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Dreams and disaster happening at the same time.

Dr. Antonio de Nicolas' brother has just been elected the 30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus! History is made! Click here.
New superior urges Jesuits to strengthen service to poor. Click Here
Province Express - Father Adolfo Nicol�s. Click Here

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The Ace is the number “one” card in the tarot deck. It symbolizes fresh, new beginnings. The Ace of Swords is a powerful wind of intense insight. It blows through the attic of old ideas and dispels doubt. It sweeps clean the clutter and brings focus to the forefront.


Swords represent the air element. They are a mental suit. Thoughts, intellect, observation and communication all shine from this bright blade.


The Ace of swords is a singular vibration of clarity. If it points to the elephant in the room, you must finally come clean and talk about it. If the sword points to you, it is asking you to become brave and voice the big idea you have been holding back.


This ace is a compass leading you past doubts and disillusionment. If followed, it will guide you to your true north.


The Ace of Swords shouts, “COMMIT TO CLARITY!”


Copyright Rowan Cutler 2010

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW