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Jon Bennett Ramsey by Sloan Bella

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During the Summer I taught a Mediumship development class.

As is written in the first Celebrity Predictions July - 2003, about Jon Benet Ramsey and the surprise I had as she told her story.

When I connected on a spirit level with this lovely little girl far removed from her pageant days (which by the way she loved) she had continued to show me the image of a brown haired Caucasian young man who had an avid love of gardening.

This man was allowed to have closeness to the family. Jon Benet flooded me with images of the two riding a Ferris wheel together at a local fair. She then proceeded to show me that this young man who had lived with in 5 miles of her childhood home had up and moved abruptly after her death to a New England town. (Back East). I had received this information directly from Jon Benet. She stood fully formed in my living room she was taller and plainer then she was as a small child, her make up gone, clothed in jeans and a dark sweat shirt, her lovely hair still long and luminescent and her smile and blue eyes focused directly on me.

She used all her strength to come though in a very physical way, this was shocking as very few spirits choose to generate this type of energetic expression, Jon Benet wished to be visually be seen with in the context of our conversation.

Jon Benet knew her killer well and he had the family trust, she kept showing me the friendship they developed and the neighborhood in which he lived which was with in 5 miles of Jon Benet's home.

No one would have thought anything of his coming and goings since he had such a love of gardening , he was social and out going skilled in all verbal pleasantries and the matching physical charms needed to seduce successfully.

He was drawn to Jon Benet in a perverse sexually sadistic way and for months prior to the killing he had used the scenario as a sexually gratifying fantasy. There was more then one abuser, the little girl showed me an early incident around the age of three that was on going and familiar, she knew that in this life she was learning how to transcend the physical sexual body. John Ramsey was basically blind to those around his daughter, he wouldn't acknowledge sexual perversion because of his own propensity for pornography and his own sexual addiction. Sometimes we ignore the very signs we share with others, this blindness put his daughter in the surroundings of a sexual predator and her Father thought nothing of it, because he harbored similar thoughts.

At this point she seemed to get very serious and directly and firmly told me that the killer would be caught back east by her own father. A chance meeting between John Ramsey and the former Denver resident draws no suspicion at first. It is during the initial conversation that John Ramsey is plagued by a series of dreams that he will later recount, these dreams or thoughts trigger questions and these questions cause John Ramsey to follow his gut and find out why this man moved from Denver.

I am predicting that Jon Benets Killer will be brought the justice in the next 5 years which will be 2009.

Beautiful Jon Benet, is far more contemplative then most young ladies her age and quiet determined to wait astrally until her death is settled on Earth. She wishes to see the conclusion of her death finalized in public forum, Jon Benet is adamant about that!

As she fades I am caught by the sadness that exudes from her spirit, although brave and presently happy, Jon Benet carries the brutality of that night when her life was taken. It is that moment that her soul internalizes. She fades from my line of sight and that ends this communication with the lovely little beauty queen who in death has spoken volumes.

Update Aug - 2004

Since that point in time there has been a most interesting development with John Ramsey who is running for government office back east. The reason this is of such interest is because John Ramsey is being guided so he will physically cross paths with this killer. Although he won't know it at the time, but the recognition is curtail for him to begin questioning the reasons why this young man is showing up. In the next 4 years this violent child killer will be caught.

As I said in the original session he was Caucasian, and new findings in the DNA reports sates that the semen found on Jon Benet's underpants comes from a Caucasian young man under 40 yrs old and not related to her (clearing her parents and brothers) and not the former Santa Clause suspect. Receiving this information had shocked me as I had first felt and decided that the Father was indeed guilty. At that point in time I had not connected with Jon Benet, but once I did I had to suspend my judgement and hear her information. The essence and spirit always speaks when you are willing to listen, it's a matter of opening your mind. I give much thanks to the little girl from the other side for setting me straight and helping change the view of my readers so we can all focus on finding the actual killer. And we will in the next 5 years.
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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW