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Aquarius New Moon 2019: No Time or Place for Emotions

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Aquarius NEW MOON 2019  

By Tracy Cook


Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?

There are big changes coming up this cycle.  So big that our emotions are not allowed to play.   Intellect only, please.  


Sabian symbol




Aquarius New Moon 

February 4, 2019  

4:03pm EST 

15 Aquarius 45    



Happy New Moon!  And Happy Year of The Pig! 


This new moon launches the last air sign of the zodiac, which puts the emphasis on our brain and how we connect with others.  The symbol for Aquarius is the water bearer.  It is one of the few humans in the zodiac (which are predominately animals).   In ancient days the person in the house who went to the well or the oasis and brought back the water also brought back information.   Water bearers from other villages would gather filling their vessels and would chit chat about news and gossip.  Then they would return to their tribe or clan and report the news.  The role of water was vital to life but equally important was news.    Impending changes to the community could start with one piece of information brought by the water bearer.   It is no surprise that in modernity Aquarius rules computers, cyberspace and the web again bringing information and connecting people together.    


Aquarius speaks to clans and like-minded people focused on a group goal.  The power of the group supersedes the power of the individual.  Aquarius concerns itself with noble efforts that improve community and many of the Aquarian solutions will be strange but still have merit. Aquarius is daring for its ingenuity and will push the envelope.    Great inventors have had strong Aquarius in their charts.   For all the brilliance and in many ways optimistic energy in Aquarius they can also be very stubborn and rebellious.    They do not like being told what to do and will hold on to beliefs or ideals that no longer serve them but still they fight for them just for principle.   A fixated Aquarian can be challenging for friends and family who will say, “Can you just let it go?”  And the answer is “No.”   Watch what lands in our laps for this twenty- nine days and see if you find a solution through your inner genius or do you just get stubborn? 


This New Moon chart conjuncts Mercury emphasizing mental over emotions.  And since Aquarius already doesn’t like to get too caught up in emotions we will be double downing in our cool aloof brains.  Tears may be dry.  Additionally, the Sun and moon sextile Jupiter.  Big ideas will swirl around us, perhaps some doors will open up.  We may feel like we are going up a level in our thinking.  Perhaps something will unfold that would normally kick off an emotional reaction but instead this time we feel removed from the emotion and a new opportunity arrives.    


Also in the chart, Uranus the ruler of Aquarius conjuncts Mars in the sign Aries.  This is the last time Mars and Uranus will be together in Aries for about eighty years.  During this cycle there may be fast actions, which bring sparks, and we feel like we have been placed in a fast moving & odd car that goes from zero to sixty- in three seconds.  There could be a need to rely on impulses.   We could be standing in line at a store and an odd person says something  that then activates something strange with another person and there we are moving fast on our feet.    Just expect weirdness and have a willingness to move fast. 


Saturn used to be the ruling planet of Aquarius before Uranus was discovered  and as we know it is in conjunction with Pluto all year.   Given the history between Aquarius and Saturn we should stay alert it might be a bit more juiced this cycle. Saturn is a construction working who is building and  tinkering and trying to accomplish something concrete.  Pluto is hell bent on taking everything down so something new can form.  Watch and see what gets taken to the studs and needs your discipline and focus to build something new. 


Feb 17 

Chiron Enters Aries 


Chiron is a minor planet/asteroid that lives between Saturn and Uranus in our solar system.  It takes a long time to go around the sun but it does not spend an equal time in each sign. On Feb 17 it will return to Aries having moved into Aries last year,  then took a quick retrograde out in Pisces last fall.   Now it will stay in Aries until 2027.   The myth associated with Chiron speaks of self- wounding.  Where are we our worst enemy?  Is the question to ask with Chiron.  The last time it was in Aries was between1968 – 1976.   Protesting and questioning authority was highlighted but not just by the hippies on the street but also by Nixon in the Whitehouse and Watergate.   Stories of brazen grabs of power or actions where one person thinks they are above the law by virtue of their own identity will fill the news cycles.  Stories of going it alone or being independent will rattle all our cages because we wish we could be that self directed or because we fear it or both. 


Uranus in Taurus 

March 6, 3:26am EST 


The last day of this lunar 29 cycle, the ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus will leave Aries and move into Taurus.  


Let’s go over the nitty gritty Uranus details:

Last year Uranus moved into Taurus May 15.  Then in August it retrograded.  It moved backward but still in Taurus until  one last round of Aries on November 6.  It turned direct Jan 6 at 28 Aries 35 and finally on March 6 it moves back into Taurus where it will stay until April 26, 2026. 


We’ve been discussing Uranus’ move into Taurus for many months but again let’s go over the facts all over again.   The only people old enough to remember the last time Uranus was in Taurus are 75 years +given the last time it was in Taurus was between1934-1942.     And the time before that cycle was 1850-1859.  And in the 18thcentury it was between 1767-1775.     If you look at those dates you will note the obvious, that it marked the run up to major wars.   World War II started 1939 ending in 1945.   And although it was not global, the USA civil war that started in 1860 and had worldwide consequences.  And of course the USA revolution was in 1776.   Arguably the changes that took place during the run up of Uranus in Taurus were part and parcel to the wars.    And if you look at the very core of all three wars it is impossible to not over state that issues around ‘owning’ which is THE Taurus word, were critical to the wars.     Owning land.   Owning other humans.   Owning ‘values’.  Owning freedom.     


Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac and it is very practical and earth bound.   Let’s all get our head around what is Taurus: money, possessions, properties, land, banking, insurance, stock exchange, farming, gardens, cattle, cereal crops, wheat, apples agriculture, retirements, as you can see a very practical and grounded list.     Taurus can be jealous, inflexible, self indulgent, greedy, possessive and very risk averse.   


The great conundrum for this period is the fact that Taurus has tremendous dislike for anything unpredictable and Uranus is the planet of unpredictability and these two will be doing their strange dance for seven years.   



Uranus speaks to electricity, technology, uniqueness, discovery, innovation and originality along with enlightenment, progressiveness, objectivity, novelty and ingenuity.  Nice, right?  Yes.  But it is also very rebellious (without a reason), reactive, disconnected and can put theory above human condition making it very COLD.   


Looking back on the last cycle we see the ingenuity of Uranus with the birth of Radar (1935) Nylon (1937) Kodachrome color (1935)  and the peoples’ car Volkswagen (1938) but of course we also had the Third Reich,  land and property grabs by various nations and regimes.   And of course the seeds of vile hatred and racism that led to the holocaust.    In the 1850’s the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published (1852) the Republican party was born (1854) and the Panama railway (1855) was built connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific.   Visionary? Yes.  Very Uranus.   Also the slave versus free states was a constant drumbeat in the 1850’s ending with the election of Republican Lincoln, which launched the Civil War in 1860.   


If we could go back in time and talk to anyone in the 1930s, 1850’s and 1760’s we would have a lot to say but it is hard to imagine any of us marginalizing Adolf Hitler and his friends.   It would also be nice if we could tell Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, “Hey before you break away from England, why don’t you get rid of slavery first!”  That would certainly have helped us later in 1860.    


Now the question is where are we repeating our own versions of the 1760s, 1850s and 1930s?  Interestingly there are contemporary scholars who know nothing about astrology who are bringing up all three of those decades and the ties to the current era.   Do a little google search and you will find the parallels.   


Taurus will speak a lot about peace and harmony and to its credit it really does appreciate both, however with Uranus the question is, “Peace at what cost?” 


Issues around the working class is very Taurus and no doubt Uranus will throw his lightening bolt into that direction.  Taurus is one of the most dedicated workers at any job.  But with Uranus the question will be  who has a job?  Who does not? What job is being replaced by a machine or a computer?  And where do we need to be visionary?   In 1935 the WPA (Work Programs Administration)  was launched.   Roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, sidewalks, playgrounds, swimming pools etc were built all over the country.  The funding for WPA was through the federal government but the goal was not just to support new infrastructure (very Taurus) it was also to teach workers new job skills (again, very Taurus).     What group of people would benefit by new job skills?  Where does artisanal work need to be learned or encouraged?    Where do we need new infrastructure?   


We should see issues around money and who has access to it along with other issues of class status and inequities.  In some ways Uranus in Taurus was meant to have this experience in 2018 better than previous centuries if for no other reason, social media now exists.   Can you imagine if selfies around during the 1930s Depression?  Or during slavery?    God knows Benjamin Franklin would have been yammering on his Instagram account.     Uranus the planet of change will be thrilled to use our current technology as it activates those issues around resources and lack of them or lack of access.   And of course, we would be remiss to not discuss the possibility of new currencies and cyber influences on stock markets.   What vulnerabilities exist to our electrical grids?   How is the internet and computers influencing all our resources for good or bad?   Uranus will find any issue and bring it out for us to see.  And as we know, Uranus is not subtle.  


Food issues will certainly come up with Uranus’ trek in Taurus. It is not so much the food on your plate because that actually is ruled by Cancer.  This is more about how food is grown.   How is livestock handled?  How is food processed?    There is a real opportunity for more organic and humane processes but that will not be without some kind noisy event that speaks to current day troubling practices. Uranus will find it and put it out there for all of us to see.   Cheap food is no bargain when it jeopardizes health.    We should all probably be prepared to be disgusted and scared on some level before change takes place. 


And probably 2018 – 2026 will be all about climate change.    It won’t be easy because there are those who have their opinion that it is made up.  But the facts will be the facts and droughts, strange rain patterns, storms, hurricanes etc will roll through.   Uranus will hopefully come up with some important technology and solutions as we tackle to save sea walls, beaches, barrier islands, forests, deserts, fresh water, clean air and everything else that is part of Earth as we know it.  For that we thank god Uranus is in Taurus.  


For those people who are trying to hold onto the status quo without looking inward and asking, “Am I holding on too hard in any place in my life?”  If you know your chart, look to the house that has Taurus and be prepared to let in change.    Taurus when it misbehaves comes up with Plan A and has no ability to go back to scratch and come up with plan B.  Instead it will hold Plan A in its hand until everything is gone except for the two fingers holding the plan.  Let’s find some flexibility and let Uranus work it’s ingenuity and remember,  “I don’t know what I don’t know” that is a place of openness.  We need it with Uranus.  


In Conclusion:

If we just take Chiron’s return to Aries and Uranus’ move into Taurus we will know that the strap on our seat belt must be tightened.  What makes this cycle so interesting is that the wild ride is happening in the Aquarius lunar cycle where we are just a bit removed from our emotions.  Perhaps the chillier side of our intellect needs to be in the front seat driving this car and we just hang on to the straps with dear life.   We can do it.   I am doing it with you.  Just get matter of fact and practical and remember we are all in it together.  How Aquarius! 



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The 8 phases


February 4, 2019  

4:03pm EST 

15 Aquarius 45    



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:  Our intellect is smart and clever and can guide us to our crazy unusual selves.  We find our weird and when we look around we see that we are surrounded by a bunch of weird.  And having a tribe feels good.  Honor the weird! 



Special focus 

2/7: Sun sextile Jupiter:  Opportunities for creativity stretch us to open up.  Our philosophies expand. 


Crescent Moon Phase

Feb 8, 2019 7:26pm EST 



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything. Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket?  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What information are you learning about your need for independence?  What are you learning about breaking self motivation?  What are you learning about your feiry nature? 


Special Focus

2/10: Mercury enter Pisces 


First Quarter Moon 

February 12 5:26 pm  EST 


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects. Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on: What actions can you take that build something up? What actions can you take that strengthen your money and possessions?  What actions can you take that support your property?  What actions can you take that are super duper practical?  


Special Focus:

2/12: Mars conjunct Uranus. Bumpiness.  Rough rides. The earth quakes.   Fighting for the sake of fighting.  

2/14: Mars enters Taurus



Gibbous Moon

February 16, 5:52 pm EST




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on: 


How are refining your emotions?  How are you refining what compels you?  How are you refining your family?  How are you refining your history and your roots? 


Special focus

2/17 Chiron enters Aries  (see above)

2/18: Sun enters Pisces

2/18: Mercury conjunct Neptune  communication is not exactly clear or a hundred percent above board.  Don’t ask anyone any questions if you are not prepared to hear a lie.  Instead tune out and find your inner Buddha. 





Special focus: 


Full Moon Phase

Feb 19, 2019

10:53am EST 


Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus onHow are you connecting with your details?  How are you working?   How are your daily activities?  How is your health?  How is your calendar?  What are you scheduling? 



Go to blog for full moon report.



Special focus 

2/22: Mercury square Jupiter.  Big mouths are extra big. Opinions that are grand and large may be fun but are they over reaching?  



February 22 4:17 pm EST


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are sharing your balance?  How are you balancing your relationship?   How are you negotiating?  


Special focus:

2/22: Venus conjunct Pluto. Love and values are up for appraisal.  Love of Power and Powerful love are the game of the day.  


Last Quarter Moon Phase

Feb 26 5:27am EST




Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living  “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to your visions?  What actions can you take that stretch your goals?  What actions are you taking that speak to your philosophy?  


Special Focus:

3/1: Venus square Uranus.   Feeling unlovable.  Feeling not valued.  Weird circumstances try ones values. 

3/1: Venus enters Aquarius  



Balsamic Moon Phase


March 2, 7:13 Am EST 

7:13 am ESt 



Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  


Focus on How are you releasing your snobbery? How are you releasing insecurity?  How are you releasing your ‘better than’?  How are your releasing your ‘keeping up with the Joneses’? 




Special Focus:

2/6 Uranus enters Taurus (See above) 


March 6, 2019 11:08am EST  15 Pisces 47  

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW