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Miki Jacobs
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Two new videos posted!

Angel Chat 3 - Meditation Part 1

Angel Chat 4 - Meditation Part 2

Meditation - Overview, Instructions, and Hints and Tips
Three new videos posted!

Angel Chat 5 - Incarnation Part 1

Angel Chat 6 - Incarnation Part 2

Angel Chat 7 - Incarnation Part 3

This is a very important topic that I hope will help you understand your life with all it's various challenges, it's ups and downs, failures and successes, relationships, and other major people and events from the true perspective that matters: That of your soul

In this topic I will share with you the information I have channeled over the years from the Archangel Michael and my two Spirit Guides.
Listen, Learn, and Spiritually Grow!


New Angel Chat - Soul Purpose

What does soul purpose mean? How do we recognize it, and what do we have to do about it?

An important spiritual topic with a lot of helpful information and advice.

Listen, Learn, and Spiritually Grow!

View it here


The Death of our Pets
Ego's common thinking: I will never see my pet again. I feel lonely without them. I will never experience that love again...

Spiritual perspective: Due to lack of Ego, Animals do not fear death nor do they have any doubt of the existence of the spirit world, and life after death. At the time of death, when their soul enters the spirit world, they do not need to review the life that was just completed, pay back any karma, or clear up the soul energy field from any negativity that the ego has created during the life. When our pets die, their soul naturally exits the physical body and enters the Spirit World. At that precise moment, they continue to see us, feel us, and love us as if they were still in their physical body.Regardless of how they died, if they suffered or not, if they were old or young. In the spirit world, our pets are healthy again, vibrant, happy and in peace.From the Spirit World, our beloved pets continue to accompany us throughout our lives, and when our own journey on Earth is completed, they will welcome us back home.

Enjoy every moment you have with your pet. Always love and care for them. And at the end of their physical life, assist them to cross over with the most dignity and respect.



Ego's common thinking: I wish things would speed up, be different, less complicated, easier, I can't/will not let go...


Spiritual Perspective: Surrender is the ability to go with the flow of your life in order to align yourself with the wisdom and power of your soul, combined with those of your Spirit Guides and Angels, and allow their support and guidance to flow into your daily life.

It is a powerful spiritual tool that allow us to gain inner peace and joy! 

In order to practice surrender you must first understand that your life has a much deeper meaning than your Mind/Ego's interpretation of specific events, challenges, and experiences. Further, the Mind/Ego bases it's reality on the interpretation only on the five senses, and sees very little to nothing about the bigger picture of your soul's purpose on Earth. This means that from the perspective of our Mind/Ego, difficult experiences, challenging relationships, and even tragic events, are bad, unwanted, and unnecessary.

And so if we identify with our Mind/Ego, we fight, resist, ignore, hide from, or try to control the unpleasant experiences in life. 

Conversely, from the perspective of our soul, ALL life experiences, “the good, the bad, and the ugly”, in WHATEVER shape or form, generate a vital part of our spiritual growth. And so while it is important that you bravely and gracefully face ANY experience that life throws your way and do your very best, you must then surrender and release any rigid expectation as to when, and in what ways, the outcome of things should be.

Surrender your troubling situations, you are safe and secure!

Good luck! :0)


Angel Chat #12 and #13 Topic - Self Healing
New video posted on YouTube
Good luck! :0)


Angel Chat #11 Topic - Prayers
New video posted on YouTube


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Miki Jacobs is a psychic medium and energy healer who practices a multi-faceted and holistic approach in the style of the great Edgar Cayce.

Originally born and raised in Israel, and now living in Southern California, Miki helps people all over the United States and Canada, as well as other countries around the world.

As a clairaudient psychic medium, along with hearing the spirit world’s messages, Miki also allows various spirits to “use’ her body to transfer their messages. Then her energy, behaviour, and voice become a healing instrument along with the information provided. By simply speaking with her you will fall under the spell of her energy and voice and the love that she has for all of God’s creation.

Incorporating the Archangels, her spirit guides, and the channelled frequency of the universal life energy, the messages will provide information that takes the whole person, both physically and energetically, and helps to guide the individual to make changes with precise detailed instructions toward a better, happier life, with an opportunity to achieve a lasting life transformation.

As a medium, Miki has the ability to connect to people’s loved ones in the spirit world and transfer amazing messages that will include accurate details about their earthly lives as a proof of the surviving of their soul beyond the physical death.

Those messages of love and hope are extremely comforting and are able to assist with the grieving process.

Words from Miki:

My mission as a medium:
With the request of my Spirit Guides and Archangels, I have made it my mission to transfer their important message to people that us humans are NEVER ALONE and that we are literally surrounded with help from the spirit world, Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides, passed loved ones and others are crowding around us right now standing by our side, waiting for us to engage their help.

And so trough readings, seminars, media interviews and other various avenues that allow me to reach out to people and promote this important message, I teach people about the nature of our divine helpers, who they are, the way they look, their personality, sort to speak, their purpose in our lives, and the various different ways in which we can connect to them.

My hope is that once people will truly adopt for themselves the idea that they are never alone to face their difficult earthly lives by themselves, they will open up a channel to their powerful divine helpers and enjoy the immense love, guidance and support that is always available for them at every moment in their lives.

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Your soul has incarnated into a physical body with a specific journey to accomplish. The purpose of your soul’s journey is to help you grow through expanding your spiritual awareness. Your soul will experience it’s journey in the physical realm through a special school called daily life.Your journey will be carefully planned prior to each lifetime by your soul, along with your spirit guides.

There are various points that a human soul must take into consideration while planning its next journey.

  • A journey as an opportunity to overcome negative traits:

Your soul’s journey will include various experiences that will give you the opportunity to repair any weaknesses and shortcomings that you were unable to overcome in previous lives and are standing in the way of your overall soul’s growth. And so in life, you will go through certain challenges that will force those weaknesses up to the surface in order for you to face and deal with them. That process will repeat itself over and over again until a successful conclusion is achieved.

  • Accumulating wisdom from each journey:

A human soul knows that going through different life experiences each incarnation will add knowledge and wisdom to its overall soul evolution. And so each lifetime the journey will include a variety of new life circumstances. From one journey to the next, a soul will choose to be born as a different type of person, with a different upbringing, practice a different religion, have completely different lifestyles, and associate itself with a variety of different people. That way it will experience a variety of different emotions, new challenges, and encounter new noble experiences.

  • Balancing karmic debt:

Every incarnation must include any karmic debt that is in need of balancing. Any karmic debt, being positive or negative, will always have to be balanced sooner or later in an upcoming journey or journeys. The type of circumstance, in which a karmic debt will need to be “worked out” in the physical world, will depend on the severity of a particular act.

Your childhood, upbringing, and your life experiences are all a part of your soul’s journey. The experiences that you share with people in your life that are with you either in the form of a family member, intimate partner, friend, or even a stranger that had a short encounter with you, are all meant to teach you valuable spiritual lessons, as you were there to teach them.

Nothing in your earthly life is coincidental. Everything you go through has a valuable meaning and is a vital part of your soul’s growth. Even harsh and painful experiences that you had in the past or that you are currently going through are there by design and are vital for your soul’s evolution. Adopting this spiritual concept, that everything truly happens for a reason, will help you better accept your life circumstances as they are. Accepting what IS in your life, will keep you aligned with your soul, the core of who you are, and the universal guidance and support. That guidance will help you stay within your pre-designed journey. However, resisting the way your life unfolds, will cause a misalignment with the fluidity of being one with the universe, which will gradually cause you to drift away from your planned journey and miss out on some of the life experiences that were necessary for you to go through.

Remember the importance of completing your soul’s journey, and so in life, try your best to face and overcome any challenges that are presented to you the best way you can.

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It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW