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Virgo New Moon 2021: Daily efforts build your life

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Virgo New Moon– 2021

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about   Daily efforts can build a new life.  What does your calendar say about what you value?   Are you up for making some changes?   



Virgo New Moon September 6, 5:51pm PDT 



Virgo New Moon 

14 Virgo 38

September 6, 2021    

5:51 PDT 


Please note all times are Pacific.



Welcome to Virgo New Moon. 


After all the Leo drama and telenovelas that popped up on our landscape in the last 28 days, we now welcome sensible Virgo.   


Virgo is the second earth sign and in this lunar cycle, the universe calls upon us to find our earthbound practical nature.   We dig down and get into the nitty gritty of everything because Virgo knows there cannot be any success unless every i has a dot and every t has a cross.   Sloppy is the enemy of Virgo. 



Virgo in Latin means unmarried woman.   Virgin is derived from Virgo, but it was not about sex.   In ancient Rome it was the unmarried women, the vestal virgins, who kept the fires burning which were critical to Roman life.  Tending the fires every day meant securing an empire that would last one thousand years and span thousands of miles and multiple continents.   The fact is, if the fire didn’t burn in every outpost there would be no Roman Empire.    Daily actions and dutiful practices speak to the power of Virgo.  


Virgo is ruled by Mercury, a mental sign which brings logic to everything.  Sitting between Leo where we tap our passion and our creativity and Libra where we look for partners, sharing and finding balance, we find Virgo who uses the brain to synthesize and organize what is important and to do daily actions to achieve goals. Like vestal virgins we need to tend our own fires.   In general, the Virgo lunar month is not a particularly emotional 28-day cycle it is more about our brain and our thinking and doing the job at hand.   Virgo is discrete, shows restraint and is thoughtful.   It is cautious in nature because it knows that one small mistake can have unintentional consequences.     This is a perfect 28-day cycle to take on a project that has a lot of steps, that needs measured actions, bit by bit.   Virgo rules health and hygiene and the daily actions that improve our bodies, so this is a wonderful new moon and cycle to launch a diet and exercise program.   If there is a passion project that has been dormant, this is an ideal cycle to give it focused discipline.  Perhaps during last month’s Leo cycle you felt a passion, “I want more ____ in my life.”   Whatever is that blank (goal) imagine how far you can take it in these 28 days of focused attention.  


Of course, like all signs there is troubling patterns with Virgo that may also come up in the cycle.  Where Virgo can hit hurdles is when it is so wrapped up in its head it freezes.   Or Virgo’s long list of what can go wrong causes unnecessary fear.    Virgo can be very critical and negative although, it does not see itself in that light, it thinks it is being realistic and practical.   Perhaps Virgo is correct.  But perhaps Virgo is incorrect because it does not see it is stuck in a negative jag.   This is when friends and loved ones need to present a larger perspective and help Virgo get some distance.    The root of all these hurdles is of course a mental insecurity.    Watch which insecurities get stirred up in this 28-day cycle.  Get feedback if you get lost in the ‘what ifs?”.   Ask friends and loved ones for their opinion if you are getting too far out in your fears.  Avoid the temptation to lean into your insecurities.  Instead get a little practical advice from someone trusted.   Then do what Mercury the ruling planet of Virgo loves to do and that is pivot.   If fears come up, process it and then pivot to a concrete action.   Clean the house, take care of a pet, go for a walk, or set an appointment that has is your to-do list.   Virgo is a To-Do List.  Be the vestal virgin, tend to your fire.      


How our brains work will be up for appraisal this entire 28-day cycle and we’ll be challenged not just because it’s the Virgo cycle but also because Mercury will turn retrograde.   Our brain is going to be stretched and put on notice that if there are patterns in our thinking that need editing, this is the cycle to be a better editor. 



The chart for this Virgo New moon is very dynamic and suggests a 28-day window with practical opportunities that can come when there is a willingness to dip into faith, trust and a bit of the unworldly.   


In the chart the Sun and the Moon make a trine aspect with Uranus.   This is one of those rare aspects where the planets in contact are so tight that they are almost at zero-degree orb.   What this means is that in astrology there is an orb for aspects.  For example, a major aspect is in effect when two planets are between zero and ten degrees apart.   So, a planet at 3 degrees of Aries will oppose a planet at 9 degrees of Libra given, the orb difference is 6 degrees.  Contrary, a planet at 3 degrees of Aries is not in opposition with a planet at 22 degrees of Libra because they are separated by 18 degrees which is far beyond 10 degrees.   In this chart, the Sun & Moon in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, are exact. They are separated by 0 degrees 03 (minutes of an arc).  Clearly, Uranus is a pronounced energy for the chart and an influence during this whole 28-day cycle.   A trine is filled with promise and opportunities.  It is supportive; however, to enjoy it one needs to tap it.  This is where tensions in this chart and the cycle are important.  One area of tension is the Sun and the Moon in an opposition to Neptune in Pisces (7-degree orb).   The stress of the aspect will be felt during the 28 days and especially as the Sun builds to exact opposition on September 14.  


Virgo as we discussed likes order and things organized.   Neptune is the planet of things unworldly and laughs at order.   Virgo and Pisces, which are opposite signs need each other, Virgo who can get lost in the details, needs Pisces to bring compassion to Virgo’s critical nature.   Pisces who feels so much often escapes harsh realities of the world through dreams, fantasy, addictions but Pisces can also want to heal the world.  Pisces needs the organization and clear-eyed skills of Virgo to stay present in our mundane lives.  In the news we may see stories that tap into ennui or group sadness but also there will be stories of others using concrete efforts to combat issues.  Note when you feel the uplift of others stepping up. 


On the personal level, during these 28 days, we may feel something melt away (Neptune), perhaps we get disillusioned.   Our fellow humans can be disappointing.   We may want to collapse and say, “I’m out.”   Okay.  Others may turn to the practical matters at hand and consider that they can’t save the world or maybe a particular situation, but still ask, “How can I be useful?”  This is where Uranus in Taurus in exact trine comes in play.   


Uranus brings the unexpected, it is the planet of ‘out of the blue’.  It reminds us that there is power in weird and odd and the ‘not normal’.     During these 28 days there may be random moments, experiences, that on one level make no sense but turn out to be the perfect antidote and provide an opportunity that is beneficial.    Is it a helpful person?  Stepping in from some place unexpected?  Is it a piece of new information?  Taurus and Virgo are practical, they are earthbound, they don’t get lost in airy fairy so whatever Uranus is bringing might be weird, but it is supportive, the key is if we are open to it. 







The other tension in the chart is Mars which is close to the Sun and Moon in Virgo.   It is a wide conjunction at 10-degree orb and it adds an enthusiasm and an energy to get done with something, (now!) during this lunar month.    However, Mars, too, is influenced by Neptune.   Neptune can mute Mars energy.  Especially energy that is disconnected from higher power or goals of the psyche.    As much of a warrior that Mars is and he is, Neptune knows how to throw a smoke bomb just to slow the soldier down.  Neptune in Pisces is asking all of us to percolate on faith and ask; are we a part of a bigger picture?  What do we look like when we pivot from logic to intuition?   Where is our personal radar dish?  Neptune is giving fair warning to the Sun Moon and Mars that we will be well served to turn on our antenna to intuition.  On September 14, Mars then moves into Libra.   Mars, the warrior is not his happiest in Libra.  Libra can be passive and let things just happen while Mars wants to race in, charge up every hill and look for victories.   In Libra there is no racing in.   Libra is too nuanced; Mars feels as if he has less power.    Watch the energy for six weeks, be disciplined with warrior Mars use him to find a way in negotiations.  Balance your action against those you see as an opponent.  Perhaps the greatest move is to do nothing at all.   Let the other side do the work for six weeks.   Use Mars for your own way to help beautify your body, your home and your world.  



Mercury Retrograde


9/6:    Mercury Shadow begins 

9/26:  Mercury retrograde (25 Libra 28) 10:10pm 

10/18:Mercury stations direct (10 Libra 07) 3:17pm 

11/3   Mercury Shadow ends 


About two hours after the Virgo New Moon launches, Mercury the ruling planet of Virgo crosses its first shadow point.    When a planet turns retrograde it will cross one shadow point before the retrograde and another shadow point after the retrograde.   The best way to explain shadow points is to imagine you are driving a car from NY to CA.    When you get to Joplin, Missouri you get out of the car and stretch your legs.  Somewhere around Oklahoma City you realize your phone is gone.  That’s when you realize your phone fell off your lap when you got out of the car, so you turn the car around and drive back to Joplin.  There on the side of the road you find your phone.  Relieved to have your phone, you get back on the road you head west and you sigh when you pass Oklahoma City again because you now feel you are free from all the drama.  Perhaps you feel a bit wiser.    The two shadow points are Joplin and Oklahoma City.     The drive backwards is the retrograde.   Once Mercury stations retrograde on September 26, we will be hitting some issues that may have been on our radar and our minds since September 6 or come up between September 6 and September 26.   Once we get to October 18, we complete the retrograde but then finally get free of all the cuckoo on November 13.    


This Mercury retrograde at 25 Libra, suggests a lot of our drama is about relationships and partnerships.    What is our mental angst around relationships?  There is a push pull around power due in part to a square between Mercury and Pluto.  Pluto demands a death and rebirth in thinking.   This square will happen three times, but the tension will be magnified between September 22 and October 1.  Much of our thinking about relationships is centered around feeling out of balance or under appreciated.   God help any of us if we feel any of our relationships are not reciprocal.    There will be legitimate complaints that will need to be addressed.  There also will be cobweb thinking that needs a good vacuum.   How is your thinking about and within relationships based on old knowledge?   There may be a case of just doing too much and a lopsidedness in relationships that gets our attention.   Mercury will get three rounds of a trine with Jupiter, so it is not all 24/7 drama.   Jupiter in Aquarius supports Mercury to help expand knowledge and form a new opinion.   Perhaps an advisor shows up with wisdom.   Take a lot of breaths this retrograde.   Give yourself a lot of time for any appointments where you need to show up.   Expect delays.  Information that you thought was accurate may turn up to be something less than accurate during the retrograde.  Make sure your facts are indeed facts.  Research like crazy during the retrograde.  Take care with your purchases and any signing of contracts.   Of course, you should mind your communication.    The snappy response you do during the retrograde may not be well received.   Think twice before you send THAT email because you may not be able to repair what gets broken.   Unless of course, that is the goal.    


Reminder dates of repeats:

Mercury square Pluto September 22 and October 1 and Nov 2.

Mercury trine Jupiter.  September 20, Oct 1 and Oct. 31


One last note this Mercury retrograde in Libra is critical because Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, will turn retrograde in mid-December.   Where once again, we will be looking at our values and ask who values us and who does not?   Some of the stuff that comes up in December and January may connect back to this Mercury retrograde.      


In conclusion, 


Between Neptune and his smoke and mirrors, the tension of Mercury retrograde, the hurdles of Mercury square Pluto and Mars muddling through Libra we will welcome anything weird and nice that Uranus may offer.     Focus on daily habits, schedule appointments, find a way to restore your health.   Even if it is for one hour, it is important to have that hour.  


In conclusion, take care of every hour of every day.  Sitting on the couch and zoning out is of value, too. 



During the month check out my blog



Please note all times Pacific 



The 8 phases


Virgo New Moon 

14 Virgo 38 

September 6, 2021    

5:51 pm PDT 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     Where do you need daily discipline?  What actions do you need to improve your health?   What does your calendar say about what you value?  How are your daily actions building something new in your world?  



Special note:


9/6:  Sun Trine Uranus.  Shortly after the new moon, look at what blows in that is weird and odd but strangely helpful.  

9/7: Mercury oppose Chiron.   Thinking and communication may be stretched and uncomfortable but there is a healing that can come from it.  




Crescent Moon Phase

September 10, 2021

4:03am PDT


Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking tickets.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your power?  What are you learning about your sexuality?  What are learning about letting something die for something to be report?   What are you learning about the power of digging deep?  



Special Focus


9/10: Venus enters Scorpio.   A whole other megillah.   Venus is deeper and darker in Scorpio.   Sex, death, rebirth, values centered around black and white and all or nothing. 



First Quarter Moon 

September 13, 2021 

8:19am PDT  


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that expand your world?   What actions are you taking that bridge worlds?  What actions are you taking that bring in new knowledge?   What actions are you taking that speak to your philosophies?  



Special Note


9/14: Sun oppose Neptune.  What weird coincidence is at play?  How is it dislodging plans?   How do we find our way through fog?  Where is our radar? 

8/14: Mars enters Libra.   Mars, the warrior is not his happiest in Libra.  Libra can be passive and let things just happen while Mars wants to race in and charge!  Watch the energy for six weeks, be disciplined with warrior Mars find a way to be exacting with negotiations, balance against your opponent.  Perhaps let the other do more work for six weeks.  

9/16: Venus Square Saturn.  Feeling unvalued.  Restrictions.  Money and love get a cold slap.  Boundaries that are not in alignment will be felt.  

9/16: Sun trine Pluto.   Daily actions towards a goal are in alignment in the world.  Support towards a rebirth or changes that you desire.  




Gibbous Moon

September 17, 2021

1:18am EDT 




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your community?  How are you refining your process when engaging with your groups and friends?  How are you focused on practicalities of being in a group of like minded?  



Special focus




Full Moon Phase –  

28 Pisces 14

September 20

4:54pm PDT 




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 

The Pisces full moon taps on emotions deep in our souls.  Aches and joys that are kept close to our psyches.   What practical application do our emotions want from us?  



Special focus 


9/20: Mercury trine Jupiter.  Thinking broadens.  Finding a way to get mental balance perhaps learning from a teacher or spiritual advisor.  Group thinking supports expanding opinions that help relationships.  This is the 1st of 3 hits. 

9/22: Mercury square Pluto.  Between 9/22 and 10/1 Mercury gets into it with Pluto.  Dark thinking, communication that is strained, thoughts that feel extreme.  What thoughts need to be jettisoned?  How is thinking holding you back?  The 3rdround is Nov 2. 

9/22:  Sun enters Libra.   Happy Season change!  

9/23: Venus oppose Uranus.  A sudden change in values.  Control around money, sudden changes in love, values and stability.  






September 24, 2021  

6:57 pm PDT   


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your practicality?  How are you sharing your tenacity?   How are you sharing your patience?  How are you sharing your discipline to take things one step at a time? 





Special focus:


9/25 Mars trine Saturn.  Mars who is not warring to his fullest right now gets help with new structures and support perhaps from someone older. 

9/26: Mercury retrograde (25 Libra 28) 10:10pm (See Above) 





Last Quarter Moon Phase

September 28, 2021

6:57am  PDT





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How are your actions connected to your family?  How are your actions connected to your personal history?  How are your actions connected to your childhood?   How are your actions connected to your mother?  



Special focus 

9/29: Venus trine Neptune.   Feeling in sync with the universe.  A universal salve applied to wounds on the psyche.  

9/29: Sun trine Saturn.  Support for relationships may come from group effort.   Saturn in Aquarius brings new technology that is supportive. 

9/30: Venus square Jupiter.   Personal desires versus group goals are challenging.   

10/1: Mars opposition Chiron.   Finding independence through letting others do more work and get exhausted.  

10/1: Mercury square Pluto.  Round 2 of this aspect.  Between 9/22 and 10/1 Mercury gets into it with Pluto.  Dark thinking, communication that is strained, thoughts that feel extreme.  What thoughts need to be jettisoned?  How is thinking holding you back?  10/31 is the final round of this aspect. 



Balsamic Moon Phase


October 1, 2021

4:35   PDT      


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing your emotions?  How are your releasing your feelings?  How are you releasing your roots?   How are you releasing your family? 


Special focus: 

10/3: Mercury trine Jupiter – Mercury trine Jupiter.  Thinking broadens.  Finding a way to get mental balance perhaps learning from a teacher or spiritual advisor. Group thinking supports expanding opinions that help relationships.  This is the 2nd of 3 hits. 



Libra New Moon October 6, 4:05am PDT  13 Libra 25



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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW