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A prolific, insightful, and cerebral glimpse into the paranormal world. One-of-a-kind videos from the world's most famous and advanced Metaphysicians, Psychics, Mediums, Astrologers and best-selling author Joel Martin along with the critically acclaimed Margaret Wendt explore uncover and attempt to explain the unexplainable.

No Hollywood fluff here, but a real journalistic approach from professional reporters and researchers. Members will enjoy access to video archives, radio podcasts both new and old, monthly newsletters, and bonus articles, written by those who carry the secrets and knowledge of the paranormal. A rare and educational experience, look to the real Metaphysicians for answers to life's most complex questions. One thing's for certain: being made to think and ponder was never so fascinating. Stay tuned.

In a few radio show files, the audio may be a bit muffled--occasionally-- when Joel Martin is speaking. This is due to a unforeseen audio glitch. Please turn down the bass on your speakers and that will fix the problem. We thank Joel Martin for allowing us to release these audio files despite this slight glitch. All future recordings will be of professional broadcast quality. Thank you for your understanding.


It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW