Astrological Minutes

Astrological Answers by Albert Clayton Gaulden

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Albert Clayton Gaulden is a noted astro-intuitive and transpersonal psychologist who has worked in such diverse fields as advertising, academia, public relations, philanthropy and sales and marketing before founding the Sedona Intensive twenty-five years ago.� Born in Monticello, Florida and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Gaulden received a B.A. from Birmingham-Southern College and attended graduate school at the University of Alabama. Upon graduation he went to work for the American Red Cross at Charleston Air Force Base and was chosen as one of the field representatives to go to Florida to prepare medical supplies and other goods in exchange for American prisoners in the Bay of Pigs debacle. In 1963 - 65 he taught Latin at Woodlawn High School in Birmingham, Alabama and freshman Latin at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Read more...

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Who is Daniel-Day Lewis and Why was He Crying on Oprah?

I got up at three o’clock this morning (that’s what happens when you go to bed at eight o’clock in the evening) and read an e-mail from my inspiration, Kid Bell, who evidentially was channeling compassion and not tuned into Barack Obama’s Top 10 Countdown on David Letterman (whose bitch and bite is just a little too contrived—Letterman simply tries too hard for my sensibility—too mean with little meaning) when he asked me to lighten up and write about Daniel-Day Lewis and his appearance on Oprah. Since I missed the show when it ran live yesterday, I went to and saw a one-minute snippet where Daniel Day-Lewis, who won an Oscar years ago for My Left Foot and is nominated for an Academy Award this year for There Will Be Blood, got emotional when talking about Heath Ledger who mysteriously died on Tuesday in New York.

 The Kid was right to have roused me from my sleepy-headiness. This silent and invisible brilliant actor, who gives you himself on screen as much as any actor ever has (in my opinion—I’ve seen most of his movies) and not in tabloids, bad boy behavior, with narcissism and self-importance, was saddened to tears by Ledger’s death. Although he purports not to have known Heath Ledger, said that he had been moved by the roles Ledger has played in movies, not the least of which was the controversial Brokeback Mountain which stirred up everybody’s latent homosexuality like no movie I know of in modern or ancient times.

Since I believe that we are all interconnected and interrelated there turns out to be a thread from Heath Ledger’s death to Daniel Day-Lewis’ appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s television show ostensibly to promote his Oscar-nominated role and movie. Before he could throw the klieg lights on himself and his movie, Lewis was touched to speak about a man he never met but whose gift as an actor had deeply affected him. [Would all politicos sit down and contemplate and then reveal who from the past, present and future has touched her (or him) rather than dishing dirt on your opponents? Are you as sick of these purported self-seeking, blabber-mouths as I am? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!]

 Lewis was demonstrating for the world to see what acting is all about—affecting, touching, and moving us to laughter or to tears or oftentimes to rage—it’s the roles, stupid, not the folderol—drinking, doping, “look at me—does anybody out there love me” shenanigans. I think I will call Harpo Productions and order Lewis’ appearance.

 So, let me give you his astrological birth chart and the lowdown on Daniel-Day Lewis.

Daniel Day-Lewis was born on April 29, 1957 in London, England. No time diminishes the ability to construct his exact house cusps and where planets in signs lie, but in his case I can tell you a lot by how much Earth and how many Taurus planets he has in his birth chart

 Lewis has his Moon, Sun, Venus and Mercury in Taurus. Significant here is that Venus rules Taurus. You may have heard from those sun sign astrology types—they take an astrology course or fumble through an astrology book and then tell everyone they see who they are and “read their fortune”—that Taureans are stubborn and persistent—true—but they also rule beauty and are loyal to the “Nines”—I have the Moon/Uranus in Taurus and I can tell you for a fact that I would go to the electric chair for someone I love and care about rather than “give them up” anywhere or anytime, including a courtroom!

 Daniel Day-Lewis is known to be quiet in his personal life. More than that, this chart says that he lets his acting speak for him—who he is off the set is his business, not mine or yours or Access Holiday or the National Inquirer. He can be very hard on himself—a perfectionist—he doesn’t need a director to say, “Take 20,”—Lewis would demand to do it until his character bled through the personality of Lewis the man. Although Lewis can be pleasant and affable, don’t count on it. It is the work at hand that controls him, drives him, not the camaraderie of other actors on the set.

 He may be a man of excess—he may drink too much, he may love his lover too much and too passionately—but he would have a tendency to be monogamous and not a philanderer—you know, a one-woman man. His core is his business and he self-legislates very well.

 I am neither here to praise Caesar (Lewis) nor to bury him, but I will tell you I was once asked in print who I would like to have dinner with, and having gotten to know Lewis from a snippet of film from the Oprah Winfrey Show, and after looking at his astrological birth chart, I would say today, “Daniel Day-Lewis and any lady he would like to sit at table with us.”

 Oh, and about that Oscar—he’s a shoo-in. Jupiter in Capricorn will be making a sure bet aspect to his Taurus planets as well as to his Jupiter in Virgo. There Will Be Blood has not come to Sedona yet, but although I understand it is hard to watch, the old preacher in me can’t wait to watch Eli Sunday (played by Paul Dano from Little Miss Sunshine) the young man of the word of God, tangle with Daniel Plainview (played by Lewis). The advance word is that TWBB is about love, hate, passion, greed, jealousy, pettiness, paranoia, trust and sadness—just my kind of dark side spine-tingling cinema. It is sure to be a classic alongside films like Night of the Hunter and another Oscar-nominated film this year, No Men for the Old Country. 

 Now, since it is still dark in Sedona, I think I’ll stop looking at my e-mails and get a little more shut-eye. Ta-ta.



He is AUTHOR OF Clearing for the Millennium, Signs and Wonders-Understanding the language of God and You're Not Who You Think You Are-A Breakthrough Guide to Discover your Authentic Self will be published by Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster in December of this year.

A member of the National Association of Transpersonal Psychology and the American Federation of Astrologers, Gaulden founded the Sedona Intensive, a personal growth and empowerment program, to help clients retrieve their authentic selves and tap into their inner power.

Gaulden coined the term astroanalysis-a combination of Jungian psychology and astrology-to describe how he helps free clients from compulsions, addictions, and unresolved issues, which keep them from living a life of peace and joy.

Albert saw things others didn't and heard what they couldn't from the age of two. When he was five he asked his mother why she seemed more like his dad and his dad more like the mother. As a pre-schooler he was tuned into the rich world of intuition and past lives even though he had no one to shepherd him through these recollections and recalls. At Birmingham-Southern he click connected with the unique psychological work and world of Swiss psychoanalyst, Dr. Carl Jung and his take on the shadow self. Gaulden believes that all-seeing and all-knowing is born within a child and it is the false and mundane world that erases his memory of what is really true. The integration of the divided self, putting one back together through a conscious fusion with his or her shadow is the underpinning of his work in the Sedona Intensive.

Albert studied with renowned astrology Byrd Knapp, Darrell Harris and Katharine de Jersey, as well as took Awareness Classes with Lee Jones at the Spiritualist Church in Los Angeles in the 70's, and attended the Corrado Academy of Perception in 1978 which led to his meeting actor John Travolta using the tools of manifestation learned at the Academy, and selling John El Adobe de Tajiguas, a 35-acre estate that abutted Ronald Reagan's ranch near Gaviota Beach in Southern California.

Gaulden worked in 1986 with international-best selling author of The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield in Albert's innovative and one-of-a-kind personal empowerment program, the Sedona Intensive, which he founded in 1982. Albert was hired to use his gifts as an astro-intuitive to help cast Redfield's movie of The Celestine Prophecy.

Gaulden travels the world to teach and speak and finds Egypt particularly one of the most intriguing countries in the world. In December he will be returning with a tour group of clients and friends to the Land of the Nile and Pharaohs and the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the Sphinx and other ancient digs and monuments in Upper and Lower Egypt.

His clients include sports figures, actors, royalty, Wall Street executives, men and women and young people from all walks of life who are eager to face those defects of character that keep them from being who they really are. He rigorously maintains the anonymity of his clients.

Additionally, Gaulden is a motivational speaker on such popular themes as "Mr. Right is Usually Mr. Wrong-Falling in Love With Make-Believe", "Take Your Power Back", "The Power of a Great Idea", the Death of Terror and the Rebirth of Bliss, �"Why Relationships Don't Work but How They Can" and many other provocative topics.


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW