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Gemini New Moon 2018 - Thoughts!

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Gemini NEW MOON 2018   

By Tracy Cook


Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle

When we draft a chart for the new moon we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.  

Okay what is this cycle about?  Your thoughts right now speak to your future.  What does your thinking say about where you are heading?  


Sabian symbol:  


Three Fledglings In A Nest High In A Tree



Gemini New Moon

June 13, 2018

3:43 pm EDT 

22 Gemini 53 



Welcome to Gemini New Moon and 29 day lunar cycle.  


Cogito, ergo sum


Gemini new moon and the lunar cycle put us on notice to watch our thinking.   This is not a warning as much as an opportunity. Before we speak, we think (at least on good days).   Our thoughts set up everything in our life.    During Gemini cycle our thinking is front and center.  Gemini the first air sign gives us the gift of thinking about our thinking.   Sounds weird, right?  But that is a gift, if we take the challenge to really consider our thoughts.   For 29 days watch your thinking.    How is it framed?  Is your first thought negative or positive?  Is it steeped in old patterns?  Is it defensive?  Is it open? Is it too much one way or the other?  Is it dismissive?   There are a myriad of ways every human comes to his or her thinking but during Gemini we can, if we wish, consider those thoughts and unplug some patterns.   By observing the thought you may make changes to your benefit but you first have to observe it.   Or as Rene Descartes the famous philosopher said, “Cogito, ero sum” translated to “I think therefore I am.”    Consider this, you got here right now by the sum of every choice you ever made in your lifetime.    No lunar cycle understands that more than Gemini.   So with that we consider our thinking which is the bedrock to our choices.  


This new moon chart is remarkable in that it has no major aspects with other planets except for waning square with Neptune. Neptune brings a gentle vague feeling of ‘hmm what’s going on?”  And watch the lying and the liars.  Neptune can get fuzzy about truth and Gemini has no issue with lying per se.  I’m not saying you have to do anything about it just observe.  The waning square will help to soften the Gemini harsh critical nature.   There is a small aspect with Pluto that brings the power of transformation.  For 29 days as we process our thoughts and our choices we can jettison the patterned thinking that no longer serves us. 



As always in Gemini we go from left to right, up to down, this way, that way, I’m doing this now I’m doing that, everything will be moving fast.  Got it. But if you want to calm it down a bit just go back to your thoughts and your breath (air).  Take a breath and consider if your thinking speaks to your adaptability for your survival.  Gemini is the most versatile sign in the zodiac and of course there is power in adaptability.  You need to look no further than Darwin’s theory of adaptability and how species survival depends on evolution.   Use the gift of observing your thoughts and the power of Pluto’s transformative nature to find where you need to evolve.   If you don’t you might find yourself caught up in an ADHD frenzy.    Instead breathe and find your evolution.   It can be as simple as one new thought. 


Neptune Retrograde 

June 18 7:26pm EDT

16 Pisces 29 

Until November 24 

13 Pisces41


Neptune stations retrograde at 16 degrees Pisces a few days after the launch of the new moon.   As usual Neptune will travel back only a few degrees before it stations direct on November 24 at 13 Pisces.   Neptune for all its fuzziness is not uncomfortable during the retrograde.   Neptune knows that there is something out there that can’t always be defined but still has tremendous value.    During this time, we may connect with information that seems to come from some other place perhaps it is our intuition, spiritual, perhaps it feels even psychic.   It is a gentle connection.   The last time Neptune was in Pisces (1848-1862) strange ‘accidents’ changed the world.  We have discussed before that the discovery of gold in CA in 1849 launched a movement west.   If gold had been found one year earlier New Spain would still be in power on the west coast of the USA.  Also during that period of Neptune in Pisces, there were rebellions in Asia and Karl Marx’s manifesto on communism were kicking into drive. People were asking for a different life as masses.    And of course in France young artists were studying at art schools and felt something in them to do their “own thing,” which would later be the Impressionist movement.   Neptune in Pisces speaks to the power of dreamers.   We are now halfway through this journey that ends in 2025.    Neptune gets there the way it gets there, it can’t be second guessed.  But if we use these retrograde periods to get in tune, especially anyone who has planets at the 13-17 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sag it should help us all.  Let’s see what we learn between now and November. 



Mars retrograde 

June 26

5:04pm EDT


On June 26 we will have Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde and guess who is joining the party---- Mars!   Hey who invited the grumpy dude?     Mars will station retrograde at 9-10 degrees of Aquarius.  This is not a rare event since Mars retrogrades about every two years but it is not so run of the mill that it is lost on us either.   Mars the warrior planet thrives on moving forward and battle all issues that it finds inconsistent with its goals.   Great. We love Mars, it is what gets up in the morning.   Unfortunately of all planets it can be argued that Mars dislikes retrograde motion more than the rest.  It is not comfortable going backwards to previous battle zones and fighting the fight again.   So there is grumpiness to a Mars retrograde.   On a personal note I recall in 2011 the Mars retrograde in Virgo that brings back its own case of PTSD.  The worst! Anyway this Mars retrograde cycle is focused on Aquarius & Capricorn energy. 


The Mars Retro window dates are: 


May 12:  Mars enters Shadow  28 Cap 37 

June 26: Mars stations retrograde 9 Aqu 13 

Aug 12: Mars re enters Capricorn 

Aug 27: Mars stations direct 28 Cap 37 

Sep 11:  Mars re-enters Aquarius 

Oct 8:  Mars exits shadow 9 Aqu 13.  


When Mars is retrograde, we slow down whether we want to or not since during this period it seems like something is always getting in our way.    How we respond to the obstacles or people or energy that is blocking us could be a myriad of expressions.   We could feel anxious or our energy dissipates, razor focus seems less sharp, actions could be misdirected, we encounter more passive aggressiveness, pettiness and we could just feel anger or ennui.     Mars retrograde supports a turn inward where we question our own actions.  We consider our motives and we consider how we tick. What actions do we need to continue on a path that right now has a boulder in it?     

The bulk of this retro Mars takes place in Aquarius, which is our community of like-minded people.  It is our associations, clubs, our groups, our circles of friends.   Obviously we may get into tussles.   To be clear some of you will read about Mars retrograde and you will say, “Oh I better be careful and not get into fights with this person or that person.”   Maybe.  Or maybe not. Perhaps you are supposed to stand your ground.  Did it occur to you that by standing your ground you could be bringing something important to the group?   And sure a big blow up might not help anyone but the answer is not to be frozen in fear for four months.  Remember this Mars retrograde is being launched in the Gemini lunar cycle so adaptability is key and being frozen is not adaptable. 

Aquarius rules computers and technology, it is interesting that the absence of net neutrality is coming up during the Mars retrograde in Aquarius.  By the time we get to October we’ll probably have more opinions on that issue.    During the Mars retrograde there is one month where it goes back into the sign Capricorn where our focus is on our careers and our place in the world.   I won’t say much on this except to remind you that Mars the warrior is going back to the battle field not for sport but because something got neglected.  And in this case it is something involving our place in the world.   Watch your anger that will give you a pretty good idea what you need to fix that impacts your career and how you fit into the outer world.  How many people are leaders and don’t even know it.  Perhaps Mars retrograde in Capricorn between August 12 through September 11 will show them the importance of bringing out their inner warrior! 


One note, the last time Mars retrograded in Aquarius was the summer of 1971.   Pentagon papers, death of Jim Morrison, US abandons gold standard, British increases troops to Ireland.  First crew to board a Space station (Soyuz) & FedEx was incorporated.  Interesting.  And the US accepts an invitation to visit China which in a taped conversation with Kissinger Nixon said, “We’re doing the China thing to screw the Russians and help us in Vietnam.”   Ah, Mars retrograde.   If you were alive do you remember what you were doing in the Summer of 1971?      The time before that was summer of 1939.  Yeesh. 



In Conclusion:

This will be the fastest 29 days you will probably experience this year.  The Gemini cycle is just so quick.   Do not get lost in the cuckoo energy.  Breathe.  Take a moment.  Enjoy the new thoughts.  Enjoy the fun conversation.  Enjoy the quick trips.  But again pause and reflect even if it is a fast pause on your thoughts.  Where do you want to be in the future could start with your thoughts today.  


See you at Cancer Solar Eclipse on July 12 2018 10:47pm EDT/ 


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The 8 phases



Gemini New Moon

June 13, 2018

3:43pm EDT

22 Gemini 44 



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:  How are you being flexible?  How are you being dexterious?  How are you mixing it up?  How are you being Non-Stuck?   How are you experiencing the power of adaptability? 



Special focus 

6/13: Venus enters Leo

6/14: Venus Square Uranus.  Pride and love are at war.   Love of Big versus love of practical.   Change versus stuck 

6/15: Mercury oppose Saturn.   Thinking is sharp.   Decisive thoughts and tongue.   Cold thoughts.  



Crescent Moon Phase

June 16, 2018 

8:53pm  EDT 



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything. Who called you?  Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket?  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What information are you getting that speaks to your pride?  What info is showing up that coaxes your strength?  What information supports your ‘star’ ability?  What does it mean to attract attention for your skills? How can you adapt?  



Special focus:

6/18: Neptune retrograde 17 Neptune until 11/23 (see above)


First Quarter Moon 

June 20

8:50am EDT 


First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects. Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on: What actions are you taking that involve your schedule and your daily routines?  What actions are you taking that support your health?  What actions are you taking that benefit by a critical eye?  What actions are you taking that involved fine details?


Special focus

6/20: Mercury trine Neptune gentle thinking.  Communicating with kindness. 

6/21: Sun enters Cancer

6/21: Venus oppose Mars.  Love of War. Warring lovers.  Values of self versus others. 






Gibbous Moon

June 24

12:05am EDT 




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  



Focus on: 


How are you refining your shared resources?  How are you refining your money?  How are you refining your legal issues?  How are you refining your tax information?  How are you refining your power and your empowerment?  How are you refining your sex and intimacy?  


Special focus: 

6/25: Venus square Jupiter.  Where are you going overboard with your money and your love?  How are your values over the top?   How are your beliefs in opposite to what you love?  

6/26: Mars retrograde until August 27.   Aqaurius (see above) 

6/27: Sun oppose Saturn . Practical.  Realistic. Cold but dutiful. 


Full Moon Phase

Full Moon 

June 27 2018

11:40pm EDT 


6 Capricorn 28  



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Go to blog for full moon report.



Focus on  Full Moon in Capricorn.  How are you a CEO in your life?  How do you find order and structure?  Do the systems you have in place that are your life, work? 


Special focus 

6/28: Mercury enters Leo 

6/30: Mercury square Uranus. Unique thinking that is steeped in practicality versus thoughts that showboaty.    Ego and Practical thoughts out of sync. 




July 2

4:15am  EDT



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.  And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:  How are you sharing your flexibility with friends?  How are you moving with dexterity among your tribe?  How are you sharing what it means to be a friend with others? 


Special focus:

7/5: Sun trine Neptune.  Wisdom from an inner place.  Emotions and faith are engaged.  Art and faith interwoven. 

7/5: Mercury oppose Uranus.   Argumentative.  Sparring.  Tribe versus self.  






Last Quarter Moon Phase

July 6, 2018 





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living  “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that support your independence?  How are you showing flexibility in order to carve your own way?   What do you see off in the horizon that needs your self determination and how can you adapt to make it a reality? 


Special focus:

7/8 Sun trine Neptune.  Family and emotions are in sync with the world.  Harmony comes from within with ease.  

7/9 Mercury square Jupiter.  Big ideas and big opinions are at war with romance and self esteem.  Death and rebirth at war with ego. 


Balsamic Moon Phase


July 9 2018

5:20 pm EDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  


Focus on How are you releasing your flakiness?  How are you releasing your non committal?  How are you releasing gossip? How are you releasing your ADHD. 


Special Focus:

7/9:  Venus enters Virgo

7/12: Sun oppose Pluto.  Emotions in conflict with death and rebirth.  

Cold versus cozy.   Where is the middle?  And where are you growing?  


Julu 12, 2018   10:47 pm EDT New Moon  Cancer Solar Eclipse


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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW