New Moon Articles by Tracy
Aries New Moon 2025: A New Beginning for All
Aries New Moon (Partial) Solar Eclipse – 2025
By Tracy Cook
Where should my focus be during this next 29-day cycle?
When we draft a chart for the new moon, we get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 29 days.
Okay what is this cycle about? Every cell in every being can feel that we are in a new beginning. The launch of our new landscape begins with this 29-day lunar month. Here we go!
Aries New Moon
March 29, 2025
3:58am PDT
9 Aries 00
Treasure Mapping
The fresh astrological year starts with the Aries New Moon and is the time when we make our Treasure Maps. This is technically a vision board but by making it on the Aries new (and waxing moon) we are harnessing the energy provided by the first sign of the year. Metaphorically, Aries is a hot fiery race car who wants to take you where you want to go. The only thing it needs is a GPS. The Treasure Map is your GPS. Take any time between March 29 (3:58am PDT) until April 12 (5:22 pm PDT) to make your map. One good thing about this year’s map is that this is NOT a total eclipse. Yes, eclipse but it is a partial.
The Eclipse Factor
This is the final eclipse in a series of four Aries New Moon in the last two years:
March 21, 2023 - Aries New Moon (Not eclipse) #1 (00 Aries 49) (5-degree Taurus N Node)
April 20, 2023, Hybrid Solar eclipse #2 (29 Aries 50) (4-degree Taurus N Node)
April 8, 2024, Total solar eclipse (Great American Eclipse)
(19 Aries 24) (15-degree Aries North Node)
March 29, 2025 (9 Aries 00) (27 Pisces N. Node)
Since 2023 we’ve had very loud Aries New Moons. We had two Aries lunar months in 2023 with the second one a hybrid eclipse. Last year we had a total solar eclipse that crossed America, and this year is our final Aries eclipse, and we won’t be back here again until 2041. To that point I say, “Thank god.”
For those folks who make Treasure Maps, the eclipses could have revved up your map and you were successful in your manifestations. Great. For others you may have felt your maps were busts. Then there are those who maybe got manifestations, but it first came with a loss. Or apparent loss. This feels like the eclipse. With an eclipse, the sun is in shadow for a brief period then it retreats, and the light is bright again. Having checked in with mappers, it seems many got results but there was some kind of bump that was not expected. There seemed to be a byproduct of a hurdle.
For example, perhaps the desire was to get a new job that is more in sync with Mapper but before Mapper got that they were laid off from crappy job. Of course, fired or laid off was not on map. Later a better job did arrive but there was a scramble and effort first from the job loss.
In last year’s chart there was a strong Saturn aspect and between that and the eclipse, it feels like that may speak to the maps. However, when assessing the end, it may have been a more sustainable result. Some of you may want to look at your map through that lens. In the meantime, this Aries New Moon is the final eclipse, but it is a partial (because the north node is now in Pisces). This may provide some relief and give us a little more breathing room in designing our map and hopefully manifestations will not be tied to hurdles.
Aries New Moon Chart
The sun & moon is at 9 degrees of Aries in the new moon. We will be tapping Aries energy this month and some of it will be felt all year.
Aries is the sign of:
Being Assertive
Action Oriented
Take Initiative
Fearless & Hot
As you can see this is not the month where we let something happen to us. Aries is not prone to just roll over. Aries is connected to force. Aries is the will to live. Aries will fight a righteous path that connects to vitality. It can be personal, professional or a cause, bigger than self. Aries knows what it wants and is not interested in caving. While it does not like being rebuffed, in many ways, the word “NO” can empower Aries, who feels, “What do you mean, NO?” And suddenly the action is on! During this 29-day lunar cycle, watch how many times your hackles are up when someone or something puts a hurdle in front of you. Notice if it drives you to act. The will to survive is everything in Aries.
Mercury & Venus
Mercury & Venus are both retrograde and are traveling in late Pisces and early Aries. At the time of the new moon Mercury is at zero Aries. That zero Aries is a pronounced placement in 2025 which we’ll discuss in a moment. A retrograde mercury in Aries suggests that there is an overlay of warrior thinking for the whole 29-day lunar month. Conversations about ‘fighting’ or ‘breaking out’ and seeking some type of freedom and independence is in our minds. Taking care of self will be in our heads.
But under that overlay there is something else going on because about fourteen hours after the new moon, Mercury re-enters Pisces. Pisces speaks to our unconscious, our creativity and things that are tender. In Pisces we find the parts of our hearts that connects to the hearts of others. Connections can be made through art, caring, pain and forgiveness. At the same time, Venus is also retrograde and is at 28 degrees of Pisces. There is a component to Pisces that is very unworldly and surreal which we may be feeling most of this lunar month.
Our brains and our hearts are processing the power of humanity on both a personal and global level. Perhaps we are tired of being angry at someone or something and we just forgive them/it so we can move on and fight for what is more important to us. On the global level we may connect to some painful story where we think, ‘There by the grace of God goes I”. Or maybe we see a future that scares us enough that we act and get our warrior on in ways that are new. In general, the heat from the fire (Aries) and the wet from the water (Pisces) make our thinking and our hearts during this 29-day lunar month very steamy. What is the steam opening? What is the steam powering? What is the steam cleaning?
On April 7 Mercury (26 Pisces) will station direct and then on April 12 (24 Venus) stations direct. Obviously, with Mercury retrograde which happens every four months, we are knowledgeable enough to know to give ourselves more time to do stuff, double check any document and make sure to take a beat before saying Yes or No. And with Mercury in Aries and Pisces it is important to check in with your gut before you commit or comment.
In recent times, Venus Aries retrograded in spring 2017, 2009, 2001, 1993, 1985 and 1977. While Venus retrogrades happen every 2 years, Venus Retrogrades in Aries happen every 8 years. Consider what was going on with you during those periods. Perhaps this retrograde is reminding us that if something is important then it is worth fighting for especially if it speaks through love. As the bigger planetary changes unfold, knowing what we love will be important.
Between now and the time Mercury and Venus exit their shadow, there will be several aspects with inner and outer planets. Feelings could be strong. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel. You may want to note any period in this cycle that feels rough or extra good and see if it aligns with these aspects:
4/1 Venus conjunct North node (27 Pisces 21)
4/ 3 Mercury conjunct north node (27 Pisces 17)
4/ 7 Venus conjunct Saturn (25 Pisces 15)
4/7 Mercury station direct (26 Pisces 49)
4/10 Mercury conjunct North Node (27 Pisces 23)
4/12 Venus station direct (24 Pisces )
4/16 Mercury conjunct Neptune (00 Aries 38)
4/20 Mercury sextile Pluto (3 AQ)
4/ 21 Saturn conjunct North Node (26 Pisces 50)
4/23 Venus conjunct North Node (26 Pisces 54)
4/24 Venus conjunct Saturn (27 Pisces 13)
4/26 Mercury exits shadow
5/ 2 Venus conjunct Neptune (1 Aries 08)
5/ 6 Venus sextile Pluto (3 AQ)
5/15 Venus exits shadow
As the ruling planet of Aries, Mars also speaks to themes for this lunar month. Just prior to the new moon, Mars formed a square with Chiron on March 26. Mars in Cancer fights for home and family, tender memories and is a bit thin skinned. Mars does not enjoy being in Cancer because it feels like its warrior nature gets off task by sentimentality and other nuanced emotions. It also can be a bit negative. Chiron in Aries is reminding us that we need to heal any wounds about being assertive or any wounds around telling the world, “I deserve to be here." This is a seven-year journey for Chiron that began in 2019 and ends in 2026. You can see how the pandemic played out into the landscape of independence and fight to survive. Mars square Chiron is especially aggressive and could be a fight between our desires to take care of our emotions or our family but at the same time we have a very real need and desire to put ourselves first and exert independence. Luckily, that tension is mitigated by supportive aspects from Venus, Uranus, Saturn and the North node. Our values (Venus) are in sync with our emotional reservoir which supports productive actions. Uranus will no doubt bring some out of the blue opportunities that we can act upon. Saturn provides strength and responsibilities that are manageable, and the North Node is helping us feel in alignment with the universe. See what comes up for you and watch any world events around these Mars dates:
Mars square Chiron March 26
Mars trine Venus April 4
Mars sextile Uranus April 4
Mars trine Saturn April 4
Mars trine north node. April 11
Mars oppose Pluto April 24 (3 AQ 48)
This is the third out of three oppositions that started last year. On November 3, Marsoppose Pluto (29 Cap 46) Then on January 3, Mars oppose Pluto (1 Aq 08) and now this final round which is again Aquarius/Leo. Who is the showboat? Who is for humanity? How is humanity strengthened when it allows for multiple leaders? Where are bold actions important? Where is the voice of the everyman?
Zero Aries & Neptune then Saturn
Zero Aries starts the directional movement of the tropical zodiac. Technically, the sun crosses the equator at zero Aries, and it is the midway between the winter and summer solstice. Zero Aries is our most instinctive spark. It is our birth. We are done percolating; we are now born. It is a dividing line between what was then and what is now. Zero Aries is the fire in the belly to survive. The cries of a newborn are not shy, they are loud and to the point, “Feed me” “Cloth me” “Take care of me”. A newborn has no idea what or who is a parent or guardian, it does not care, instead it is yelling to the Universe, “I have needs, take care of me”. Zero Aries is a potent degree, and it is also one we have been talking about in these reports for the last year. Why? A couple of reasons.
At the beginning of January, the North Node was moving through Zero Aries until it clicked all the way down to 00 Aries 00 on January 11 and then crossed into 29 Pisces marking a new 19-year cycle. Aries, the first fire sign, is a grassfire versus Leo’s bonfire and Sagittarius fireplace flames. As the Node plowed through ten days of Zero Aries, images of burning hills and homes Los Angeles filled the local and world news. Thousands of people were forced to start their lives over because of fire. That was a quite a ‘how-do-you-do’ for zero Aries.
Then as we have discussed for months, two planets, are transitioning out of Pisces and into zero Aries this spring. Neptune enters zero Aries on March 30 the day after the Aries New Moon. Saturn enters Aries on May 24.
Let’s tackle Neptune first.
It takes Neptune a long time to go around the sun. The last time Neptune was at zero Aries was April 13, 1861. The day before, on April 12, was the 34-hour battle of Ft Sumter, South Carolina which marked the beginning of the US Civil War. While Neptune is intuitive, dreamy and creative it is also fuzzy and susceptible to illusion and delusion. Ft Sumter is a man-made island in a harbor, very Neptune, and was built in the 1830s to protect the town of Charleston.
I do not always go this deep into history, but for this event I think some context would be helpful. In November 1860 Abraham Lincoln won the Presidential election. Lincoln was opposed to expanding slavery into the western territories. Southern politicians and power players saw the writing on the wall that if new states (carved out of territories) did not have slavery, then their pull in Congress would diminish which could end their right to own human beings. Imagine that.
The response to Lincoln’s win was almost immediate, South Carolina seceded from the USA a month after Lincoln’s win. Then within six months ten other states joined the Confederacy. In response, Lincoln authorized the Union troops to protect Ft. Sumter.
On April 12, the Confederates shot the first bullet and a two-day skirmished ensued. The Union lost the battle. During the fight, civilians watched the battle from the shore. If those South Carolinians took comfort in the Confederate’s quick win, they would not see their side victorious at the end. If Lincoln and the Union thought the war would just be a few skirmishes and then they would be victorious they would get one part correct, the Union would win but it would not be a short war. It lasted four years with 620,000 Americans confirmed dead and 400,000 missing. It was long and bloody. Did Neptune know any of that was our future when it entered Aries in 1861? It remained in Aries until 1875 which then included reconstruction, industrialization, and the expansion of the West. While slavery was abolished, civil rights were not equal among races and genders. And of course, laborers in all areas were subjected to abusive work environments, including child labor. However, after the Civil War America became a muscular international force. Now on this Neptune return to the Civil War of 1861 we would not be wrong to take a big gulp and be concerned about what is on our horizon. To be clear
Neptune’s entrance in Aries does not have to be another Civil War. It could be different type of battles. Perhaps cyber? Financial? There can be a dissolving of boundaries and borders in some way. It is hard to say but given the history between Lincoln’s election and Ft Sumter it seems reasonable to assume that whatever comes up on our horizon may not be a surprise since it certainly wasn’t a surprise to anyone in 1861.
For an excellent review of Neptune in Aries going all the way back to 464 BCE check out astrologer Jessica Davidson’s write up. From Ancient Greek and Rome to the Peasant Revolt in Britain and the War of Spanish Succession you will see a lot of common themes. Spoiler Alert – A lot of rebellions and uprisings but also scientific and tech breakthroughs.
Although Saturn will not be entering Aries in this lunar month, we should still discuss it because once Neptune hits zero Aries on March 30 it will start informing/changing the landscape where Saturn will land when it enters zero Aries on May 24th.
The last time Saturn was in Aries was April 7, 1996 - February 28, 1999. Saturn is the authority planet, the business planet and the planet of responsibility. Aries is impulsive, fiery, aggressive, can go rogue and is long on self-agency and independence.
In the 1996 – 1998 cycle. President Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives for his involvement in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The Good Friday Agreement was signed by the British and Irish governments to end conflict in Northern Ireland. Google was founded by Stanford University PhD candidates Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Steve Jobs returned to Apple, the company he founded. Ellen DeGeneres announced she was gay. OxyContin was developed and patented in 1996 by Purdue Pharma. Princess Diana died in an accident where her car was chased by paparazzi on motorcycles and her driver drove at a dangerous speed. I think we can all see the fire, the rogue, business leadership, beginnings and endings along with a lot of self-agencies for the good and bad. What this looks like for us this time is difficult to predict but we may start to get informed when the Sun enters Aries on March 20 and then after March 30th when Neptune is in Aries. By the time Saturn gets to zero Aries, he will be bringing a new level of responsibility, restriction, discipline and perhaps frustration, delay but also when the journey is over in two and half years we could see the value of sustainable changes and new beginnings.
The Conjunction: Saturn Neptune
The other important factor to this remarkable era we are in is of course, once Saturn makes its move, it will begin its conjunction with Neptune at Zero Aries. Every 36.4 years Saturn conjuncts Neptune. Of course, because of their elliptical patterns, the conjunctions in the different signs is uneven. The last one was 1989/90 in the sign Capricorn. The calling card of the 1989 conjunction was the fall of the USSR. This year, between May and September, the two planets will be co present at zero Aries. In July, just before they hit the exact degree, they start retrograding and by fall they are co-present in Pisces again (October – January). Then on February 13, 2026, their conjunction at zero Aries will be exact. Saturn and Neptune have been in conjunction in Aries only six times in the last two thousand years. So, this is an uncommon occurrence. The last time they were at zero Aries, per SJ Anderson in an episode The World Astrology Report “The Astrology the 2020s: The New Frontier” was over six thousand years ago in the year 4361 BCE. SJ and Dan Waites discuss some of that history which is broad given our information is limited for the era but still it is interesting. I encourage you to watch their report. Prior to that, we really don’t know when there was a conjunction at zero Aries and what it means would be silly to ponder since who knows what man was doing during the Ice Age besides painting in caves. So, this conjunction that we are experiencing is a brand-new uncharted territory. Do you see why we are watching the action around Zero Aries?
To get some feeling for where we are headed, we would benefit by watching the first lunar and planetary aspects to Neptune in Aries. Watch these dates and see how the energy is different and informative.
4/3 Moon square Neptune (00 Aries 09)
4/10 Moon oppose Neptune (00 Aries 25)
4/16 Mercury conjunct Neptune (00 Aries 38)
4/18 Moon square Neptune (00 Aries 41)
4/25 Moon conjunct Neptune (00 Aries 55)
Saturn & Uranus: The Perk
4/4 Saturn sextile Uranus (24 Taurus 55)
8/11 Saturn sextile Uranus (1Gemini 12
1/20/26 Saturn sextile Uranus (27 Taurus 33)
While we have all the sturm and drang of the outer planets and zero Aries, we also have a perk. Slow moving Saturn and Uranus have been heading to a sextile for a while and finally their first contact occurs on April 4. If anyone has a planet at 24/25 degrees of Taurus or Pisces this is a nice opportunity for changes that bring fresh new support. Saturn is always looking for practicality and sustainability. It invests in anything long term. Uranus likes new, it is innovation. When these two planets come together in a harmonious aspect, we can expect a period of respect between that which is old and that which is modern. They are finding common ground. There will be three exact hits with the first and the third sextiles in Pisces and Taurus and the second one in the summer will be in the signs Aries and Gemini. The Saturn Pisces Uranus Taurus sexiles brings practicality to the unworldly matters. Perhaps it is spirituality, faith, our woo-woo side that we can’t quite put a finger on, but it is something we feel. Uranus in Taurus provides a ‘solution’ to what we are feeling. Young and old find a space to support each other. With the sextile in the summer the emphasis is on innovative support that strengthens independence and self-agency. We will take the Saturn sextile Uranus as perk and the world will need it, no doubt.
One important note, this Uranus/Saturn perk is also an entrée to the big perks we will have later this summer. Between August 21 and September 15 Uranus is at 1 degree Gemini and Neptune is 1 degree Aries and Pluto 1 degree Aquarius. For 26 days these planets are in harmonious trine & sextile which will be our astro landscape off and on for the next four/five years. These planets providing these beautiful aspects in these signs has by all reports never happened in history until now. Another fact to this extraordinary era that we are in.
Our 2025 Landscape Era
As a reminder here’s what is in our 2025
Mar 30: Neptune first ingress into Aries (14-year transit)
May 24: Saturn first ingress into Aries (2.5-year transit)
June 9: Jupiter enters Cancer (1 year transit)
July 7: Uranus first ingress into Gemini (7-year transit)
August 7-9 Kite Aspect. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto trine & sextile each other. Great flow. Saturn conjunct Neptune (close not exact). Mars oppose Saturn.
Welcome to the Astrological Olympics
Astrology at the end of the day is a story of cycles. Cycles of planets that overlap on other cycles of planets that then form aspects to each other and gong each other’s bells as they travel their cycles.
Some of these cycles are more juiced up than other astrological eras. In one human’s lifetime we will have at least a handful. How to prepare for these events is a bit like when a city prepares for the Olympics which is something I know about since LA hosted two games (one in my lifetime) and we are on deck for the 2028 games. City leaders, businesses and elected folks will be talking about the Olympics years in advance of the games. Then when the event takes place, citizens are re-routing their commutes, perhaps going to some competitions or not. The bottom line is the Olympics are a big thing that gets a lot of our attention, and we make choices along the way. Such is the same with juiced up astrology cycles Yes, we all agree it is a big thing, we know we are going to deal with it, and we will figure a way to live our life in it. It is always our choice. No era is all good nor is it all bad. And once this cycle ends, we will be focused on the next era. Just like the Olympics, Team Handball in Brisbane 2032, anyone?
In Conclusion,
Every Aries new moon is the beginning of a new year and with it many opportunities. New landscapes can bring fresh possibilities. Given all the outer planet changes this year, we are heading into a brand-new landscape. Of course, what doesn’t change is our desire to live our life to the fullest. Our desire is strong. Our will is strong. Our need to be-here-now and make changes that speak to what we desire is strong. All of this can be tapped this month. By doing that internal connection of taking care of self, knowing our desires will serve us well this new year. Find your inner fire and go for it.
Also make a Treasure Map.
The 8 phases
Aries New Moon – Partial Eclipse
March 29, 3:57am
9 Aries 00
New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects. Activate something that will ideally lead you to more results. This is the phase where INTENT is critical. Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there. You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.
This focus: How are tapping your vitality? How are seeking new changes? Where do you need to break out and show independence? Where are you being a leader? What are you doing for the first time?
Special note:
3/29: Mercury re-enters Pisces – Tapping our intuition, caring, humanitarian and perhaps sadness. Finding our hearts. (see above)
3/29: Mercury conjunct Neptune (29 Pisces 59) Unworldly and intuitive, psychic, mystic thinking surrounds us.
3/30: Neptune enters Aries (see above)
4/1 Venus conjunct North Node (27 Pisces 21). Values that are in alignment with a purpose, perhaps a new purpose catches our attention.
Crescent Moon Phase
April 1, 2025
11:16 pm PST
Crescent: We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new. Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago. We can collect some data now. Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything. Who called you? Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are noteworthy. A parking ticket. An argument with a spouse? A refund check from the phone company? No matter how mundane it arrives, consider it as message. How can this information help you?
Focus on: What are you learning that is super practical? What are you learning about your money? How are you getting informed about investments? What are you learning about your property and your possessions?
Special Focus
4/3 Mercury conjunct North Node (27 Pisces 17) Finding purposeful thinking that connects to our inner mystic. Tapping prayers and humanity.
4/3 Moon square Neptune (00 Aries 09). Observe this fresh aspect to Neptune now in Aries. Emotions versus independence?
4/4 Saturn sextile Uranus (24 Taurus 55) Beautiful opportunity to break out and have practical results. Inspired creativity that is purposeful. (see above)
4/4 Mars sextile Uranus (24 Taurus 56). Actions that are creative, fun, unique, break us out of old stuff.
4/4 Mars trine Saturn (24 Pisces 58) Actions that line up with practicality. Faith and actions support each other. Helping family. Helping church or humanity.
First Quarter Moon
April 4, 7:14pm PDT
First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something. We pursue again. What hurdles have popped up involving the seeds you planted on new moon? We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something. We stir the pot again. This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away. Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them? Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects. Some independence may need to be exerted.
Focus on: What actions are you taking that protect family? What actions are you taking that tap your childhood? What actions are you taking that rely on emotions to motivate? How are you tapping your memories?
Special Note
4/6 Sun sextile Jupiter (16 Gemini 50) Sparks of Joy. Fun, creativity is spiked along with spirited conversations.
4/6 Mars trine Venus (25 Pisces 29) Joy, love beauty, money, values feel in alignment and actions take place that support that close to the heart.
4/7 Venus conjunct Saturn (25 Pisces 15) structure, support for our values is strong.
4/7 Mercury station direct (26 Pisces 49) see above
4/7 Venus sextile Uranus (25 Taurus 05) Joy, fun, creativity, love, money get a boost, perhaps out of the blue or in unusual manner.
Gibbous Moon
April 8, 3:06pm PDT
We refine our information. We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like. We sort through details. Have we missed something? How are we sifting through the information? Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected. Refine our actions. How are we perfecting our goals?
Special focus How are you refining your calendar? Is your ‘to-do’ list in alignment with your goals for the year? How does your calendar reflect your purpose? Does your schedule reflect self-agency?
Focus on:
4/10: Mercury conjunct N. Node (27 Pisces 23) Thoughts of humanity and kindness. Finding a logical path with things feel overwhelming.
4/10 Moon oppose Neptune (00 Aries 25) Watch this fresh aspect. Relationships versus Self? Where is it fuzzy?
4/11: Mars trine N. Node (27 Pisces 22) Actions that are tied to intuition and humanitarian instincts. Letting go of a net that might not be there anyway.
4/12 : Sun conjunct Chiron (22 Aries 59) annual aspect that reminds us “I deserve to be here”. The will to survive is strong.
April 12, 2025
Full Moon – Libra
5:22pm PDT
23 Libra 19
Full Moon: We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track. Some partnership will offer up some balance. The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?
Focus on: How are your relationships? How are you finding balance while at the same time taking care of self?
Special focus
4/12: Venus station direct (24 Pisces 37) (See above)
4/15: Mercury re-enters Aries. Third time Mercury is at zero aries. What thoughts speak to independence?
April 16, 8:24pm
Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full moon and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight. And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.
Focus on: How are you sharing your ability to bridge groups that are ‘foreign’? How are you able to share your opinions in a way that takes care of self but does not implode on others? How are you sharing your religious beliefs without blowing up other’s faith?
Special focus:
4/16 Mercury conjunct Neptune (00 Aries 38) observe fresh aspect. How is self-agency feeling confused? Thoughts that are dreamy and fuzzy around more independence?
4/17: Mars re-enters Leo. We are revisiting November 3 – Dec 6 when Mars first went into Leo before the retrograde. What’s coming back up for you from that period? How are you being bold? How are you being brave? How are you licking any wounds?
4/18 Moon square Neptune (00 Aries 41) observe fresh aspect. Do career, worldly matters, responsibility feel in conflict with self-interests?
4/19: Sun enters Taurus
4/19: Mars trine Neptune (00 Aries 44) Fresh aspect. Observe. Actions that feel faith or intuitive driven. New adventures that line up with a ‘calling’.
4/20: Venus sextile Uranus (25 Taurus 45) (see above)
4/20: Mercury sextile Pluto (3 AQ 46) deep conversations and thoughts bring innovation and creativity.
4/20: Sun square Mars (1 Leo 12) What actions are bold but perhaps too disruptive? What’s breaking?
Last Quarter Moon Phase
April 20, 6:35pm
Last Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Focus on:
What actions are you taking that tap your networks? How are friends supportive of your goals? How are cyber groups in sync with your goals ? What actions do you need to take to find perhaps new groups? Or double down in your long time circles?
Special focus
4/21: Saturn conjunct N Node (26 Pisces 50) Practicality and sustainability around matters guided by intuition.
4/23: Sun square Pluto (3 AQ 47)
4/23: Venus conjunct N. Node (26 Pisces 54) Our intuition is guiding us to find our values. Deep values.
Balsamic Moon Phase
April 24, 7:23am PDT
Balsamic: We let go. By releasing we can prepare for the new.
Focus on: How are you releasing unrealistic ideas? How are you releasing fears that may not be rooted in reality? How are you releasing powerlessness?
Special focus:
4/24: Venus conjunct Saturn. Is love, money and values sustainable? Tapping measures to strengthen all of them is accessible.
4/25 Moon conjunct Neptune (00 Aries 55) Observe fresh aspect. Emotions are connected to intuition. How do they activate vitality and the will to ‘be-here-now’ ?
4/26: Mercury exits shadow
4/26: Mars oppose Pluto (3 AQ 48) This is the third out of three oppositions that started last year. Nov 3: Mars oppose Pluto (29 Cap 46) Jan 3 : Mars oppose Pluto (1 Aq 08) and now this final round which is again Aquarius/Leo. Who is the showboat? Who is for humanity? How is humanity strengthened when it allows for multiple leaders? Where are bold actions important? Where is the voice of the everyman?
Taurus New Moon Sunday April 27 12:31pm PDT (7 Taurus 46)
Astro Answers by Tracy
- 09-27-2007 Watch out! Here comes Saturn - By Tracy Cook
- 08-30-2007 Saturn in Virgo---Times up! by Tracy Cook
- 08-02-2007 Astro Thumbs Up: Void of Course Moons by Tracy Cook
- 07-21-2007 AstroThumbs Up: Guadalupe Virgin of The Americas by Tracy Cook
- 07-20-2007 Who am I? My Sun or My Moon? by Tracy Cook
- 06-10-2007 Can anyone explain Mercury Retrograde to me? by Tracy Cook
- 05-20-2007 Who is in the Hot Seat by Tracy Cook
- 05-01-2007 Astro Coming Attraction by Tracy Cook
New Moon Articles by Tracy
- 2014: Sag New Moon --Change that perspective-NOW!
- 2024 Capricorn New Moon: Let's Get Your Cap On!
- 2nd Aquarius New Moon: 2015
- And now it is the Second Cancer New Moon!
- Aqaurius New Moon 2011--The New Quilting BEE!
- Aquarius New Moon 2010! It is a strange trip
- Aquarius New Moon 2012!
- Aquarius New Moon 2014 - You LikeMind me.
- Aquarius New Moon 2015 - The Zero One
- Aquarius New Moon 2016: Get Your Tribe On
- Aquarius New Moon 2017: Out of the chaos we find our Peeps.
- aquarius New Moon 2017: Out of the chaos we find our Peeps.
- Aquarius New Moon 2017: Out of The Chaos We Find our Peeps!!
- Aquarius New Moon 2018: Friends & Communities
- Aquarius New Moon 2019: No Time or Place for Emotions
- Aquarius New Moon 2020: Expect the Unexpected
- Aquarius New Moon 2021 Your Place in the Community
- Aquarius New Moon 2022: Loneliness or Circles? Your choice!
- Aquarius New Moon 2023: Wear Your Weird
- Aquarius New Moon 2024: Pluto is Getting Our Attention
- Aquarius New Moon 2025
- Aquarius New Moon--Unique Solutions if you are willing
- Aries New Moon #1 March 2023
- Aries New Moon #2 - April 19th 2023 PDT
- Aries New Moon - It will be a great Treasure Map time!
- Aries New Moon 2009---IT’S A BIG ONE!
- Aries New Moon 2010--Let's get this party started!
- Aries New Moon 2012: You rule!
- Aries New Moon 2014 Get out of the way! Your Life is Coming
- Aries New Moon 2016: Light this rocket!
- Aries New Moon 2017
- Aries New Moon 2018: What Are Your Instincts Telling You?
- Aries New Moon 2019: Patience. Yes. That Word.
- Aries New Moon 2020: Survival
- Aries New Moon 2021: Heart Driven Changes
- Aries New Moon 2022: Finding Self Now!
- Aries New Moon 2024 Total Solar Eclipse - Wow.
- Aries New Moon 2025: A New Beginning for All
- Aries New Moon! (2008) by Tracy Cook
- Aries New Moon, 2011- Yes it is a big one!
- Astro Coming Attraction by Tracy Cook
- Astro Thumbs Up: Void of Course Moons by Tracy Cook
- AstroThumbs Up: Guadalupe Virgin of The Americas by Tracy Cook
- Can anyone explain Mercury Retrograde to me? by Tracy Cook
- Cancer Eclipse & New Moon 2019: Your Emotions Will Guide You
- Cancer New Moon & The Grand Cross
- Cancer New Moon --The Great Healing by Tracy Cook
- Cancer New Moon 2010---Your feelings have answers
- Cancer New Moon 2012 - "It's the flow, Baby!"
- Cancer New Moon 2014: REFRESH!
- Cancer New Moon 2016: Let It Flow
- Cancer New Moon 2017: Are your emotions flowing? Good.
- Cancer New Moon 2023: Ride the Rapids
- Cancer New Moon 2024: Emotions, Feelings and Needs- Oh, My!
- Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse June 20, 2020
- Cancer New Moon--The first of two (2009)
- Cancer New Moon-Ready, Set, Emote! July, 14th 2007 by Tracy Cook
- Cancer New Moon: 2013
- Cancer New Moon: 2022 - Emotions Guide Us To Our Heart
- Cancer New Moon: Don't make me go find your roots...you do it!
- Cancer New Moon: Feelings. Emotions. Passion. 2021
- Cancer Solar Eclipse 2018
- Capricorn 2010 NEW MOON--Taking Care of Business!
- Capricorn 2011-Aim your ambition-NOW
- Capricorn New Moon - Get Serious!
- Capricorn New Moon 2011 -Be the authority and move up!
- Capricorn New Moon 2013: Pragmatic and no excuses
- Capricorn New Moon 2014
- Capricorn NEW MOON 2016 ...Get Real!
- Capricorn New Moon 2018
- Capricorn New Moon 2019 - Pragmatism Pragmatism Pragmatism
- Capricorn New Moon 2019: Focused and Disciplined
- Capricorn New Moon 2019: Focused and Disciplined
- Capricorn New Moon 2021. Climb Like a Goat
- Capricorn New Moon 2022: Climb Heights
- Capricorn New Moon 2025 Ambition for You
- Capricorn New Moon Dec 2022: CEO of Values
- Capricorn New Moon: Slow and sensible is a-okay.
- Clean your Slate Capricorn New Moon! by Tracy Cook
- Dreaming on Pisces New Moon by Tracy Cook
- GEMINI NEW MOON 2011 –“Can someone turn on the air, please?”
- Gemini Eclipse New Moon 2021: Fact versus Fiction and Pivot !
- Gemini New Moon (2012)- Second time's the charm
- Gemini New Moon 2009---The Fast and Furious Talker
- Gemini New Moon 2010: A Tornado among us!
- Gemini New Moon 2013
- Gemini New Moon 2014: The power of light feet
- Gemini New Moon 2014: The power of light feet
- Gemini New Moon 2018 - Thoughts!
- Gemini New Moon 2019: Mix it up & Adapt
- Gemini New Moon 2020: Reboot Your Inner Computer
- Gemini New Moon 2022: Process the Information
- Gemini New Moon 2023: Fuzzy Data But Still Informs
- Gemini New Moon 2024: Cha-Cha-Cha-ing
- Gemini New Moon by Tracy Cook
- Gemini New Moon-- Reach out! Mix it Up!
- Gemini New Moon--the first round- 2012
- Gemini New Moon. Mental Exercises 2015
- Gemini New Moon. Mental Exercises 2015
- Gemini New Moon: Question and Shift
- Gemini- New Moon 2008-- Ready to Connect! by Tracy Cook
- Get out of the way---LEO NEW MOON is HERE!
- Get your Viking on--Aries New Moon 2013
- It is all a balancing act, Baby! Libra new moon 2008
- LEO 2008 New Moon--Sunny side of the street by Tracy Cook
- Leo New Moon - Round two & Solar Eclipse 2017
- Leo New Moon - The First One! 2017
- Leo New Moon - The First One! 2017
- Leo New Moon - To be bold or not to be bold? That is the question
- Leo New Moon 2011--Your passion tells you so
- Leo New Moon 2012--The Heart Wants To Thrive
- Leo New Moon 2013: Be Big. Be Very Big
- Leo New Moon 2015: Learn from the Lion!
- LEO NEW MOON 2016: Dare to find Joy & Strength
- Leo New Moon 2019: Be Special, dang it!
- Leo New Moon 2020: Put on Your Sloppy Cape
- Leo New Moon 2023 - 29 Days of Brave
- Leo New Moon 2024: Love, Strength and Courage
- Leo New Moon Eclipse 2018
- Leo New Moon: 2021 - Find Your Authentic Heart
- leo New Moon: 2021 - Find Your Authentic Heart
- Leo New Moon: 2022 - Be YOU.
- Leo's in the House..Roar! Sort of.. by Tracy Cook
- Libra New Moon (2007) by Tracy Cook
- Libra New Moon -How do you relate? Does it serve you?
- Libra New Moon 2009--The business of relating
- Libra New Moon 2012-
- Libra New Moon 2013 -- Balance That!
- Libra New Moon 2014: Let's really get our Libra on this time
- Libra New Moon 2015: Get your relationships straightened out
- Libra New Moon 2016: The Power of Negotiation
- Libra New Moon 2017: Not as light as you think
- Libra New Moon 2018: Power & Negotiations & Self Worth. Repeat.
- Libra New Moon 2019: Your Identity, My Identity & An Oxygen Mask
- Libra New Moon 2020: Bumpy. Power. Kindness. Repeat.
- Libra New Moon 2021: Where's your balance?
- Libra New Moon 2022 : How are your relating skills?
- Libra New Moon Eclipse 2023
- Libra New Moon Eclipse 2024: What's That Zagging?
- New Moon in Aquarius 2013 Pull out your lightening rod-hits are coming
- New Moon in Virgo--Now you can fix your life
- New Moon Leo 2010--Wish upon a star--"Hey, that's me!"
- Pisces 2021 New Moon - All We Need is Love
- Pisces New Moon 2010--The LEAP of FAITH
- Pisces New Moon 2012: What is Dissolving?
- Pisces New Moon 2013 -Get in the flow
- Pisces New Moon 2014: Go for the Flow
- Pisces New Moon 2015
- Pisces New Moon 2016: Karma and Elevation
- Pisces New Moon 2017 -- The Big Release and Melt
- Pisces New Moon 2018: Intuition Speaks Are You Hearing It?
- Pisces New Moon 2019: Dazed and Confused --Thank You For It
- Pisces New Moon 2020: Time to Get Quiet
- Pisces New Moon 2022: Finding the Inner World
- Pisces New Moon 2023: Beep!
- Pisces New Moon 2024: Connecting to Bigger
- Pisces New Moon 2025: Unplug and Replenish
- Pisces New Moon---Mystics Apply
- Pisces New Moon--Dive or wash up on shore, it is your choice!
- Sag New Moon 2010-- Ready, Aim---Change!
- Sag New Moon 2012 - A time to get real
- Sag New Moon 2021 Total Eclipse
- Sag New Moon 2023: Bits of Joy is still Joy
- Sag New Moon Total Eclipse 2020: The Truth is in The Mirror
- Sag New Moon---All Vision without the Hype!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2009--Ready, Aim, Adjust...Fire, Adjust, Aim, Ready..
- Sagittarius New Moon 2013 - Forward Ho!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2015: The Adventure!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2016: Get Wise Get Inspired
- Sagittarius New Moon 2017 - On Top of The Galactic Center
- Sagittarius New Moon 2018 - Get Inspired. Now!
- Sagittarius New Moon 2019: Hot & Cold Wisdom
- Sagittarius New Moon 2024: Finding The Way
- Sagittarius New Moon--Mother Knows Best
- Saturn in Virgo---Times up! by Tracy Cook
- Scorpio New Moon (2017) : Act Like a Plumber!!
- Scorpio New MOON 2009-Resources and Community--Where do I fit?
- Scorpio New Moon 2010-Jump in the water!
- Scorpio New moon 2012: Suit up and Commit
- Scorpio New Moon 2015
- Scorpio New Moon 2016: Release the death grip
- Scorpio New Moon 2018 - Rejuvenate!
- Scorpio New Moon 2019 - Shocked to Vulnerability
- Scorpio New Moon 2020: Dig Deep & Get Rid of Debris
- Scorpio New Moon 2023: Depth & Release
- Scorpio New Moon 2024: Tapping Power & Getting Unstuck
- Scorpio NEW MOON by Tracy Cook
- Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse SHED! SHED!SHED!
- Scorpio New Moon(2011)--DNA, Survival and ditching Garbage
- Scorpio New Moon: Get Your Plumbers Butt On!
- scorpio New Moon: Get your Plumbers Butt on!
- Scorpio New Moon: Solar Eclipse 2014
- scorpio New Moon: Solar Eclipse 2015
- Scorpio Solar Eclipse New Moon 2022: Release. Got it?
- Second Cancer New Moon 2020
- Taurus New Moon 2010-----And so we begin.......
- Taurus New Moon 2011--Build upon it!
- TAURUS NEW MOON 2012 --What do you value?
- Taurus New Moon 2017: Practicality for a Personal Revolution
- Taurus New Moon 2018: Making Changes Bit by Bit
- Taurus New Moon 2019: Feel The Changes
- Taurus New Moon 2020: The rest of the year and being practical
- Taurus New Moon 2021. Slow down and find your values.
- Taurus New Moon 2022: Our Resources, our Love our Values!
- Taurus New Moon 2024: The Power of Slowing Down
- Taurus New Moon Eclipse: Yes you can make the changes!
- Taurus New Moon. Getting Practical ..Seriously, for real
- Taurus New Moon: May 19 The Glory of Practicality!
- Taurus New Moon: Take the short route between A&B
- Taurus to the RESCUE!
- TaurusNewMoon 2014--Building Good bit by bit
- The Sea has changed---SCORPIO NEW MOON 2008
- There she blows!!! SAG NEW MOON is HERE! by Tracy Cook
- Tick Tock Virgo New Moon Strikes the Clock....2008
- Treasure Mapping by Tracy Cook
- Virgo 2018 New Moon - A Hero's Journey
- Virgo 2019 New Moon - A Car Full of Nerves
- Virgo New Moon - Your daily life is YOU. How is it going?
- Virgo New Moon 2011- Help & Work serve you!
- Virgo New Moon 2012: Sweating the Small Stuff
- Virgo New Moon 2013: A Big Opportunity
- Virgo New Moon 2016 - What's that stuff in your schedule?
- Virgo New Moon 2017: Skills Needed! Please Apply
- Virgo New Moon 2021: Daily efforts build your life
- Virgo New Moon 2022: Don't be a burnt out Roomba
- Virgo New Moon 2023: Keep Your Head Down & Do The Work
- Virgo New Moon by Tracy Cook
- Virgo New Moon--Details Rule
- Virgo New Moon: 2020 - Every choice is yours
- Virgo New Moon: 2024 - Control Your Future By Your Schedule
- Watch out! Here comes Saturn - By Tracy Cook
- What To Do This Taurus New Moon by Tracy Cook
- Who am I? My Sun or My Moon? by Tracy Cook
- Who is in the Hot Seat by Tracy Cook
- You had me at Hello, Aquarius New Moon by Tracy Cook
It has been brought to our attention that Margaret is being portrayed as a psychic on $1.99 sites. These sites are doing so without Margaret's permission. Margaret has not claimed she is a psychic. - MW