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Scorpio Solar Eclipse New Moon 2022: Release. Got it?

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Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse– 2022

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   Where are you leaning into depth?  This is not the time for being shallow.   Where do you need to give your all and then walk away?  Where do you need to pivot?  


Scorpio New Moon Eclipse

2 Scorpio 00 

October 25, 2022

3:48am PDT 


Welcome to Scorpio lunar cycle which this year is eclipse season.   The Scorpio New Moon is a partial eclipse with its companion Taurus total lunar eclipse falling two weeks later Tuesday, November 8.   Those in the USA know that is the date of the Mid Term General Election.    


First things first ---the landscape. 

Tension Time 


Oct 8          Pluto stationed direct 26 Capricorn 07

Oct 22       Saturn station direct 18 Aquarius 35 

Oct 25       Solar Eclipse (Partial) 2 Scorpio 00 

Oct 30       Mars station retrograde at 25 Gemini 37

Nov 8        Lunar Eclipse 16 Taurus 01 


The eclipses are part and parcel to a perfect storm of big planetary movements in October and November.   This is arguably the most potent time, astrologically speaking, for 2022.    Pluto turning direct and heading for Aquarius, will start to bring in new information about how we connect with others, our technological strengths, and weaknesses and what the circles in our society consider to be problems.   Saturn turning direct has a sober eye on friendships, groups of the like-minded wondering, “What can I do to stop being lonely?”  and “What am I doing for the greater good?”   Mars the busiest planet and warrior, turns retrograde in Gemini.   Gemini is our minds, how we think, how we communicate, how we process.  Mars the most aggressive planet will be churning out all kinds of thoughts.   There will be a lot of warrior speech.  Fighting words, for surer.   Some might be productive, but a lot could just be static noise.   Cutting through the noise for even the most mellow human will be challenging.   


So here we are in this planetary potent time when we get this solar eclipse in Scorpio.     How can we use Scorpio to its most beneficial?   


A solar eclipse is a New Moon but with more juice.     Eclipses are in 18-year cycles broken up into (roughly) 1.5 years patterns of opposite nodes.   The current pattern is North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio.    The North Node is where we are heading, and south is where we are experienced.   Centered in both sign eclipses is a focus on knowing on a deep level our self-worth.       


On April 30 and May 15, we did a round of Taurus/Scorpio eclipse lessons.   Look back to those dates and see what came up.  Did you decide you needed more _____?   Did you do actions or plans that spoke to a strong self-worth?   Or did you have stumbles that showcased issues of self-worth?    Did jealousies or envy pop up?   What needed healing then and what is up now?  


The Taurus energy speaks to our things, our purchases, what we own, the things that we consider valuable.   When Taurus is loud, we may want something new and shiny and we may say, “I deserve this.”    Sure, maybe we do.    


Taurus is how we build something from the ground up.   We take our energy and construct what we want.    That is all great.   But now we are at Taurus’ opposite, Scorpio, and we need to get deeper below “the things.”   Scorpio asks, “What is it we think that new shiny something will bring us”?   If it is a real alignment with our values, then go for it.  But if it is masking insecurity or lack of trust or deep lack of self-worth, then we may need to take a beat.     


Scorpio always goes deep.  It rumbles around in our psyche.  It is the second water sign of the zodiac, and it knows how to harness our emotions and use them to accomplish much.   Scorpio’s ability to be disciplined towards a goal is an amazing thing to behold.  But also, Scorpio’s other gift is the profound power that comes from letting go.  Scorpio is like a surgeon, it can cut out disease, stich something closed and move on.   Is there something we need to cut out then stich up and move on?  


Scorpio speaks to the power of being definitive.   During the 29-day lunar month we may find relief in strident thinking, black/white, up/down, left/right, in/out, all/nothing, everyone/no one.   We find clarity in calling a shot and then moving on from that call.     For 29 days we may be surprised by the freedom we get by going all in on something and then walk away.  We leave it all out on the field knowing we did our best.   Or we may see success in work that took all year and now we stop.  Or we end some chaos that has been lapping on our shore all year.   Or we see a completion in the distance, and we harness and do everything to ensure that ending.   Signing a document.   Selling.  Ending something.  Or starting something new with force that speaks to our psyche and values.  Or going to a 12-step meeting to finally address that something that has had us being ‘sick and tired of being sick and tired.’   The power of being done can be pronounced in these 29 days.     



The chart for the Scorpio New Moon eclipse has a Sun/Moon conjunction Venus and a quincunx with Jupiter.   


For all the force that comes with Scorpio there is a need for guardrails.  The Sun/Moon quincunx Jupiter is a huge reminder to NOT overdo it.   Jupiter in Aries can overestimate our personal capacity.   Sun and Moon in Scorpio have tremendous needs and desires and would love nothing more for personal efforts to be put towards those needs/desires but sometimes it just isn’t going to happen.   Our personal capacity is just spent.  Between this aspect and Mars retrograde, think long and hard before you say yes.   Overspending, overeating, over sharing, over committing will tire the body and the mind.    That leads us to ask, “Where should we say ‘yes’?”


Let Venus be that compass heading.   


Venus, the planet of love is front and center this eclipse/new moon and 29-day cycle.   If we show up through love, then we may hear where we need moderation.  You show up for a loved one in some manner but try to be thoughtful about your abilities.   You may choose to visit a friend or relative who needs some companionship.   However, if there is some part of you that thinks you need to bring a big gift, which is financially not sensible then remember Venus. The gift is you tapping a need in this person and then showing up.  That’s the love.  Or you show up for an event at the important time but then you leave early because you acknowledge your exhaustion.   I was at an event yesterday where a designated speaker said some meaningful words on behalf of the guest of honor but then with much candor, she said, “I’ve just come from funeral of a friend and to be honest I am still caught up emotionally in that process.  I normally would have skipped this event considering the sudden funeral, but I love today’s guest of honor so much I needed to be here and speak however I will be leaving early.”    I thought of the pending Jupiter quincunx Sun Moon.   This speaker was a Scorpio by the way.   She knew her capacity and she spoke through love.      When we are moved by love we don’t need to overdo it.  We need to keep a pulse on capacity all 29 days.     We must have courage to trust that our love is enough. 




Let’s say this straight up:  There are always financial implications with the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses.    Themes around: Not enough money.  Greediness. Taking abuse because of money.  Controlling others through money.  Being controlled by others because of money. Manipulating others because of money.  Living beyond means.  Living in poverty consciousness.     Money is front and centered during these eclipses.    Breathe through any financial hurdles. 


Scorpio The List  

Matters around power, sex, debt, taxes, legal, court, surgery, death with rebirth will come up during this lunar cycle.   Stories in the news and in our personal world on these topics will be out there for us to process.    Scorpio is the great plumber sign.  Fresh water comes in and toxic sludgy poop water goes out.   Scorpio knows that it is important to NEVER confuse those pipes.   Every other sign can get confused and let the yuck come in and then waste the fresh.  Scorpio who has a strong sense of self-preservation reminds us of the importance of checking our pipe intakes.  Is fresh coming in and yuck going out?   Do we need to adjust?   Toxic people who complain 24/7 may find themselves with no one to talk to during this 29-day cycle.   




All eyes on Mars 

Important Dates: 

Aug 20 Mars enters Gemini 

Sept 3:  Mars enters shadow (8 Gemini 8)

Sept 27: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 6)

Oct 11: Mars square Neptune (1 out of 3) 23 Gem/Pisces

October 30 Mars stations retrograde (25 Gemini 37)

Nov 19: Mars square Neptune (2 out of 3) 22 Gem/Pisces

Nov 28: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 43) 

Jan 12: Mars station direct (8 Gemini 8) 

Mar 14: Mars square Neptune (3 out of 3) 25 Gem/Pisces 

Mar 15 Mars exits shadow 

Mar 25: Mars enters Cancer 


As we discussed, all our eyes are on Mars.   Mars turns retrograde on October 30 and heads back to where it was on September 3.   It will travel from 26 degrees of Gemini all the way back to 8 degrees of Gemini.  We will be challenged by a Cat 4 Information Hurricane.  Data flying in and out at a velocity that can be overwhelming.   As for the accuracy of the information, that could be fuzzy.  Neptune is in the mix softening the facts.  There are three Mars squares Neptune on October 11, November 19, and March 14.    Our world may feel like it is painted by Impressionist artists.   We have the impression of facts, but they are not exactly crisp.    There is some relief with Saturn who was in trine with Mars on September 27 and will do it again November 28.   Saturn sharpens some of the info around those dates.    There comes a rushing with Mars in Gemini, so we need to do our best to resist rushing and sloppiness.    As difficult as it can be, we should all build in extra time to get to any destination.   Return phone calls if you have enough time to take the call.   Rushing someone off the phone will be noted.   Being late for something will be noted.    Gossiping about something will be noted.     Yeah, Mars retrograde in Gemini is a piece of work.    But Gemini is the greatest pivoter on God’s green earth so we will be able to pivot and learn the value of making a quick change.   We will up our skills pivoting.  Using the Scorpio 29-day cycle to remind us of what is important and leaving the rest will be a good entrée to the five month journey of Mars in Gemini.   Those people who have planets between 8-26 degrees of Virgo, Sag, Pisces, and Gemini will find the mental turmoil and chaos of Mars retrograde troubling.  Dig deep, be willing to pivot and breathe your way through until the shadow ends on March 15.   Raising my hand btw!  I have 2 planets in that zone.  Sigh.  



Total Lunar Eclipse 

November 8, 2022

3:01am PST 

16 Taurus 00

16 Scorpio 00 


We are heading towards practicality, the focus on comfort and what makes life easier or secure with Taurus lunar full moon.   That sounds easy enough, “Hello, Room Service, send me breakfast.”    But this is an eclipse.   The total lunar eclipse means the shadow of earth covers the moon.  Something is rubbing up against that ‘security’.   What does it mean to be secure?  Does one person’s security rub up against another person’s freedom?   The eclipse suggests that the desire for security may not be wrong but are there costs that need our attention?   Adding to the instability of the normally stable Taurus is the moon on Uranus (less than one degree).   This full moon has something coming from out of the blue and changing the comfort.   Something different and unexpected pops up. 


Saturn at 18 Aquarius forms a T square with Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus.   While we may find the three-day full moon brimming with instability thanks to Uranus, Saturn brings a sobriety.  It could be cold and it could be a wet blanket on goals but still there could be a calming influence from the wiser and older voices.   Less will be more on some level.  



The Sun, Mercury and Venus are opposing the full moon in Scorpio.    Scorpio demands something die so something new can be born.   What that is to die will be exposed by Uranus.   On a personal level we may find that we were heading in a direction that made sense but something unexpected pops up and we must re-evaluate.    For example, maybe someone has been planning on a move to a bigger place.   The place is found, all seems good but then the person learns a huge development is going on next door or on the corner and it is going to change the neighborhood in a manner that is not appealing.    The goal of a new place is not wrong but now that person needs to lean into Scorpio.   Venus in Scorpio reminds us to love self and others and it is okay to deserve a better option.    Mercury in Scorpio pushes our intellect to assess the situation and go deep on whatever comes up.   The Sun in Scorpio drills down on the power to jettisoned and walk away.   The work of course is to trust something better will come along.  


It goes without saying that this Lunar Eclipse on November 8th will be in the mix on some level with the USA Midterm elections.  What it means is hard to say.   But what is very clear, is that the USA is in its Pluto Return.  We are where we were in 1776.    This election at this time in the USA History and World history is critical and every American should vote.   Now is not the time to lean into being jaundiced by not voting.   Every vote is a voice.   The USA has Mars in Gemini and here we are with a Taurus lunar eclipse and a Mars retrograde in Gemini, your voice is important.   Vote and tell a friend to vote as well.   Drive to your polls together!  


Jupiter re-enters Pisces 

October 27 

10:09pm PDT 


Jupiter returns to Pisces on October 25 which reminds us of our humanitarian nature.    Jupiter stations direct November 23 and then returns to Aries Dec 20.    While Pisces is tender, creative and accesses vulnerability, it is also speaking to confusion and deception.  Like Mars in Gemini, we need to move carefully with any information we receive there is an unstable narrator in the mix.    The return of Jupiter to Pisces revisits some themes from March & April.    If you feel any loss, get quiet, meditate, find your heart, and tap kindness.    Breathe.  




A note on Pluto  

There is an out of sign square between the new moon and Pluto.   Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio so even though squares suggest stress there is an understanding between the Sun/Moon in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn that it is time to let stuff go, so that we can transform.   We may feel that we are in a 29-day initiation process where we let things die so that we can experience rebirth perhaps every day.    More breathing needed.  


In conclusion, 


This is a very potent 29-day cycle.   I would argue the most critical lunar month of the year.   It is not for the weak hearted but it at the same time, ripe with possibilities as we find what is important to us and let our heart and values guide us and leave the rest at the door.  



The 8 phases


Scorpio New Moon Eclipse

2 Scorpio 00 

October 25, 2022

3:48am PDT 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     Where is our focus?   Is it too much?  Is it too focused on stuff that is out of our control?  What is ours to do and what is ours to leave to the universe?    How can we do all that we can, leave it on the field and then walk away?  Where in our lives is it important to let something end so something new will arrive?  



Special note:

10/27:  Mercury square Pluto.  Dark thoughts.  Pessimism about relationships.   Balance seems impossible to obtain. Where do we need to change our thinking?  

10/27:  Jupiter re-enters Pisces  10:09pm PDT  (See above) 


Crescent Moon Phase

October 28, 2022

2:19pm PDT  



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about education?  What are you learning about your philosophies?  What are you learning about things that are ‘foreign’?  What are learning about prejudices?   



Special Focus

10/29:  Mercury enters Scorpio 

10/30: Mars stations retrograde 25 Gemini 37 (See above)  


First Quarter Moon 

October 31

11:37pm PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking that access groups of allies?  What actions are you taking that connect with friends?  What actions are you taking that rely in new technology?  What are you doing that support finding ‘like-minded’? 



Special Note

11/2:  Venus oppose North Node, conjunct South Node.  Love and values feel karmic.  Who is showing up for you that seems almost like from a past life?   How is love important to all actions today. 



Gibbous Moon

November 4 

11:21am PDT   




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your faith? How are you refining spirituality?  How are you clarifying trust?  How are you refining your humanitarianism?   How are you refining your intuition? 


Special focus

11/5: Sun opposes North Node 13 Taurus.  Our spirit needs to release stuff so we can build something new from the ground up.  

11/5: Venus opposes Uranus.  Love is weird, different but there is a moment of ‘ah-hah I get you.  I get it.’ even when it seems so odd. 

11/6: Mercury opposes North Node.  Thinking about the need for practicality is important but at the same time, what needs to be jettisoned to get to that point?  

11/6:  Venus square Saturn. Cold love.  Cold money.   Wet blanket on values.  Finding sobriety in values during tough moments.  


November 8, 2022

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 

16 Taurus 01 

3:02am PDT 




Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us.  There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on 


See above 




To come 

Special focus 

11/8: Mercury conjunction Sun.  Laser thinking.  Crisp mental clarity on what needs to go?  Where there needs to be a new approach.  Letting shit go.  

11/8: Mercury oppose Uranus.    Thinking that seems novel may be appealing ?   What ideas need to be ditched so new ideas can come in?  How is being weird or odd actually the practical solution?   

11/9: Sun oppose Uranus.  Releasing stuff that is keeping the novel approach from being realized.  

11/9 Mercury square Saturn.  Tough thinking.  Tough conversation.  Less is more.   Somber thoughts.  Thoughts of power seem incongruent to the crowd thought.  

11/10: Venus trine Neptune.  Joy, money, values get a boost from spirit and the great unknown.   

11/11: Sun square Saturn.    Personal goals and hard work harnessed for self esteem at conflict with groups. 




November 12, 2022    

5:00am EDT    


Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your feelings?  How are your emotions giving insight into you?   And into others?  How are your feelings joining with others?   How are you teaching others through your emotions?  How is family helping you teach others?  




Special focus:

11/12: Mercury trine Neptune.  Gentle thoughts and kind conversation.   Meditation and reflection great today.  

11/13: Venus sextile Pluto.  Love and letting stuff go enhance values.  Good money day. 

11/14: Mercury sextile Pluto.  Fresh thinking comes with letting old thinking die.  Easy to pivot day. 

11/14: Sun trine Neptune.  Beauty, creativity and humanitarianism is seen as a resource to draw strength. 

11/15: Venus trine Jupiter.   Love of big.  Big love.  Values, money and creativity are in sync.  

11/15:  Venus enters Sag  





Last Quarter Moon Phase

November 16, 2022

5:27am PDT    





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

How are you acting on your strength?  How are you calling upon bravery?  How are using drama to strengthen your power?   How are you tapping love to be big?    Where are you needing ‘showmanship’?



Special focus 

11/16:  Mercury trine Jupiter.  Big thoughts.  Big joyful communication.  Expanding our world through small trips. 


11/17: Mercury enters Sag

11/18: Sun sextile Pluto.   We let stuff go and get an influx of joy and rebirth and practical applications to something that needs concrete response. 

11/19: Mars Square Neptune (see above)





Balsamic Moon Phase


November 20, 2022 

3:07am PDT   


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing wishy washy?  How are you releasing non-committal?  How are you releasing Tit4Tat?  How are you releasing passive-aggressiveness?  



Special focus:

11/20: Sun trine Jupiter.  Joy and calm and peace are amplified.  Quiet resolve.  

11/21: Mercury conjunct Venus.  Fun, parties, flirty, light but playful conversation.   



New Moon November 23, 2022  2:57pm 1 Sagittarius 38 

Jupiter station direct at 3:02pm  28 Pisces 48 



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