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Cancer New Moon 2024: Emotions, Feelings and Needs- Oh, My!

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Cancer New Moon– 2024

By Tracy Cook

Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?   Your emotions, your feelings and needs are your raft.  Rafts get us through rapids.  



Cancer New Moon

14 Cancer 23


July 5, 2024 

3:57pm PDT 


Welcome to Cancer New Moon.   Welcome to your feelings and emotions and your needs.   


Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac and the second cardinal sign.   All cardinal signs are action oriented, and all water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) connect to the power of feelings and emotions.    First things first.  Emotions and feelings are words that are used interchangeable, but they are different.    


Feelings are subjective and involve thought.   You have a ‘feeling’ which could be based on previous experiences with a person, place or thing.   Your feelings may be correct, or they may be off, but they are conscious driven because your thinking is involved.    Emotions are also something that is felt.  However, they manifest either consciously or subconsciously in the body.   For example, rage, joy, depression, fear, excitement, are all emotions, which may be exhibited but are not always understood or recognized by the person who embodies them.  Some people have a better understanding of their emotions.  But to the bigger point, during the Cancer cycle we all can use our emotions and feelings to get informed about our needs.  


All the cardinal signs understand needs and Cancer can assess in the moment the exact need for self or others and will do what it can to address the need.   It might be a conversation.  It might be food.  It might be a book. It might be downloading a movie or a podcast.  If it is a need, Cancer can find the answer.   In nature, a crab can pull up its legs into its shell and if it wants, it can let the current take it to a new location that is perhaps less threatening or more abundant.   Tapping currents or the tides of our emotions is critical for Cancer.   The emotions come in strong and flood us and then they retreat in a quiet pull back like the tides.   In all those feelings and emotions, we will find a need worth our attention.   Cancer also prefers kindness and gentleness and will try to find a way to fix an issue through its heart.   


For 29 days we will be aware of our feelings and emotions and our needs.  Do we act on our feelings and emotions?   Maybe.  Or maybe not.   The key is acknowledging the needs and the rhythms.  What are our personal tides?     How do the feelings or emotions appear?   We all benefit by noticing when we are feeling lost or about to lose it.   Are they exasperated by Hunger, Anger, Lonely or Tired.  HALT?   Do we notice patterns?  The crab with its home on its back is always aware of security issues.  During this Cancer lunar cycle we are smart to ask how many of our feelings or emotions are based on insecurity and fear?  Again, somewhere in there is a need.   


For 29 days we learn from the crab.  We follow our rhythms.  We also are protective of Cancer’s domain which is family, roots, childhood, our personal history and our home.    We tap what is tender.  We don’t ignore it. If we are stressed, we may take our pinchers and create space with a snap.  This could be helpful, but we could also tap our heart and forgiveness or maybe we need to retreat into a cave (where crabs like to hide).  There is value in retreating to replenish the psyche.  It is important to take note of what comes up and what fades and by the end of the lunar month we should have more awareness and trust in our internal rhythms and our real needs.   


On this Cancer new moon chart and 29-day lunar month we have both gentle and harsh aspects.  


The good news is that the Moon and Sun are in trine with Saturn in Pisces.   Cancer and the Moon connect to mother and mothering.  Taking care of people, nurturing, protecting is Moon in Cancer.   On the other hand, Saturn is structuring and task oriented, it is timing, and it is associated with father and bosses.   The trine suggests a theme of self-parenting both our inner father and mother.  There will be perfect timing.  We will be up for the work of taking care of important matters.  What we deem as important will be informed by our feelings.   Our intuition is also important.  Saturn in Pisces is about practical application of our faith and spirituality.   This 29-day cycle we can find our rhythm to tap our faith.   It is also a great lunar month to find a therapist or counselor or someone to offer guidance that helps us navigate our emotions and trust the bigger themes that may be showing up in our lives.   Sanctuaries can be found in the 29 days.   


Also in the chart, the moon and sun are in a lovely sextile with Mars.   We may be called to find practical solutions (Taurus) that will beef up perceived vulnerabilities especially around home and family (Cancer).  Actions based on kindness will go far to soothe any rough patches. 


Our feelings, emotions and needs are important during the Cancer 29-day lunar month.    But there are also forces bigger than our personal lives that will no doubt be an influence during this cycle.   Outer planets pull focus to the mundane, worldly matters.   


Let’s start with Pluto.     


I know I am a broken record and I apologize for repeating this topic.  But every month we benefit by looking at any planetary aspect with Pluto.  Pluto has just begun its twenty-year journey in Aquarius, and we can get an idea of our new territory by watching any contacts from the Moon and other planets with Pluto.    I call this…


Pluto Hot Zone 


7/6   Moon enter Leo 8:55pm PDT

7/12 Venus oppose Pluto (1 degree 07’)

7/14 Moon enters Scorpio 7:52am PDT 

7/21 Moon enters Aquarius 4:42am PDT

7/21 Mars trine Pluto (00 degree 54’)

7/21 Sun enter Leo 

7/22 Sun oppose Pluto (00 degree 54) 

7/27 Moon enters Taurus 10:22am PDT 


The moon moves very fast and gets through a sign in 2.5 days.  When the Moon moves into the fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus) it will get into a tussle with Pluto and then later a tense aspect with Uranus.  Around all those Moon dates watch the news for big stories that speak to cracks and fissures and disruptions.   Tech could be an issue since it Pluto is in Aquarius.  There could be issues between community against rigid behaviors that may have outgrown practicality.   I remember hearing years ago the adage, “Death is easy, birth is a bitch” These Pluto-Uranus aspects strike that chord of disruption, death and rebirth.


Once a year Venus opposes Pluto.   In 2023 Venus in Leo opposed Pluto in its first dip into Aquarius.   This took place at the beginning of June.   At that time two movies were beginning their promotional tour.   Leo rules films and movie stars.  Leo is big, Leo is bold, Drama is Leo.   Okay, sounds good.  But still, what did it mean for Venus in Leo to oppose Pluto in Aquarius for the first time since its last ‘first time’ on June 12, 1778?   About a week after that aspect in the 18th century, the French went to war with the British (Bourbon War) which helped America win the Revolutionary War.  That’s some drama.    But what about 2023?  After the aspect, Venus turned retrograde, and the movies Barbie and Oppenheimer were released.    Barbenheimer was so huge of an event that it dominated the whole summer.   How Leo.  The only spectacle that could have possibly overshadowed it would have been a UFO landing on the Eiffel Tower.   It appears Venus in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius was made for our modern promotion era of tiktok, IG and everything in between.     It is unclear what this round will bring us on July 12 but prepare for social media to be on fire mid-July.  


On July 22, we will also get an annular Sun opposition Pluto.   Stress testing ego (Leo) and community (Aquarius) interests once again.   Heroes being plucked from the masses seems possible.  Finding self in the middle of the emotions in big groups will be challenging.    Cults will be challenged but so will persons steeped in self-centeredness.   


These aspects by any measure are a lot of sturm und drang.   Luckily, offering some ballast to the drama is a beautiful trine between Mars and Pluto on July 21.  Mars in Gemini knows how to pivot, move fast, assimilate new data and inspire quick actions that support Pluto’s need for evolution.   This will be helpful to offset the tough aspects.     


Mars & Uranus & Algol more HOT Zone


Between Venus and Sun oppose Pluto, and the Mars trine Pluto, we also will have the roughest aspect of the summer.   Mars conjunction Uranus on July 15 at 26 Taurus.  Additionally it is on top of fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus.    Every two years Mars forms a conjunction with Uranus.   Mars brings its warrior and Uranus leans into its rebel.   Since 2018 Uranus has been in Taurus and its first Mars conjunction was in January 2021 about two weeks after January 6 insurrection.  Rebel meet warrior.    Just before the 2022 conjunction the former Prime Minister of Japan was assassinated, there was a major earthquake in Philippines and al-Qaeda’s leader who took over after Osma bin Laden’s death was killed in an airstrike by CIA.     No one can say Mars and Uranus conjunctions are subtle. 


This round we have the added tension of Agol.   I do not focus on fixed stars in my astrology writings, but I trust those who do work with them.  And while I may not hang with those stars, I do know some of the stories and myths and by all measures Algol is one of the more toxic.  Algol is connected to Medusa and her sinister hair of snakes.  The word ghoul is derivative of Algol.   The star relates to decapitations.  Yeah, like I said a nasty star.  Pluto in Aquarius is also about decapitations since The French Revolution and the Guillotine were featured during the last Pluto in Aquarius.  It is worth noting that there is also a figurative interpretation which is someone brought down from power (without being killed) and it is not necessarily royal as in the other centuries.  Politicians, CEO’s or celebrities, who can all feel royal, could get caught in a career ending situation.      


Anyway you cut it, this Mars Uranus conjunction with Algol is tough.  And the fact it is happening in the middle of Moon in Taurus square Pluto and after Venus oppose Pluto and just before Sun oppose Pluto…well it is a lot of red lights blinking.    Let me remind you I am not speaking about personal charts.   This tumult is mundane, meaning of the world.  The event(s) can be significant and perhaps ripple to the personal.  But we are talking world impact.     


These aspects during the Cancer lunar month remind us to ride our feelings and emotions like guided river raft trip.  We could go up and down, over the rocks, in swift waters but it all depends on how we lean and how we hold on and how we ride our emotions and feelings. 


Mercury’s Journey 

July 16 – Mercury enters shadow 8:52pm PDT  

Aug 4 – Mercury station retrograde 9:56pm PDT 4 Virgo 06

August 18:  Mercury conjunct Sun (Cazimi) 6:58pm PDT 26 Leo 35

August 28: Mercury station direct 2:14pm PDT 21 Leo 24

Sept 11: Mercury leaves shadow 4:52pm PDT 


We will not have Mercury retrograde during this Cancer Lunar Month.   Mercury will station retrograde on the evening of Leo New Moon.  So that will be that and I will talk about it on the next report in August.  However, the shadow begins on July 16, in the middle of the Cancer lunar month and in the middle of that hot zone.  Anything that comes up involving communication and thinking after July 16 could be confusing.  Please know it will not be completely cleared until September 11 when Mercury leaves the shadow.  



Chiron retrograde

April 1 Chiron enters shadow 

July 26 Chiron station retrograde 23 Aries 32 

Dec 29 Chiron station direct 19 Aries 00

April 21, 25 Chiron exits shadow 



Chiron is a planetoid that has an orbit between Saturn and Uranus. It has been in the sign Aries since 2019 and will wrap up this journey in 2027.   The last time Chiron was in Aries was 1968 through 1976.   It was then Chiron was discovered.   Astrologers started tracking Chiron’s astrological influence then, and it certainly was not difficult to see it in action given all the unrest that took place in 1968.  Between MLK and RFK assassinations and the unrest at the Democratic convention in Chicago, astrologers knew a lot of forces were at play and Chiron was one of the energies.   Now here we are this summer and it is remarkable that we have Chiron in Aries and another Chicago Democratic convention and again an unsettled feeling with high stakes.     


Chiron connects to where we have self-wounds.  In our personal charts we look at Chiron and the house and learn something about our self-wounding.   Insecurity, feeling like we ‘can’t’ quite get it figured out is Chiron.   Chiron in Aries it is about being the ‘first’, issues of independence, starting fires, getting out there and going a new way.   And none of it easy or gentle.    We will see stories that speak to those themes.   It will not be smooth.  It will be bumpy.  But in it there is still something that is healing.    For those people who have planets between 19 and 24 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you may have already felt the stresses of Chiron since April 1 as it zapped your planet(s).   During the retrograde (July 26 and December 29) Chiron will drive over those planets again and then when it stations direct it will go over them a third time in the beginning of 2025 until it clears the shadow on April 21, 2025.   I can raise my hand as one who has a planet in those degrees, and it was rough.  But I did get through it.  I can see my own screw up in the mix and will have to do all I can to not repeat some of the hurdles.  



In conclusion:    There is nothing more personal than Cancer.  It is our feelings and our emotions, our home, our mothering, our history and our tender.   In this cocoon of cozy, we will feel much as we watch the world do whatever it does these 29 days.   There could be a sea of changes but we have our own beat on our feelings and emotions and we can find our way.    Sometimes all we must do is pull up our legs and let the current guide our path.  And a good ol’ pinch will help, too.  ????





The 8 phases


Cancer New Moon

14 Cancer 23


July 5, 2024 

3:57pm PDT 




New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more results.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:    What are my emotions and feelings telling me about my needs?  Where do I need nurturing?  How am I providing comfort and nurturing for others?  Where is my family?   Where is my history?  How do my needs fit in all of it?   How can I find forgiveness and gentleness in the next 29 days?  


Special note:

7/5 : Venus square Chiron :  Values around family challenged by healing that comes from more independence 

7/8: Venus sextile Uranus.  Joy, creativity, unusual opportunities. Dynamic out of the blue action brings new support. 

7/8: Mercury sextile Jupiter.  Thinking and communicating has optimism.  Broadening our thinking is positive and opportunistic.

7/8: Mercury trine north node:  Thinking and communication that is independent and fierce provides opportunities. 



Crescent Moon Phase

July 9, 12:53pm PDT



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  No matter how mundane it arrives, consider it as message.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your ability to serve?  What are you learning about dotting I’s and crossing T’s?  What are you learning that speaks to daily routines?   What are you learning about taking care of details?  What are you learning about being more efficient? 



Special Focus

7/10: Sun trine Saturn:  Structuring emotions supports compassion, creativity and spirituality.  Great energy help family and emotional matters. 

7/11: Venus trine Neptune.  Joy, creativity, gentleness and humanitarian meets cozy personal needs.  

7/11 Venus enters Leo 

7/12: Venus oppose Pluto.   (see above) 







First Quarter Moon 

July 13, 2024 

3:48pm PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received.  Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again. What hurdles have popped up involving the seeds you planted on new moon?    We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted.   



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that support your relationship(s)?  How are you negotiating your emotions and your relationship (s)?  What actions can you take that are focused on more balance in your life?  



Special Note


7/15 : Sun Square Chiron.  Family, emotions versus independence.  Healing feels hard but is still needed.    

7/15 : Mars conjunct Uranus  (see above) 



Gibbous Moon

July 17, 2024  

2:33pm PDT    




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Focus on:  What refining can you do that broadens your knowledge?  What refining can be done to expand your world?  What refining can be done to bring in a different POV?  Perhaps a ‘foreign’ perspective or experience? 



Special focus

7/18 : Sun sextile Uranus.  Sensitive, emotional lead to practical breakthroughs.

7/18 : Mercury trine Chiron.  Creative thinking is inspired by dynamic independence.  Fire resolve proceeds healing.  

7/19 : Venus trine North Node.  Independence in creativity, money, love benefits by some drama and personal flair. 

7/20 : Mars sextile Neptune. Actions that are inspired and tap spirituality and woo-woo.  

7/20 : Mars enter Gemini.   Six weeks of fast-moving actions, lots of communication.  Lots of pivoting.  


July 21, 2024

Full Moon

3:17am PDT  

29 Capricorn 09  


Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on  This is our second full in Capricorn.   It is at 29 degrees; the last month was Capricorn full moon at 1 degree.  Putting our emotions to use is part of the story of Capricorn full moon.   Cold reality gives us an understanding of the limitation of only emoting.   Where is our ambition?   



Special focus 

7/21 : Venus sextile Jupiter.  Opportunities around love and money.  Big ideas meet creativity.   

7/21 : Mercury square Uranus.  Thinking and communication that is disjointed.  Saying something shocking. Rigidity thinking appears problematic.   Disruption. 

7/21 : Sun trine Neptune.   Dynamic energies that are inspired.   Joyful opportunities.  Dreams maybe realized.   

7/21 : Mars trine Pluto.  Actions that are deep and penetrating.  Focused and disciplined actions are a benefit.  

7/22: Sun in Leo 

7/22: Sun opposes Pluto.  (see above)




July 24, 2024 

10:52am PDT        



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your compassion?  How are you sharing your humanitarianism?  How are you sharing your mysticism?   How are you sharing faith?   



Special focus:

7/25: Mercury enters Virgo (see above) 

7/25: Sun sextile Mars.   Strong sense of self and actions that need to be done.  Opportunities today that may come in a random way.  

7/26:  Chiron Retrograde 6:58am PDT  (see above) 



Last Quarter Moon Phase

July 27, 2024 

7:51pm PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions can you take that support your values?  What actions are you doing that is building up something you value?  What actions can you take that are sure and steady?  



Special focus 

7/30: Venus trine Chiron.  Strength in self.  Self-esteem builder through boldness in truth, big dramatic actions that heals values.


7/31: Sun trine North node.   The importance of identity is shown through strong independent actions.   Being bold can benefit self-identity.    






Balsamic Moon Phase


July 31, 2024 

9:17 am PDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing flakiness?   How are you releasing fickleness?   How are you releasing duplicity?  



Special focus:


8/1: Mars sextile North Node.   Actions based on independence and new paths can be helpful and opportunistic.   

8/2: Venus square Uranus.  Love, creativity, money, beauty feels ‘off’.  Some disruption to values.  


Note Mercury stations retrograde on Leo New Moon 8-4 9:56pm 



Leo New Moon August 4, 4:13am 12 Leo 34  



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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW