokes” and within two hours the phone was ringing with questions about “being needy”.  This made me realize I should speak more about this.

I can imagine you’ve heard people say they didn’t want to be around a certain person because they are needy and they end up feeling drained by being around the individual.

There are many ways to look at this as to why this continually happens.  For instance could it be this person has come into your path because you have the ability to give the individual a pat on the back and he or she receives a healing from this action?  

Could it be when you were younger and less confident you were needy too and there were others to encourage you and give you a pat and this was what really helped you on the road of self-mastery so it’s your turn to give back?  

Could it be this person is in front of you so you can complete some of your karma by listening to them and being supportive?  

Could it be you are needy and you are unaware of this and this person is to awaken that fact so you can move away from this way of interacting and become more self aware and self sufficient?  

Could it be in another lifetime you did not parent this person who now is adult and if you give them guidance you will have completed that karma?  

Or could it be you have a judgment about others being needy and so because you think others are needy, then you must continually be led to needy people?

I say the best way to discover why situations repeatedly occur is to seek guidance because there is something you need to do to make it stop or things won’t change.  And in order to make a shift in your path so for new friends to come that aren’t needy, you need to discover what some of your hidden beliefs, judgments or karma is.  And a way to discover this type of information is either from an astrologer, a therapist, a healer or even a pastor.  As long as you feel comfortable with  the person who is helping you and a rapport is developed, you will be able to see what your part is in this kind of experience and your life can change in a positive way.

What helps me to see the opportunities in front of me is to affirm to myself that what is before me is what will help me to be stronger and to be complete within myself.  Should you need help with this you can always email me at or call me 480-595-1969.  I am here to serve.

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW