What is Margaret up to?

Margaret is back in the United States from the Isreal, Bethlam, Petra and Jordan holy sites with National Geographic.
She is currently working on two new big projects.

Listen to blogtalk on our site directly here.
View the rest of our Psychic Chronicles on our Media page.


McKnight, Margaret, a Medium, and Gang Members




Check out an article about Dr. Federico Faggin below:
Dr. Federico Faggin Looks Beyond Microprocessing
"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."
—Albert Einstein
"Discoverying what is beyond discussion; talking about a language that is beyond words—this book, You're Not Who You Think You Are, reminds us that our current task is to create a dialogue among the warriors of the light."
—Paulo Coehlo, author of The Alchemist
Aries New Moon 2025: A New Beginning for All (Preview)
From the beginning of time, civilization has searched for what lies beyond the surface of life. Man's search for what exists beyond the veil began with accounts of apparitions in the Bible, and continued through many of history's great works of literature, such as Shakespeare's "Hamlet", Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" and other great works. Though some of this literature is considered fiction, there is always a certain amount of fact present every time a story is told. Wolfgang Mozart, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Arthur Conan Doyle, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln are but a few of the great minds who believed in what today's society terms the "New Age" or "Metaphysics."
Pop Culture
In the world of pop culture, metaphysical questions have been posed for decades. Pop culture is only a mirror, reflecting back to us our own belief system. Television shows and motion pictures such as "Robin Hood", "Ghost", "Flatliners", "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", "Da" "Charlie" "Bewitched", "Topper", "It's a Wonderful Life", "Wuthering Heights" "Miracle on 34th Street" etc., have treated this topic as not only a legitimate belief, but one worth exploring. Movies, just as real life, are redolent with tales of events that refuse to be explained through scientific means.
From Pharoahs to Presidents
Through the ages, emperors, kings, pharoahs and presidents have often turned to psychics, astrologers, clairvoyants and other practitioners of the spiritual and mystic arts in the hope of receiving guidance. In fact, did you know that there is documented evidence that President Abraham Lincoln dreamt vividly of his own death two nights before his assassination at the Ford theater? The spiritual arts have survived for thousands of years and have outlived many generations of mankind. Today, millions of people seek metaphysical guidance through research, books and periodicals, as well as consulting with those among us who are blessed with these gifts.
Does reincarnation exist? Can psychics really solve crimes? Is there such thing as a "spirit guide"? Can metaphysicians heal people? Is palmistry accurate?
I felt it was time to stop discussing these questions and start investigating them.
As a journalist for over 30 years, I've talked to thousands of people across the globe-from the ages of 5 to 90-about many subjects including life after death, reincarnation, dreams, near death experiences, and more.
In Good Company
I've partnered with best-selling author Joel Martin and Jess Stern, studied Edgar Cayce, worked with Ruth Montgomery, Uri Geller, Dr. Robert Jahn at Princeton, metaphysical philanthropist D.C. Webster, and the late Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross. Through these experiences, I've had the privilege of interacting with some of the most influential and respected authorities in this field as well as thousands of people who have experienced this phenomenon in a personal and meaningful way.
Spiritual Journalist, Seeker of Truth
A spiritual journalist without an agenda has much to share, coming away from hands-on research with a clear and objective point of view. After literally thousands of interviews, I am left with one incredible fact: these people--without knowing each other--often revealed the same message in their stories and experiences. And that message is this: life continues after death .
Everyone has a story to tell and a question to ask. I want to hear your story. I want to answer your questions.
Joel Martin's books are available for purchase at Amazon.com.
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© Copyright Margaret Wendt 2025
It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW